Tier List (Update: 12/9)

RE: Tier List (Update: 9/7)

If we ever update...
Stage 1's is not tier one. Reshiphlosion beats it badly, and PrimeTime can, too. google beats it pretty easily as well, among others. I played it with my ZPST a few days ago and once I T1 Tyrogue donked their Cleffa and in the next game I won as well. This can't be stated enough:
Stage 1's has no good matchups and a handful of bad ones.

Also I think google/The Truth should have its own name up there instead of being a Donphan or Reuniclus Variant or whatever.
RE: Tier List (Update: 9/7)

Enough procrastination:

Tier 1:
-The Truth

Tier 1.5:
-Chandelure/Dodrio (with our without Vileplume?)

Tier 2

A lot of weird things on this list, but that's how the meta is looking at the moment.
RE: Tier List (Update: 9/7)

Coke, Cake, same thing. Deck names don't determine anything, and many players refer to Kyurem/Cobalion/Electrode as either one of those names (or CKE)

But I'll just use my analogy. Coke has caffeine, which gives you energy. This is just like Electrode, as it gives you Energy.
RE: Tier List (Update: 9/7)

This is why deck abbreviations shouldn't be used in this kind of thing. Why not just say Kyurem/Cobalion/Electrode instead of CaKE? And why use an even lesss common nickname that nobody has heard of? This should benefit new players who don't know what the decks are, too.

As far as that list, I'd call Chandelure/Vileplume Tier 1, and regular Tier 1.5, but past that it looks pretty good.
RE: Tier List (Update: 9/7)

After so many posts asking why this hasn't been updated, updated.
I have to ask, why is Reshiram/Typhlosion tier 2? (ugh, I've been out of touch with the metagame because I missed Regionals) Also I've never heard of Lanturn/Eelektrik before a few days ago, is it that good?
the aura is with me8 said:
I have to ask, why is Reshiram/Typhlosion tier 2? (ugh, I've been out of touch with the metagame because I missed Regionals) Also I've never heard of Lanturn/Eelektrik before a few days ago, is it that good?
Lanturn is generally outdone by Magnezone, but it is still a viable version of the deck.

Reshiram/Typhlosion is Tier 2 because it's bad. I've always said that about the deck. It was only good before because we lacked more powerful/faster/consistent options. Now that the format has expanded and is more defined, it's just a bad deck.
Well I wouldn't say it's a bad deck, but don't you think it should at least be tier 1.5? Also, I've yet to test any Eelektrik varients, but I plan to soon.
I'm surprised to not see Zekrom+Eelektrik (ZekTrik) on the tier list right now at least in the tier 1.5 sections. It's practically ZPST but with a more solid late game and a slightly weaker early game. Though a T2 Zekrom in ZPST was easier to accomplish than a T1 set up and a T2 set-up can be accomplished in in ZekTrik depending on the starter that the deck plays (Thundurus/Tornadus) but i digress.

I will admit that you do have to sacrifice space for a 3-3 line, but the outcome is pretty much the mid-game power of a TyRam deck. Trainer lock still poses a threat as even though Gothitelle is seeing less play, Zekrom can't OHKO it and the same goes for google.dec variants. I've found that one of the few ways to really compensate for this is a 1/1 line of Raikou-Suicune Legend which can easily be fueled on one turn if they're 2 Eeletrik on the bench. Though of course because of this, it's a high tier 1.5 deck for now.
I've been playing with both Lanturn and Magnezone variants for a while (both with Eelektrik), and while they both have their pros and cons, I still say Magnezone is superior. Lanturn, with the Ablility to turn into a Water type, has great typing, as it can KO any Reshiram, Donphan, and go through Resistances. On top of that, since Lanturn doesn't Lost Zone the Energy, you can slowly build up damage on your field, and safely whip out another Lanturn without having to worry about getting Energy on it. However, Lanturn has low HP, where you need to run Defender to save it from KO's, and it's high damage output comes later in the game.

As for Magnezone Prime, while it is a Stage 2 compared to a Stage 1, Magnezone Prime gets the benefit of Magnetic Draw, so you don't have to run as much draw as Lanturn. Magnezone Prime also has a safe 140 HP, hits very hard, and gets the benefit of N.

As for Reshiphlosion, it's really not effective in this format. With The Truth gaining popularity, Kyurem gaining popularity, Chandelure/Vileplume being popular, Magnezone being popular, Reshiram just has a hard time competing with all of these decks. I say it's a solid Tier 2 deck.

@empoleon: I'll look into it once I get back from Cities.
the aura is with me8 said:
Well I wouldn't say it's a bad deck, but don't you think it should at least be tier 1.5? Also, I've yet to test any Eelektrik varients, but I plan to soon.

Here's the problem with Reshiphlosion: everyone knows if the Typhlosions died, Reshiram has little chance to win. 140 HP was originally fairly safe from the one shot, but with a really successful Lost Burn centered deck, suddenly it's really easy to OHKO Typhlosion. Without Typhlosion, Reshiram can't win, and has no way to do a constant 120. Magnezone at least has Zekrom to fall back on. google is a rough matchup on Tyram since it has to use Blue Flare and Spray Splash, not to break the lock as it did against Gothetelle, but just to score KOs. ZPST is evenish, especially with Eviolite being so useful in Zekrom. I don't know how Chandelure is, but I suspect more of the same problems that Tyram faces with google, Chandy survives a Blue flare, retreats into another one, and another one, drop Blissey, heal all. Seeker up Blissey. Repeat.
The list looks good, but what about the possible tier 3 decks that could have their moments? Maybe add another tier or two for decks that could be good or possibly made good based off of fans of cards making changes and making them better? ie. Stage 1 Rush, 6 corners, etc
Here is my take on the tier list, IDK if anyone cares, figured I post anyways.

Deck Tiers.​

Tier 1
: Decks that are considered the best in the format, make up a large percentage of tournament winning decks.
  • Magnezone Eels
  • ZPST
  • The Truth
  • Chandelure
Tier 2: Decks that may not be the biggest winners of tournaments, yet are still played, often top cut, and are large competitors in the format.
  • Gothitelle
  • Reshiram Variants
  • Durant
  • MegaZone
  • MagneBoar
  • Lanturn Eels
  • 6 Corners.
  • CaKE
Tier 3: The largest tier, these are decks that have potential, and occasional perform well at tournaments, yet are not large competitors in the metagame. Decks that still have a place in the format, but see small amounts of wins.
  • Lilligant
  • Vanilluxe
  • Lostgar
  • Mewbox
  • Stage 1 Rush
  • Donphan Dragons.
  • Audino Variants.
  • Beartic
  • Leafeon Roserade,
  • Haxorus
  • Hydregon

Trainer and Supporter Tiers.
Tier 1
: Consists of things that are considered staples, rarely situational. Some of these cards work better in some decks than in others. Arguably needed for some decks to function.
  • Professor Oak’s New Theory
  • Pokémon Collector
  • Pokémon Communication
  • Pokémon Catcher
  • Junk Arm
  • Switch
  • Pluspower
  • Rare Candy
  • Eviolite
  • Twins
  • N

Tier 2: Consists of things that see large amounts of play, yet are not needed for decks to function. Lots of choices.
  • Cheren
  • Professor Juniper
  • Copycat
  • Dual Ball
  • Judge
  • Seeker
  • Flower Shop Lady
  • Super Rod
  • Max Potion
  • Rocky Helmet
  • Sage’s Training
  • Pokégear
  • Energy Retrieval
  • Lost Remover
  • Crushing Hammer

Tier 3: These are Trainers and Supporters that see small amounts of play, but can still be very viable cards if you have space in a deck. Some of this card are important to specific decks in the meta as well.
  • Energy Search
  • Pokéball
  • Team Rocket’s Trickery
  • Bianca
  • Defender
  • Black Belt
  • Professor Elm’s Training Method
  • Fisherman
  • Super Scoop Up
  • Revive
  • Life Herb
  • Research Records

I had descriptions of all of the tier 1 and tier 2 decks as well, but I don't think anyone who is reading this really cares, so I took them out. Alrighty then.

@ pokemonjoe: Fixed, I drafted this up right after the release of Noble Victories, and I wasn't sure how good N was. I bumped it up.

Edit: Bumping CaKE down to tier two.
Not that it matters, but I think N should be tier 1. I actually made an opponent scoop T4 Just by using 3 N's in a row.:)
I think Sage's and Juniper see more play in more decks than N (Magnezone variants only for the most part, maybe CaKE as well), and Twins (google variants and the like). ZPST, Tyram, and Eelzone all use Sages, and Juniper is a must in most decks not running Magnezone or Twins. Speaking of CaKE, I really think CaKE should join the Tier 2 ranks. You say decks that make up a large percentage of city wins. CaKE has five: a little over half of Chandelure, about half of google, and substantially less than ZPST or Magnezone.