Here are the combos. It's a crazy deck. I even have room for 10 traps.
Hand: Teus + Pike/Hilde + Water
summon Teus, search Pike/Hilde
summon Pike, search Ocea
Hilde specials Ocea
trade Teus for Mander & Level 3
overlay for any Rank 4 (Bahamut, Dweller, Chain), detach Mander
can overlay Hilde/Ocea for Rank 3/4/5 by banishing Mander
(this combo can give you the Bahamut/Angineer/Trite combo from last format, but you have many more options)
Hand: Teus + Ocea + Pike/Gunde
summon Teus (discard Ocea), search Pike/Gunde
summon Pike, search Dine
Gunde specials Ocea
trade Teus for Mander & Hilde (Mander in Attack position)
overlay for Angineer, detach Hilde and target Mander
Hilde specials Dine, Dine specials Hilde
overlay Pike/Mander for Bahamut/Chain, detach Mander (summon Trite/send Tidal)
can overlay Dine/Hilde for Rank 3/4/5, preferably the Bahamut/Chain you didn't summon first
Field: Linde
destroy Linde (e.g. by ramming into opponent's monster)
summon Dine, Dine specials Linde
banish Mander from grave
overlay for Volcasaurus (end game option)
Hand: Teus + Water
summon Teus, search Ocea
summon Ocea
trade Teus for Linde & Level 3
overlay Ocea/Level 3 for Zenmaines/Angineer (worst case play, Zenmaines gets rid of Dweller easily)
Hand: Teus + Dragoons + Tidal
summon Teus, search Megalo/Leed and Ocea
summon Ocea
trade Teus for Mander/Hilde
summon Tidal (banishes Teus/Dragoons)
overlay for Leviair, detach Hilde
special Dragoons and Megalo/Leed (latter from hand)
overlay Mander/Dragoons for Bahamut, detach Dragoons (search whatever)
overlay Megalo or Leed/Tidal for Gaios
(you can also tribute the Trite to discard a card from your opponent's hand with Leed and make Dracossack if you do so)
Hand: Teus + Pike/Hilde + Water
do the first combo until you get a field of Ocea/Mander/Pike/Level 3
overlay for Chain, detach Mander (dump Tidal)
summon Tidal
overlay Ocea/Level 3 for Shark Fortress/Volcasaurus (Fortress=OTK on open field, Volcasaurus=OTK on field with one opponent's monster of 1000+)
Hand: Teus + Ocea + Pike/Gunde + Water
summon Teus, search Pike/Gunde
summon Ocea
trade Teus for Mander & Hilde (Mander in Attack position)
overlay for Angineer, detach Hilde
Hilde specials Pike, discard Gunde
search any level 3, Gunde specials Teus
overlay for Chain, detach Mander (dump Tidal)
summon Tidal, overlay for Gaios/Rank 7 (amazing first turn lockdown field with Gaios)