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Trades, Trades, Amore! NeedGengar Prime! Updated with Call of Legends

RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

I have Feraligatr prime, Blissey prime, and Empoleon lv X (tin) Would you trade any of these for them?
(in order of want level)
Garchomp C
Luxray GL
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Crobat G
Energy Gain
Aaron's Collection
Sunflora (HGSS)
Wormadam Trash Cloak
Wormadam Plant Cloak
Burmy Trash Cloak
Burmy Sand Cloak
Expert Belt

I also have quite a few rares (including grass and psychic Arceus, Palkia G, and some baby pokemon from HGSS) just let me know.
EDIT: hold on, I forgot the rules said I need to request a reputation thread. I'll go do that real quick.
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

CML for 2 Aaron's Collection?

Thanks! :)
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

I'm interested in these cards:
-Charizard (Arceus)
-Gardevoir (Platinum)
-Gardevoir ex (Dragon Frontiers)
-Mawile (Supreme Victors)
-Mew (Secret Wonders)
How is the condition of the Gardevoir ex?

I also want to collect coins, mostly from before the Diamond & Pearl days.
There were Gardevoir decks in... both R&S and Power Keepers, correct? Does it follow, then, that there are at least two different kinds of Gardevoir coins in existence?

Please take a look at my thread and see if you're interested in any of my cards (and also to see more info about the coins I'm looking for).
I at least have the following:
-Ho-Oh Legend Bottom
-Shiftry (Diamond & Pearl) (Is this one you wanted?)
-Swampert (Crystal Guardians) (This, too?)
-Various ex/LV.X cards
-And surely some extra Roseanne's Research cards
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

Set of Ho-Oh Legend
Blissey (PL)*
Aggron RR

2x Crobat G
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy (not the worn out one)
1x Charizard (arceus)
Drapion LV.X (few scratches)

lmk if this is cool and of course I am open to counters!
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

can you CML for:
x1 Floatzel GL
x1 Raichu X
x1 Luxaray GL
x1 Flygon RR

Find somethin you like! :D
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

Please CML for your...

Salmence EX (dragon frontiers)
Gardevoir EX (dragon frontiers)
Groudon EX (Promo Star #038)
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

Please CML for:
Mewtwo Lv X

And LMK what you have out of these:
Sableye G x3
Beedrill RR x2
Beedrill GE x2
Kakuna RR x3
Weedle GE x4
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore! H: Uxie W: Easy Stuff

I will trade you up to two blastoise PL 1 RH and like 3? bebes for 2 charizards, or 1 blastiose RH and a bebes for one. LMK