
100m-11.564 seconds
200m-25.316 seconds
5:45 mile

I'm told that these are good times for a twelve year-old what think you guys? If not-I am short (4'11" in fact). Small=Aerodynamic :D
Honestly, as a football player Running Back and Safety, I'm a horrible Track and Field athlete. I'm 5'11 and 195 lbs. This is my first year doing Track as a Freshman but yeah, I got last place in every single one of my races but won every single field event. Since I ran the 100, 200, and 400. I've done field events too (Long Jump, Shot-put, and Discus).

Here's my times and records,
100m - 11.64
200m - 24.84
400m - 51.00

Shotput 12lbs. - 62' 1.00
Discus 1.6 kg - 152' 5.00
Long Jump - 22' 5.00
Azul said:
Honestly, as a football player Running Back and Safety, I'm a horrible Track and Field athlete. I'm 5'11 and 195 lbs. This is my first year doing Track as a Freshman but yeah, I got last place in every single one of my races but won every single field event. Since I ran the 100, 200, and 400. I've done field events too (Long Jump, Shot-put, and Discus).

Here's my times and records,
100m - 11.64
200m - 24.84
400m - 51.00

Shotput 12lbs. - 62' 1.00
Discus 1.6 kg - 152' 5.00
Long Jump - 22' 5.00
You go to helix?! I go to Valhalla! I do shot put also!
Well, I'm surprised. It looks like I'm the best miler around these parts. I'm seventeen and my top 1600 time is 4:55. Anybody else run the 800? Also, my track team sucks. We had only one girl go to the state meet. And the guys team only got one win..... But we are a smaller school fighting against larger ones so it is kind of tough.
^I run the 800. And in my league meet, I ran 5:01, which is pretty good considering it was also raining. Plus the track sucked cause it was literally under water at some points. My friend and I (Who beat me by .3 seconds in the 1600) scored all the points for my team in the meet, yet we still came in 3rd out of 16 teams.

And I'm just saying this for my sister, but she just ran 6:02 and she's only 10!
JacobeTheElf said:
^I run the 800. And in my league meet, I ran 5:01, which is pretty good considering it was also raining. Plus the track sucked cause it was literally under water at some points. My friend and I (Who beat me by .3 seconds in the 1600) scored all the points for my team in the meet, yet we still came in 3rd out of 16 teams.

And I'm just saying this for my sister, but she just ran 6:02 and she's only 10!
800 or 1600?
I can do a 6:30 mile, which isn't that fast, but I'm pretty short and I'm going to run cross country next year in high school because my endurance is good.
slickmario said:
I'm not much of a distance runner, I'm a sprinter.

100m: 10.6 seconds

At 15 years old you run 10.6...?

Forgive me if I don't believe you.
To put it in perspective, the first place person at my Regionals ran the 100m in 10.7 seconds, and he was a senior. People who are in college run between 10.6-10.0 seconds.
Yeah, the fastest High School people in the country EVER get in their early or mid 10.00's. Never heard of any 15 year old to ever run a 10.6 and if there is, then that's World Class time for the IAAF Youth World Championship.
pokemonjoe said:
JacobeTheElf said:
^I run the 800. And in my league meet, I ran 5:01, which is pretty good considering it was also raining. Plus the track sucked cause it was literally under water at some points. My friend and I (Who beat me by .3 seconds in the 1600) scored all the points for my team in the meet, yet we still came in 3rd out of 16 teams.

And I'm just saying this for my sister, but she just ran 6:02 and she's only 10!
800 or 1600?

Oh sorry. I was just saying that I run the 800. But the 5:01 time is for my 1600.
Me, but I just noticed you had one too. Well, in my case, the conditions were pretty much perfect and that was probably close to my fastest mile.