OU: Strategy The X and Y Metagame Discussion Thread

RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

I'd be amazed if Aegislash didn't end up getting Swords Dance. So a set consisting of Swords Dance / Iron Head / Shadow Sneak / Filler seems pretty legitimate. You can essentially boost in defense form and then sweep with Shadow Sneak.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

The fact that many Dragon types should cary Steel type moves is pretty game changing. That’s a slot that they could have had for broader coverage move; D-dance Garchomp has to decide between Fire Fang or Metal Claw. Outrage is no longer viable; anyone using it will be punished severely by fairies. Defensively, I think Dragons don't have too much to worry about. Goodra will have a nice roll as a special wall against anything that doesn't carry ice, like Jolteon.

Sylveon is going to be amazing, as it has many Anti-sweeper options. With Baby Doll Eyes and a high special defense, it can stop many things cold, especially dragons. Misty Field can stop Swords dancers, Nasty Plotters, Calm Minders, you name it. It has a decent attacking option too with Moon Blast and decent special. I'm really curious in seeing its other abilities, as Charm isn't going to be that helpful.

But my -favorite- change this gen is Dark types not having to worry about steel types. This is good for me because I like to run pokemon like Zoroark and Weavile. Thing is; now they have to worry about Fairies too, bet we've yet to see a super defensive Fairy type (Gardevoir takes neutral damage to Dark).

However, the existence of Mega evos might throw a wrench into all this. Thankfully, (of pokemon that are already really good) Mega Garchomp is slower and possibly frail, Mega Gengar is of a not desirable typing, Mega Aerodactyle can't possibly do anything impressive beyond what just Aerodactyle does (I could be wrong). The only one I'm concerned about is Mega Blaziken, with its access to Speed Boost, Substitute, and Baton Pass. Though it's theorized that Speed Boost Blaziken (from Gen 5) still does more damage with access to Life Orb, but it doesn't have Baton Pass. I mean, I hate coming to the solution of banning, but...

So yeah theres my thoughts.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

I'd be amazed if Aegislash didn't end up getting Swords Dance.
Honedge is already confirmed to get it, did you forget, silly? :p
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

If anything, I think that the introduction of fairies is what the metagame needed. Now Pokemon have to choose between running: Outrage, the strongest physical dragon move that really screws you over if a fairy type comes in, Dragon Claw, the consistency move, and coverage from Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge and Iron Tail. You've gotta decide "Do I want to hit Steel-types or Fairy-types and have a consistent move, or do I want to sacrifice consistency and get greater coverage from a third coverage move like Stone Edge.

Fairy-types are going to make a big splash in the metagame by reducing the prevalence of Hyper Offense, and that's gonna be fun. We might even be able to have stall in 6th gen!
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Talonflame estimated stats:


that speed stat is amazing, however it unfortunately doesn't have that good attack to back it up.
It's defenses are also meh, especially when one factors in SR taking half its HP every turn.

Could see some use in lower tiers, but unless it has a godly ability I can't see it being too good in OU play
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

I really have an interest in Greninja's base 120 speed. I'm really curious in what support moves he has. Being a Ninja, it would be really nice if he at least got some sort of Spikes to lay down. With moves like Arial Ace and Extrasensory confirmed, I'm confident in his moveset.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Zenja said:
I really have an interest in Greninja's base 120 speed. I'm really curious in what support moves he has. Being a Ninja, it would be really nice if he at least got some sort of Spikes to lay down. With moves like Arial Ace and Extrasensory confirmed, I'm confident in his moveset.

I think the starter most likely to get Spikes (if any) is Chesnaught... I mean look at it

Aerial Ace isn't gonna be amazing for Greninja, its Special attack is way better than its attack and Ice Beam gives it Grass coverage (as well as Dragon)
Extrasensory is probably not gonna get much use.. It really depends on whether Greninja gets any other moves that can successfully counter Fighting types

If it gets Acrobatics then that is gonna be the best Flying move possible for it, whilst in the realm of actually possible
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

P.DelSlayer said:
Zenja said:
I really have an interest in Greninja's base 120 speed. I'm really curious in what support moves he has. Being a Ninja, it would be really nice if he at least got some sort of Spikes to lay down. With moves like Arial Ace and Extrasensory confirmed, I'm confident in his moveset.

I think the starter most likely to get Spikes (if any) is Chesnaught... I mean look at it

Aerial Ace isn't gonna be amazing for Greninja, its Special attack is way better than its attack and Ice Beam gives it Grass coverage (as well as Dragon)
Extrasensory is probably not gonna get much use.. It really depends on whether Greninja gets any other moves that can successfully counter Fighting types

If it gets Acrobatics then that is gonna be the best Flying move possible for it, whilst in the realm of actually possible

I merely gave those examples for the potential of his movepool, since it gets a wide range of both special and physical, however I'm skepticle as to its ability to learn a beam, but that's nebulous. But since you brought up his stats, it's apparent that Greninja is capable of a mixed set. It's special isn't "way better", since its probably only 10 points more.

Plus, the idea behind "Spikes" is that they're supposed to represent caltrops, a similar device used in ninjitsu (same with poison, so toxic spikes is just as likely). Also, Accelgor learns Spikes, another Ninja inspired pokemon.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Weather abilities now have been nerfed to be the same as the moves (lasts only five turns, weather counter can't reset until it ends, etc). An item called Smooth Rock or w/e doubles the time limit to 10.

Get hype? Get hype!
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

I heard that was a rumor from someone who was trolling the Smogon thread.

But if it's true then Gen.6 metagame will officially be my favorite.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

On my phone so I can't post the image, but someone on Smogon posted a picture of Kirlia taking neutral stealth rock damage, taking ~10.3% of Stealth Rock damage instead of the 12.5% it would've taken in Gen5. It's kinda close still to the 12.5% so I wouldn't get too excited until we see something happen to like Moltres or something.

So if Stealth Rock is indeed nerfed to increments of 10%, and the autoweather (which also received confirmation some some people in Germany who got the game early), Gen.6 is looking like it'll be amazing.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

What level was the Kirlia at? If it's like 20-29, it's entirely possible that Kirlia doesn't have enough HP for it to take a full 12.5% damage. I see it in Little Cup games all the time on PS where flying-type mons switch into SR and it says -18%. If Kirlia only has 54 HP, it'll lose 6 HP to rocks which is only 11.1%, but it can't lose more because 7 HP is ~13%, and Pokemon generally rounds down. (hence Flying and Fire-types, especially ones using Volt Siwtch and U-turn, trying to get Odd-numbered HP)
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Mega Gengar is still Ghost/Poison and it now has Shadow Tag. For stats, I'm getting that it has around 60 HP / 80 Atk / 88 Def / 175 SAtk / 105 SDef / 141 Spd at maximum.

Kevin Garrett said:
It is being reported that the sleep counter is not reset upon switching back into battle. That's welcome news.



Game Freak is slowly fixing the mistakes they have made. :')
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

ily gamefreak

I guess Gengar is on his way too ubers now. Pretty much everything Chandelure wanted to be and then more.

Or ban Gengarite I guess. Perspectives.

Also the Steel/Fairy type Klefki gets Prankster + Spikes. That sounds really neat imo.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Klefki could be cool as a lead if it also gets Stealth Rock. Its stats don't really give it much outside of that, however.

Hurricane went from 120 bp to 110 bp. Not major, but it's nice knowing Dragonite and Tornadus are doing just a less damage, even if it's a little lol. Frost Breath is now 60 bp. With it always doing a critical, it is now more powerful than Ice Beam and is now like Gen 1 Blizzard minus the freeze chance. Shame it's less accurate than Ice Beam and horribly distributed.

Thunder, Blizzard, and Fire Blast also are 110 BP now. PP and accuracy is still the same. What the hell Game Freak?
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Frost Breath is essentially Gen1 blizzard. 120BP and 90% accuracy. I think every ice type will run it.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Sadly, Hidden Power is now always 60 bp. I'm guessing they changed it to this due to the addition of a new type.
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Does anyone know Xerneas' approximate base stats yet?
RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Yes, Mega Gengar needs to go. That 175 SAtk with Ghost-Fighting coverage, ~140 Spe and Shadow Tag is unbelievable. It's a shame it can't use Specs though - Ubers would enjoy that so much. :p

As for the power reductions, that's a bummer. They didn't hit Hydro Pump though, so it's all good #rainerryday. Frost Breath needs to get better distribution; as long as Aurorus has it, I'm fine. That one in particular interests me.

Hidden Power at 60 is disappointing. Coverage for special attackers is the name of the game, but now that's a much harder luxury to pull off. All of our HP damage calcs will now need to be redone too.

On SR, fixing it at 10% increments is what we need. Volcarona can switch in up to six times now. :D

Overall, this looks like a more balanced generation. It gives defense a chance to fight the powercreep at last.

RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread

Wailady said:
Does anyone know Xerneas' approximate base stats yet?
~125 HP / 135 Atk / 100 Def / 135 SpA / 100 SpD / 100 Spe

Basically Yvetal with more defense points and less HP, give or take around 10 points per stat.