Too Old For Pokemon?

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I'll be 20 in a couple months. When I was twelve I quit playing the TCG, I "grew out of it". Last year I decided to start playing again because all of the reasons I quit as a kid didn't matter anymore and I missed how much fun it was. My girlfriend who had collected in her early teens but never played got into it with me too. It's something we both get to spend time together doing. We made a close friend through league, he's 38, he works at a bank and has a nice house and a son and he loves playing Pokemon. When I started playing again there was one person I didn't want to tell, one of my best friends I grew up with. But when I had a picture of me in the newspaper at a tournament he found out and told me he thought it was pretty cool. He even wants to come to a tournament some time to check it out.

So no, you are not too old.
no no no no ones can never be too old it, i gave up when i was 12 but that was like for a week because i got bullied by my friends about it but i thought screw you i love pokemon and i have collected and watched and played for like ever since then
SixNumbers said:

This is my fifth(?) post on this forum and I was just you guys think I'm too old for pokemon or at least the pokemon tcg (I'll never stop playing the DS games, that's for sure!)...I'm 22 :x

I just got into the game recently. Once I learned the rules I just had to play! I recently purchased an Arceus booster box as well as a Rising Rivals* booster box and they should be here soon...Plus I bought all the energies I need seperately.

I'm really into the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG and have been for a while (just online play, never been to a real-life event) but just thought I'd try this game out too.

-None- of my friends play any of these games and they don't even know I'm into them, lol. So it pretty much sucks that I have nobody to play but at least there's always the online community!

And you may ask why I'm buying cards if I don't plan on playing in real life...well I wouldn't mind collecting them either and I've heard some people play on skype so that would be cool. Heh.

Well I bet no one's going to want to read this essay, ha, but just thought I'd get it out anyone else in my situation?

P.S I'm Canadian-eh.

No WAY!!!
I'm 20, and i've been into pokemon (like most people) since I was a child, and came back into it a couple years ago, and since then i've been playing competitively and play the games on DS etc.
I think it's universal, when everyone goes to Target/Wal*Mart and they walk by that section in the store by the checkout and see the pokemon cards that once made them so happy as kids, and the yearning in their heart to once more hear the crinkle of an opening pack, smell the factory sealed fresh cardboard smell, and your heart racing to think that you may have gotten a "shiny" or "holographic".
I tell everyone important in my life and even at work that I play pokemon; and if you say it the right way with security and confidence, they only seem to be intrigued and compare the past pokemon with the current. I've seen old men play age 70+ on their deathbed wheelchair.
The only real rason anyone considers it "too childish" is because of the preconception with the anime. While the game is somewhat less complex then Magic, it's still got it's own level of tactics and strategy; the only reason is because everyone looks at the characters and "flavor" of the cards and sees a little kid's game. Take away the stuff that characterises it and it becomes a game like any other.
P: Awesome! ... I was into the game too (and so were my friends) when I was in grade 5 but then we all (like someone said) "grew out of it" and I just got back into it! :p

Well I'm glad I'm not the oldest person here. ;D

Koppee said:
I'm 22 and In Canada too lol, In Toronto specifically :p what about you?

Anyways, yea I just got back into the game after organizing some of my cards. I don't play but am more of a collector. I'll start playing later but I love collecting the cards lol.

None of my friends play either and I wouldn't care what they think, if its something you enjoy go for it! Besides they sometimes tease me about it but whenever I show someone my binders they are always impressed :p

I live in Toronto :D
Meh, 22 is an okay age, most people who play the TCG are 15+. Also, if you are like 6 years old (The game is for 6 year olds and up, right?) I think you can't really play the game well because it's pretty difficult. However, try finding places to play, go to tournaments and ask your friends if they would like to play the game, too.
SixNumbers said:
P: Awesome! ... I was into the game too (and so were my friends) when I was in grade 5 but then we all (like someone said) "grew out of it" and I just got back into it! :p

Well I'm glad I'm not the oldest person here. ;D

I live in Toronto :D

Ahaha awesome! Hope to see you at the Prerelease for Heart Gold and Soul Silver then :p
Pokemon is also a great way to meet new firends and shore other interests.

For instance I just looked at you avatar, my entire family loves Lost too. In fact it is a Christmas tradtion of our to start at season one and watch all the way through up to Christmas when we get the latest season on DVD.
34 and just started playing a year ago. I started because my 7 year old wanted to go to league and learn to play so I learned so I could teach him and now I am hooked. Not to mention my son and I have great fun battling each other, taking day trips to go to premier events. One of the things I like most about this game is the community of players generally seems to be decent people....people I dont mind having my 7 yo be around.
Truthfully, and I do know that everyone else has said this too, there is no "too old" for Pokemon, especially the TCG. Of the 3 age groups, the 15+ group has the most participants at almost every single tournament. People might laugh at you for playing, but there really is no age limit on fun.
Koppee said:
Ahaha awesome! Hope to see you at the Prerelease for Heart Gold and Soul Silver then :p

Sounds like fun! :( But nope I won't be there, lol. I'm an in-the-closet pokemon lover. x)

novadragon07 said:
Pokemon is also a great way to meet new firends and shore other interests.

For instance I just looked at you avatar, my entire family loves Lost too. In fact it is a Christmas tradtion of our to start at season one and watch all the way through up to Christmas when we get the latest season on DVD.

Awesome!! LOST is pretty much the greatest show ever haha. (Can't wait for the new season)
twosips said:
34 and just started playing a year ago. I started because my 7 year old wanted to go to league and learn to play so I learned so I could teach him and now I am hooked. Not to mention my son and I have great fun battling each other, taking day trips to go to premier events. One of the things I like most about this game is the community of players generally seems to be decent people...people I don't mind having my 7 yo be around.

In all honestly that's not always true some masters at my league often swear carelessly when a younger kid is right next to them, which kind of annoys me. I'm a teenager, and I'll admit I often swear, but I'm not the stereotypical teen and know when to watch my mouth.
Meaty said:
In all honestly that's not always true some masters at my league often swear carelessly when a younger kid is right next to them, which kind of annoys me. I'm a teenager, and I'll admit I often swear, but I'm not the stereotypical teen and know when to watch my mouth.

Our league leaders are pretty stict about language and the masters (even the teenagers)generally are good about helping the juniors learn the game. There is way more foul language, smoking, etc at magic events. But to be honest an occasional bad word within ear shot of my son doesn't bother me. Its the other qualities people exhibit that I look for. Teamwork, helpfulness, not ripping people off when trading...spirit of the game type stuff.
There is no age restrictions, but it's usually the lack of time that kills off 20+ players. This is coming from someone that was knocked out of a tournament by some 60 year old biker. X_x
I'd be inclined to agree that there is no such thing as too old for Pokemon. I'm 27 and have been into Pokemon since my high school days, which is when Pokemon came to the US. My stepbrother is 28 and into Pokemon as well.

It's been a while, but the last league I was involved in (we're talking Neo era here) had a twenty something year old as part of the league team, and in fact had gotten a job at the league store (Toys R US) just to be part of the league.

I'd say as long as you love it, you should stay involved with it regardless of being 15, 27, or 67.
SixNumbers said:
P: Awesome! ... I was into the game too (and so were my friends) when I was in grade 5 but then we all (like someone said) "grew out of it" and I just got back into it! :p

Well I'm glad I'm not the oldest person here. ;D

I live in Toronto :D
You are not even close to being the oldest person here. I might be.
twosips said:
Our league leaders are pretty stict about language and the masters (even the teenagers)generally are good about helping the juniors learn the game. There is way more foul language, smoking, etc at magic events. But to be honest an occasional bad word within ear shot of my son doesn't bother me. Its the other qualities people exhibit that I look for. Teamwork, helpfulness, not ripping people off when trading...spirit of the game type stuff.
Yeah just the same many masters here are like the nicest guys and help everybody out. I'm a senior, but the one thing I can't stand is ripping people off. If I think a trade is unfair, I usually warn the person and explain it but if they insist then I won't turn them down.
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