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Toddrick's Trade Thread


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, everyone. Just getting back into the game after giving it up for Magic the Gathering after Fossil came out. I am trying to establish myself as a great trader on the forums and I hope to please all that I trade with.

1. Ref rules. If you have a ton of refs then I will surely send first. If you have just signed up on these forums the same day as posting a reply to my trade thread, I may have to decline your offer due to past rips from similar newly joined members on different sites.
2. All of my cards are nm, usually straight from the pack. Please inform me if the card you are offering has been used as a chew toy by your dog.
3. I mainly wish to trade within the US and Canada but will consider trading internationally if the right deal is offered.
4. I send all my cards in clear sleeves inside of a toploader. I would appreciate it if you did the same.
5. English cards only, please.
6. I have no problem checking your trade list. Please don't be disappointed if I don't find anything.
7. Umm...can't think of anything else but if I do I will throw it in here :)

-=Current Trades=-
Flash Kick Guile's: Blaziken FB RH, Blaziken FB Lv. X, Toxicroak G Promo, RH Cyrus' Conspiracy, RH PokeTurn, RH Power Spray
My: Shaymin Land Lv. X, Shaymin Sky x2, 1 Treecko GE (RH), 1 Grovyle GE (RH), 1 Sceptile GE (RH)
*Still waiting for his end of the deal. Got delivery confirmation and he received on the 21st. Hasn't replied to any of my PMs.

Mattwasx's: 1x RH Blaziken FB, 2x RH Bebe's Search RR, 1x RH Rare Candy GE
My: Gallade 4 LV.X, Shaymin Land

Now...onto the goods:

Shamin (air) (non tin)

-=Secret Rares and Shinies=-
Zapdos (SV)
Surfing Pichachu x2
Heat Rotom
Mow Rotom
Wash Rotom
Scyther x2

-=Rares and Reverse Holos=-
-=Supreme Victors=-
Electivire FB
Rayquaza C
Butterfree FB
Camerupt (RH)
Camerupt G
Dodrio (RH)
Lickilicky C (RH)
Medicham x2 (1 RH)
Milotic C (RH)
Seaking x3 (1 RH)
Spinda x3 (1RH)
Zapdos x3 (1 RH)

-=Rising Rivals=-
Bastiodon GL x4 (2 RH)
Floatzel GL
Lucario GL
Mismagius GL x3 (2 RH)
Rampardos GL x2
Roserade GL x2
Shiftry x2
Beedrill x2
Bronzong 4 x2
Drapion 4 x3 (2 RH)
Espeon 4 x2
Flareon x3 (1 RH)
Gallade 4 x3 (1 RH)
Gastrodon East x2
Gastrodon West x2
Golem 4 x2 (1 RH)
Heracross 4
Hippowdon x2
Jolteon x3
Mamoswine GL x2
Mr. Mime 4 x2
Nidoqueen x2
Raichu GL x2
Rhyperior 4 x2
Snorlax x3
Vaporeon x3 (1 RH)
Vespiquen 4
Walrein x2
Yanmega 4 x3

Blastoise x3 (1 RH)
Delcatty x2 (1 RH)
Dialga (reverse time)
Dialga G
Gardevoir x2
Giratina (let loose) x2 (2 RH)
Giratina x2
Menectric x3 (1 RH)
Rampardos x2
Shaymin (air) x1 (1RH)
Slaking x3 (1 RH)
Weavile G x3 (2 RH)
Altaria x2
Bastiodon x2
Beautifly x3 (1 RH)
Blissey x4 (1 RH)
Dialga x3
Dugtrio x2
Dustox x2
Empoleon x3
Giratina (strafe) x3
Giratina (dragon claw) x3 (1 RH)
Golduck x2
Gyarados G x3 (1 RH)
Infernape x3 (1 RH)
Kricketune x3
Lickilicky x4 (2 RH)
Ludicolo x2
Luvdisc x3 (1 RH)
Ninetales x3 (1 RH)
Palkida x4 (1 RH)
Shaymin (land) x3 (1 RH)
Torterra x3
Toxicroak G x2

-=Great Encounters=-
I have a lot from GE. Almost 2 entire reverse holo sets. No LV.Xs, Claydols, Unown Gs and a couple of others are also gone just ask if I have something you need and I will let you know.

1x Shiny Duskull SF
1x Dusknoir DP (RH)
3x Trapinch SW (RH)
1x Palkia MD (RH)
1x Chatot G (RH)
1x Cynthia's Guidance (RH)
1x Memory Berry (RH)
3x Pokedrawer+ (RH)
3x Pokedex PT (RH)
2x Switch SF (RH)
1x Night Maintenance (RH)

1x Toxicroak G Promo
1x Cyrus's Conspiracy (RH)
3x TGI Energy Gain (RH)
3x TGI Poke' Turn (RH)
3x TGI Power Spray (RH)
2x TGI SP Radar (RH)
*I am trying to reverse holo out my deck. I am willing to trade fairly for the RHs but if you need the non holo version of the card, I am more than willing to trade the non holo version and throw something in for the RH version.

1x Absol G LV. X
4x Gastly SF (RH)
2x Haunter SF (RH)
4x Gengar SF (RH)

I will be periodically changing my have/wants once I aquire more cards and decide on a second deck to build :). Thank you, all, for stopping by.
Next time please request for your other trade thread to be closed.​
CML for
Zapdos (SV) reprint
Rayquaza C lv x
Alakazam 4 lv x
Electivire FB
Metagross x2
Rayquaza C
Superwolfe said:
CML for
Zapdos (SV) reprint
Rayquaza C lv x
Alakazam 4 lv x
Electivire FB
Metagross x2
Rayquaza C

I am interested in:
Flygon lv. X
Blaziken FB lv. X

Also, I noticed it said you had tons of RH trainers. Could you post a list especially if any of them happen to be on my list. Let me know what you would like to work out for those lv. Xs though.
i can do flygon lv x and some of these trainers for rayquazza C x (soon to be released in a tin), alakazam 4 x and normal rayquazza C
poketurn RH x2
power spray Rh
pokedrawer RH
SP energy RH
galactic zHQ Rh
switch Rh
bucks training RH
snowpoint temple RH
energy switch RH
dusk ball RH
energy pickup RH x2
cynthias feelings holo x1 Rh x1
rare candy GE rh
life herb RH
upper energy Rh
bebes search RH
Superwolfe said:
I can do flygon lv x and some of these trainers for rayquazza C x (soon to be released in a tin), alakazam 4 x and normal rayquazza C
poketurn RH x2
power spray Rh
pokedrawer RH
SP energy RH
galactic zHQ Rh
switch Rh
bucks training RH
snowpoint temple RH
energy switch RH
dusk ball RH
energy pickup RH x2
cynthias feelings holo x1 Rh x1
rare candy GE rh
life herb RH
upper energy Rh
bebes search RH

The RHs I need the most are:
2x Poke Turn
1x Power Spray
1x Pokerdrawer +
1x Rare Candy GE
1x Bebe's Search (is this RR?)
1x Upper Energy

Post me an offer and I will let you know how I feel about it. Thanks.
the trainers you needed and my flygon lv x for rayquazza C x (soon to be released in a tin), alakazam 4 x and normal rayquazza C
Starforce Lv.X said:
check me for,

Shaymin (land) Lv.X
Dodrio (RH) SV
Sorry. I didn't find anything on your list.

p8ntchucker7 said:
Could you please cml for your Lucario GL? Thanks.
Sorry, couldn't find anything from your list.

karimsoliman94 said:
check me for

Shaymin (land) x
Shamin (air) (non tin) x
Sorry, couldn't find anything from your list :(.

Flash Kick Guile said:
Blaziken FB RH
Toxicroak G Promo
TGI Stuff

Landmin Lv. X
Skymin x2
1 Treecko GE
1 Grovyle GE
1 Sceptile GE

Did you miss the Blaziken FB lv. X? Thought that was included in the deal. How about...

Blaziken FB RH
Blaziken FB Lv. X
Toxicroak G Promo
RH Cyrus' Conspiracy
RH PokeTurn
RH Power Spray

Shaymin Land Lv. X
Shaymin Sky x2
1 Treecko GE (RH)
1 Grovyle GE (RH)
1 Sceptile GE (RH)

Reply to this here and let me know if that works.
Superwolfe said:
the trainers you needed and my flygon lv x for rayquazza C x (soon to be released in a tin), alakazam 4 x and normal rayquazza C

Sorry, I was still pondering if I wanted to do this trade. Could we maybe work something out for the RH trainers. The Flygon lv. X is nice but I am not sure if I want to give up 2 lv. Xs and a holo for one lv. X and some RH uncommons. Let me think about it a little more. Thanks.
ESP said:
Skipped me too.

I'm sorry. The Palkia G lv. X looks nice but I am not sure if you wana work out something for that. Besides that, a couple of your lv. Xs look nice but idk if you wana do something for one of em...let me know, though.