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Trades, Trades, Amore! NeedGengar Prime! Updated with Call of Legends

RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

CML for the following


1x Raichu X
2x Mewtwo X (TIN)
1x Collector
1x Luxray GL
1x Mismagius GL
1x Froslass GL
3x Cyrus Conspiracy
2x E-Gain
2x Power Spray
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

I'm interested in

x1 Energy Gain
x1 Pokemon Collector
x1 Electric HGSS Energy

from your wants i have

1x VS Seeker*
Xx Bebe's Search
Xx Roseanne's Research

Please CML and LMK what you can do.
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

I have Magma's Aggron! :]

I want:
Nidoran F RR x1 (throw-in?)
Nidorina RR x2 (throw-in?
Garchomp C x2
Garchomp C LV.X x2
DCE x1 (any set)
Cyrus's Initiative SV x2
Judge UL x4

If you have any of those cards and can make an offer, I'd really appreciate it!
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

I have an Aggron EX.

Care to make an offer? (I also have some Shiftry and Swampert cards)
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

I have a couple Rare cnady, 4x Roseannes, and 4x Bebe. I also have Shiftry RR if you need. I am interested in some combination of:

Luxray GL nonmint
FRLG Holo Super Scoop Up
Sunflora RH HGSS
Dunsparce HGSS
Pokemon Collector
Lunatone SV
Staraptor FB Scratched
Gabite SV
Giratina PT 27
Toxicroak G RH Poor
Regigigas (LA) Poor
Cyrus Conspiracy Poor
2x Energy Gain

Let me know what would work best for you :)
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

CML for the following

1x Raichu X
1x Mewtwo X (TIN)
1x Sunflora (HGSS)(RH)
1x P-Collector
1x Luxray GL (RH)
3x Cyrus Conspiracy
2x E-Gain
2x Power Spray
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

Okay, could you cml. I have a huge list of wants. Too many to list.
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Power Spray
2 E-Gain
2 Poke'Turn
2 SP Radar
1 Bronzong G
1 Azelf
1 Crobat G
1 Chatot MD
1 Snowpoint Temple

Please CML for everything you have in RH from this list. Thanks.
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

1 VS Seeker
4 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
1 Rare Candy

1 pokemon collector
1 charizard AR
2 energy gain
2 power spray
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! More Unleashed added!

Ok. I know I haven't posted on this thread in over two weeks, but I looked at the rules and didn't notice anything about how to revive old threads, so I decided to bump. bump:p
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! I'm back!

Interested in:
Staraptor FB X
Staraptor FB
SV Honchkrow
SV Murkrow
SV Cyrus’ Initiative
UD Houndoom
UD Weavile
(Listed in order of importance)

I have:
SF Electrode 36
SF Electrode 37
(Not sure which you’re looking for)
LA Metagross (NH)
RR Shriftry
SV Swampert
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! I'm back!


Could you see my list for your non-RH Exploud from Supreme Victors?

Also, did you have a Whismur and Loudred from Supreme Victors?
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! I'm back!

CML for the following

2x E-Gains
1x Gardevoir EX
1x Salamance EX
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! I need 7x DCE!


I happen to have these...

x1 Scyther (reprint)
x1 Swampert (HOLO, POP 1)
x1 Aggron (HOLO EX Ruby and Sapphire)

Interested in...
x1 Loudred SV
x1 Charizard Arceus

Also, did you have any of my collection wants, especially the Skyridge Nidoqueen and the Skyridge Raikou?