TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round Two Pairings Up!)

RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

This looks like fun so I'll join too. (And just to verify something we have 5 days to complete 1 game, correct?)
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

We should wait 'till the SF patch comes out... I don't wanna use proxies. =/

And maybe give people some time to test their SF decks with the new patch before the tourney...
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Whoah. I get busy for a few days and come back to this! This is awesome!

Anyway, I would have to say yes to Stormfront. I mean, a tournament without PokeDrawer? Nonsense. But, as you have all probably guessed, this means we have to wait until the patch comes out.

I will edit this post as soon as I put everyone's names on the master list.


Whoah. Again. Well, we have a grand total of... ten entries (eleven if I include myself). Now comes time to actually introduce the format I want to play with. My [updated] guidlines are as follows:

  • We will play in the current modified format
  • Battles will take place once a week, having the times decided by the battlers over PM
  • Participants MUST have the PM feature turned on to participate
  • Games will be played using Redshark
  • There will be a time limit of 5 days to complete one game
  • The tournament will be played in the Swiss format
  • A battle record (who won, who lost) must be submitted by both players for the battle to count
  • Battles will be played on Monday to Saturday, results will be calculated on Sunday, and pairings will be up by Monday.

I will PM this list to everyone so you guys can have your own copy.

Updates will continue until we are ready to begin. As it stands, we can technically start at any time, so I will close registration at the end of the week, regardless of the Redshark situation. After registration is closed, the tournament will start either the following week or the Tuesday after the Stormfront Patch is released.

If you have any questions or comments at this point, post them. PM me only as a response to what I PM you.

Thank you again for registering!
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Is it too late for me to join?
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Same, if there is anymroe room, I want to join.
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Yes, both of you can join!

Now that the Stormfront patch is out, download it as soon as possible!

Also, I am closing registration now so we can get started on Monday. If I will not play, meaning that we would have an even number. This is good because nobody will get a bye, making my calculations of tiebraking status a little easier (and everyone gets to play every week!)

So, if you are on the master list, you are officially in the tournament. Download Stormfront ASAP, because you will need it to play.

If you are reading this thread after I have posted this, it is too late to join. I am really sorry! :( If this tournament is a success, though, I will run another one, so be on the lookout for tournament threads.

I am going to send out another mass PM so everyone will know.

This being said, pairings will be up as soon as possible. Since it is the first round and some of you might not know exactly what you are doing (which is totally okay), putting pairings up before Monday will give you time to communicate with your opponent. This won't happen often, so take advantage of it to learn the ropes.

Instant messaging is a great way communicate times and dates, but if that is not availible PMing is wonderful as well.

Again, just make sure that your games are completed within a Monday-Saturday window. For the first round, I will not get angry if you finish games early (after all, I am putting pairings up early). With [all] that being said, I will post pairings ASAP.

Disclaimer: Because I am NOT a professor and do not own tournament running software, I am doing this myself. I hold no bias to any particular player and swear to make the pairings fairly. If you find there is an issue or error with the pairings of any sort (which there shouldn't be), contact me immediatly so I can correct it. This is my first time running a tournament, and I am doing so for the experience and so the online players have an outlet to play in, so please do not complain about things that really don't matter. Again, if this goes well, there will be more to come.

Thanks again to all of you who made this possible.
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Why put the pairings up on monday? I think it would be better to put them up on sunday.
That's just my opinion.
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Tracy said:
pssh. Put them up now!

Yeah. Put them up now (please), unless you have reason. If you do have a reason, could you tell us?
RE: Who is interested in a small-scale tournament?

Hehe. By popular request, round one pairings are up early! PM your partners and get started! Results due by Saturday, November 15.

Here are the round one pairings:

Table 1: Zyflair vs. Tracy
Table 2: Serebii19975 vs. Ariadosguy
Table 3: dragonspy900 vs. cheetor 586
Table 4: Phoenix vs. Jamtok
Table 5: TheDarkToxicroak vs. SheimiGiratina
Table 6: Lunar Wing vs. (Randy Arnold)

Play away!

And remember: BOTH players must submit results for the game to be valid!

The tournament will be four rounds of swiss with a top four cut.

RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Do you think I could join possibly? Maybe if someone else joins just make another round, if you could. Thanks :)
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Gah, I've had hardly any time to playtest my decks D:<... Oh well, prepare for something random. Seribii, whenever you're up for it, I can play.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Quick Question : Can we switch decks in between rounds?
Also Lunar Wing , I can battle at like 8pm most likey. (I have to clean my room first through)
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

I have set up a Hamachi network for this tourney only. If I catch you joining and you're not in the tourney, I will boot you off the network.

Name: ShamanKingTourney
Password: TheNextShamanKing
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Andyman said:
Do you think I could join possibly? Maybe if someone else joins just make another round, if you could. Thanks :)

Sorry, but I am going to have to say no for this one. If I make one exception, I might have to make many, seeming registration is already closed. Check back when this one is over though, I might organize another one! Again, I am really very sorry... :(

(Randy-Arnold) said:
Quick Question : Can we switch decks in between rounds?

To keep this as close to a normal tournament as possible, I will have to say no.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Tracy lost, no offense. The prize record was 3-1 when she scooped.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Do I join as a host or as a guest?

EDIT: Ugh, this is going to be so hard to co-ordinate... Considering I live in a different timezone.

How do I find my IP number?

And how do I connect to the Hamachi network? Sorry for the noob-y questions... I just really need to battle my opponent at some stage. o_0