BW/BW2 Things you don't want to see in B/W

New Pokémon types. It would be redicolous to put new types in so late. And a battle tower without a Battle Frontier should not happen again, like in D/P. And the slow battles like in D/P would also be irritating.
Gym leaders waffling on about how they've dedicated their lives to loving pokemon and how they've trained for ages and will not be defeated easily. Change the record please.

I'd like to see Gym Leaders mixed up a be more involved in storylines (like in the anime) and then when you have to battle them it'll mean a bit more because you went around with them/teamed up with them earlier and got to know their characters.
Blue Cobra said:
New Pokémon types. It would be redicolous to put new types in so late. And a battle tower without a Battle Frontier should not happen again, like in D/P. And the slow battles like in D/P would also be irritating.

New types would change the metagame. I remember when Gold and Silver came out, I was so used to Red and Blue that the steel and dark types made me fill weird, and it took a long time to cope with. No new types!
A crappy AI that is capable of getting fixated on Double Team.

Gym/Elite Four Pokemon that don't make sense like in D/P.

Baby forms that are not of Kangaskhan.

New evos that are not of Tauros, Pinsir, Stantler, Dunsparce, Girafarig, Qwilfish, Kecleon, or Relicanth.

New HMs.
I'd really wish they'd cut out the animation for when your pokemon uses a HM on the world map. Or at least give us an option to turn it off.

Pokemon following you; there was no point to it and just took up extra time when entering buildings/getting on bike.

Voltorb Flip; or at least give us the option to buy coins.
I don't think new types would be a bad thing (there's always the chance of a good new typing even if you don't think so), but they'd have to be good and not silly ones like sand or oil or something like that.

I liked having pokemon following you, but I think if it's in there should be an option to turn it off. Keeps everyone happy that way.
Dizzard said:
I don't think new types would be a bad thing (there's always the chance of a good new typing even if you don't think so), but they'd have to be good and not silly ones like sand or oil or something like that.

I liked having pokemon following you, but I think if it's in there should be an option to turn it off. Keeps everyone happy that way.

The entire meta-game would be ruined and it was kinda proven that there would be no new types when Reshiram came out...
No new types, yes. I completely agree.

However there should (there better be atleast) new DUAL types. That is important.
TheDarkLucario said:
The entire meta-game would be ruined and it was kinda proven that there would be no new types when Reshiram came out...

There isn't any way to know that for sure.

Was the whole meta-game ruined when Steel and Dark were introduced? It would be shaken up but I doubt it would be ruined.

I don't think there are new types either but I just don't think a new type would completely devastate the game. People would be upset for a while (as usual) but then they'd get over it and realize it's not as bad as they first thought.

I don't really see your logic that Reshiram proved there would be no new types either. In gen two when Dark and steel were introduced neither Lugia or Ho-oh had either of the two new typings. Just because Reshiram was thought by many to have a new Light Typing and then it didn't doesn't mean anything at all. It didn't prove or disprove anything...except maybe that it proved people are too quick to assume things.

For the record though I don't believe we'll be seeing new types in Black and White. If there were new typings they'd have shown them off by now.
Dizzard said:
There isn't any way to know that for sure.

Was the whole meta-game ruined when Steel and Dark were introduced? It would be shaken up but I doubt it would be ruined.

I don't think there are new types either but I just don't think a new type would completely devastate the game. People would be upset for a while (as usual) but then they'd get over it and realize it's not as bad as they first thought.
Uh in Gold and Silver a lot of stuff changed besides dark and steal in gen 2:
Bug was super effective to poison in Gen 1---Not very effective in Gen 2
Bug had normal effectiveness to Ghost in Gen 1---Not very effective in Gen 2
Poison had Super effectiveness to bug in Gen 1---Normal effective in Gen 2
Ghost was not effective to Psychic in Gen 1---Super effective in Gen 2
Ice was normal effective to Fire in Gen 1---Super effective in Gen 2

And they introduced Steel an Dark to balance out Psychic, which was TOO POWERFUL and Fighting, which was useless basically :(

Due to this, if they were to introduce new types, it would be to balance out Types, which isn't needed -_- Case closed.

Edit; Reshiram was thought to be the rumored LIGHT TYPE!! GAWD what a fail -_-
Dizzard said:
I don't think new types would be a bad thing (there's always the chance of a good new typing even if you don't think so), but they'd have to be good and not silly ones like sand or oil or something like that.

I liked having pokemon following you, but I think if it's in there should be an option to turn it off. Keeps everyone happy that way.

Lol with oil Pokemon it will just remind people of the BP oil spill thing, i can imagine Rigoline(Oil rig + gasoline) but seriously i don't want to see the long captions like "This rock appears to be breakable." "Do you want a Pokemon to use rock smash?" "Bidoof used Rock smash." "The Rock was broken."
TheDarkLucario said:
Edit; Reshiram was thought to be the rumored LIGHT TYPE!! GAWD what a fail -_-

So? That's what I said.

People thought it was a light type, it wasn't, but that wouldn't prove on it's own that there wouldn't be light types. That's what I meant....common sense will tell you that you need more information than just the fact that Reshiram is not a light type to disprove light types.

I don't think there will be light types personally so don't think I'm trying to prove that there is light types, because it seems like something that some fans want so much they're deluding themselves into thinking it will happen when game freak probably have no intention of changing the formula, unless they're feeling brave.
Dizzard said:
So? That's what I said.

People thought it was a light type, it wasn't, but that wouldn't prove on it's own that there wouldn't be light types. That's what I meant...common sense will tell you that you need more information than just the fact that Reshiram is not a light type to disprove light types.

I don't think there will be light types personally so don't think I'm trying to prove that there is light types, because it seems like something that some fans want so much they're deluding themselves into thinking it will happen when game freak probably have no intention of changing the formula, unless they're feeling brave.
I never said you said that. And you have two personalities cause your on two different sides :I
TheDarkLucario said:
I never said you said that. And you have two personalities cause your on two different sides :I

Oh I get what you meant now.

I'm not on two different sides. I said I don't believe that there will be light types or any other new type. All I'm saying is that just because people thought Reshiram was a light type and it wasn't doesn't in itself disprove light types. (Please note that I'm not saying there is light types here I'm just saying that Reshiram not being light type isn't really what proves there will be none)

Does nobody understand what I'm trying to put across? :S I don't know I'm bothering though because it doesn't mean that much to's just bugging me a bit.
Dizzard said:
Oh I get what you meant now.

I'm not on two different sides. I said I don't believe that there will be light types or any other new type. All I'm saying is that just because people thought Reshiram was a light type and it wasn't doesn't in itself disprove light types. (Please note that I'm not saying there is light types here I'm just saying that Reshiram not being light type isn't really what proves there will be none)

Does nobody understand what I'm trying to put across? :S I don't know I'm bothering though because it doesn't mean that much to's just bugging me a bit.

Don't worry i understand you thought i do hope their will be light type but i highly doubt it.
I don't want to see:
•Zubat's. Every 3 seconds... *Nightmares*
•Those things "A sand storm rages/hail falls!" *Hit's pokemon* "Pikachu was buffeted by storm!" *Posibly hits the other pokemon* ... (OMG imagine triple battles with a sand storm D: )
•An annoying gang... "Team redwood! Team Cedar!"...
•I don't not want to see GB player from HG/SS
•Ridiculous story line... "Team redwood have stole Zerkoms baby!! SAVE IT!!!" or something...
•I don't not want to see a chatot evolution, Chatot's are epic.
•I don't want to have an annoying rival like Jun...

That's all for now ^^
Less Phone and Radio Pokegear additions. I think DPP had the right idea with the Poketech, they just need to weed out the useless apps. And if they do the item finder like they did in HGSS they NEED TO KEEP IT ON THE SCREEN after you leave a battle. Even with having it as a select toggle it was very annoying to keep switching back to it.

This is probably why I loved DPP's poketech. But seriously, we only need one clock app.
Shimama-man said:
I don't want to see:
•Zubat's. Every 3 seconds... *Nightmares*
•Those things "A sand storm rages/hail falls!" *Hit's pokemon* "Pikachu was buffeted by storm!" *Posibly hits the other pokemon* ... (OMG imagine triple battles with a sand storm D: )
•An annoying gang... "Team redwood! Team Cedar!"...
•I don't not want to see GB player from HG/SS
•Ridiculous story line... "Team redwood have stole Zerkoms baby!! SAVE IT!!!" or something...
•I don't not want to see a chatot evolution, Chatot's are epic.
•I don't want to have an annoying rival like Jun...

That's all for now ^^

1. If Zubats give you nightmares you might wanna get that checked out...
2. Why do people keep complaining about the speed? B/W are pushing the DS to its limit basically. The game is probably gonna be slow, so get over it.(Sorry if that offends anyone)
3. You are the ONLY person I know that seems to not like the GB Player. Why?
4. I actually liked Jun, he was different.

I don't want to see a connection to a couple regions and not others. (Like Hoenn, but they probably won't connect it to other regions. maybe Orre(I made a thread about PBR, the Shadow Pokemon games, and stuff, but no one really posted) when/if the 5th gen Wii adaptations come out.
ShayminSky said:
1. If Zubats give you nightmares you might wanna get that checked out...
2. Why do people keep complaining about the speed? B/W are pushing the DS to its limit basically. The game is probably gonna be slow, so get over it.(Sorry if that offends anyone)
3. You are the ONLY person I know that seems to not like the GB Player. Why?
4. I actually liked Jun, he was different.

I don't want to see a connection to a couple regions and not others. (Like Hoenn, but they probably won't connect it to other regions. maybe Orre(I made a thread about PBR, the Shadow Pokemon games, and stuff, but no one really posted) when/if the 5th gen Wii adaptations come out.

He does not have nightmares and if he does hypothetically then that's not that weird dreams and nightmares are meant to be weird.