BW/BW2 Things you don't want to see in B/W

One thing I dont want to see is more evolutions of previous pokemon. Some were cool in the 4th gen, and others were terrible. I only want to see new pokemon. Hopefully more machine like ones.
No unoriginal type combos like Normal/Flying...oh wait.

Okay then how about this: No more Dragon type legendaries.....oh *bleep* too late for that too....

Uuhhmmmm....I'd hate to see Hax Towers and Hax Frontiers that spam crits and Double Team stuff.
Things i dont want to see-

1)Terrible second and third evolutions of the starters.
2)That some legendary pokemon dont have a story leading up the the catching. Like mewtwo. at least they couldve put "mewtwo is a pokemon that destroys everything and you need to catch it so it can calm down!"
3)the whole it is raining, it is hailing, etc.and i hope that when its raining theres actual rain in the background.
4)pokemon that dont look like what their status condition is. i hope that for example, if a mijumaru is frozen or paralyzed, thay should actually show it not moving. when its in love, they should show it with hearts in its eyes.

i think thats it......dang i cant remember the last one!
Psyduck. Well, I like Psyduck, but Golduck deserves to go die in a hole... why has he been in every dex?
Xdogking said:
Psyduck. Well, I like Psyduck, but Golduck deserves to go die in a hole... why has he been in every dex?

Can't have one without the other. Why the golduck hate anyways? I thought he was a pretty cool pokemon.
A few things I don't want to see.
1). Tentacool (Too many).
2). Magikarp (A Thousand).
3). Zubat (Thank goodness there's Koromori).
4). Beginner guide like introducing Pokemon Center, Mart, Catching Wild Pokemon, etc.
I don't want to see a slow battle system. Maybe if we press 'A' during the animations in battle, they'll stop the animations, so we get to pick and choose which animations we want to see.

What I want to see is that after you beat the elite four, All trainers will be able to fight you again. This is so that you can start a new journey with a new team without having to create a new file.
cartman said:
I don't want to see a slow battle system. Maybe if we press 'A' during the animations in battle, they'll stop the animations, so we get to pick and choose which animations we want to see.

What I want to see is that after you beat the elite four, All trainers will be able to fight you again. This is so that you can start a new journey with a new team without having to create a new file.

While I don't mind the animations as much as others do, I do want the second thing you mentioned to occur. It was always so hard to find a battle in which your lvl. 15 larvitar could actually compete in.
I dont want to see the Pokegear. Ever. At first i thought it was sweet and all when i played my SS after soo many years since i stopped playing the Silver version on my GB. Then, it got annoying. I love the Poketch in D/P/Pt. Probably the best thing they came upso far for Diamond/Pearl.
Drakeman said:
I don't want to see the Pokegear. Ever. At first i thought it was sweet and all when i played my SS after soo many years since i stopped playing the Silver version on my GB. Then, it got annoying. I love the Poketch in D/P/Pt. Probably the best thing they came upso far for Diamond/Pearl.

Poke`Gear is only available in Johto. Now we're using some kind of that thing too. Its called C-Gear. So, I think its similar to Poke`Gear. But only with more feature.
sturtle said:
Yes. That's a good one. BTW, Emploeon is a steel type, so he wouldn't be buffeted. Just sayin'.

I want to have faster gameplay, in the sense that the game moves faster, not the story. The text should move faster, the characters should speak faster, the attack animation should be faster, because I am impatient.

I also don't want silly characters. Trainers like clowns or youngsters, because they bother me. They stuff they say like, "I'm so cool!" or, "I like bug Pokemon! How about you!" really ticks me off. I want serious characters, that actually care about battling.

That's it.
yeah i remember battling a youngster who said" Iy Liek Shortz!" when i fought him
tyrannitard said:
yeah i remember battling a youngster who said" Iy Liek Shortz!" when i fought him

i just got a GBC to play my Red, i just battled him! lol!
contests really had no point. they were ok in rse but with the new junk they added in dppt it just sucks now. i kind of like the pokeathlon mainly because you could redeem points for items. i dont want to see the whole "it is raining" or " serplant is buffeted by the sandstorm" etc. its just annoying and makes battles take too long, i know its snowing! i realized that when i first walked into the route!
i dont want to see another pokegear rematch system. you have to wait forever for another trainer to call you and that plus the weak pokemon in the wild made it hard to train after u beat the e4. i want a vs seeker again
i thing i absolutely dont want to see ever again (along with the pokegear rematch) is pokemon getting an evolution in the new generation then not being in the wild, like in dp!!!!!(ex:tangela, electabuzz, magmortar, rhyhorn, togetic, piloswine, magneton, etc)!!!!
a storyline that ends after the e4, the battle frontier was an improvement but its just not enough
a team with a retarted goal *cough* aqua and magma and galactic*cough* aqua and magma just sucked badly, i hope the gen 3 remakes improve on the story alot. and galactic members all had the terrible haircut and cyrus actually thought he would still be alive if he destroyed the universe then made another
Things I don't want to see:

Tentacool in the water.
Trainers that have 6 magikarp on their team so you hardly get any experience.
Geodude in caves and zubats.
Trainers classes having nearly the exact same pokemon, we need some originality.
Pointless text e.g. 'Hail continues to fall.' I can flipping see it all right!
Just being able to move up,down,left and right.
Things I don't wanna see:

- Geodude (irritating and without wifi or trade partner you can't get Golem).

- Zubat (I raised a few and Crobats are great but no more!).

- Trainers that are way too easy to beat.

- Trainers that up their pokemon levels after every Gym and can be rebattled constantly.

- Seeing the same pokemon over and over on every route and leaving half the rest unobtainable until post-Elite Four (Bidoof, anyone?).

- None of that dressing-your-pokemon rubbish. Wow, I can put a beret on my pokemon that is only viewable in a contest, woop-de-doo. ¬¬

- No contests (Pokeathlon was fun though).