BW/BW2 Trio Discussion- This Gen's Trio (Now with the Trio's Types)

RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

@frostwind I am actually in love with that Idea! XD What types could they be and what could they look like?
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

No idea. Maybe for the psy/drk/fgt type idea. Lets see...
mind psychic
body fighting
spirit dark...or maybe ghost
This is a longshot and i just came up with it.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Yeah I think for spirit Ghost would be a best fit, maybe part dark aswell
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

maybe if spirit is cruel, or else just ghost. Maybe fighting will be able to hit ghosts so its still even. For looks i have some ideas.
Only fighting would have a definite body with high attack and defense, but low sp stats. Psychic would have high special stats but no idea about its looks. Ghost would have an indefinite shape thats constantly changes in battle.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

So would Ghost have a similar ability to Illusion or like castform but not for weather?
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

sorry, according to PokeJungle...the 3rd poke to the trio is...

Dragon/Ice's legit!..and...there's..

Dragon/Fire (Reshiram)
Dragon/Electric (Zekrom)
Dragon/Ice (?)
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Thats not what this thread is about. For a trio i want a trio of trios now.
Reshiram-mind fire, psychic, flying
Zekrom-body electric, dark, steel
Ice/drg-soul ice, ghost, ???
If the rumor is true, im definitely calling it frostwind!
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Lol, For the Body I was thinking it should be Dark/Ground, but now Dark/Steel sounds better
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

How come? I figured fighting, since people have to rid themselves of impurities (dark) and seems the most justified and active.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Okay..the trio is now revealed (check Serebii) ..

#638- Steel/Fighting
#639- Rock/Fighting
#640- Grass/Fighting

--okay well now that the trio types are revealed someone can lock this thread probably. : P

RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

The thread wasnt just about what types whould they be, it was about how they tie in with the legendaries and how they look and now that we know the types, where are they located?
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

I guess this is now a "Trio discussion" thread.

To be honest, the types themselves aren't too great. Grass/Fighting just adds weaknesses, and Breloom already has it (if it gets Spore i'm raging). Rock/Fighting gets outclassed by both his counterparts as well as many other types. Steel/Fighting is much better than Rock/Fighting, and again we already have this typing. However, I simply don't like Lucario or his fanbase, so a new Steel/Fighting is a welcome change.

What I care about though, over everything else, is that we return to the Gen 3 - where you need to complete a quest with specific conditions, to get them. DPP had tons of legendaries and nothing like this, which in my opinion ruined the legendaries for me. Please, Gamefreak, make it interesting this time.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

^ seconded.

Quests would make the games much more appealing, rather than just catching them. Though, DPPt did somewhat like a quest with Heatran, I really hope this will turn out for all the new Legendaries.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Heatran was just "go here, do this, recieve X"
Cresselia was the same.

I mean, hell, they could have made Cresselia's story much more interesting. Rather than conveniently getting the Lunar Wing or whatever it was called, it should have been an Item it held. Meaning you had to chase it down and catch it to save the little boy - which then leads you to Darkrai, who's lurking in the Haunted Mansion. (screw it being event-only)

Come on Gamefreak, at least try.
Yeah I would prefer doing riddles to get the Trio and then hunt them down, it is just boring if you are told what to do and you are given a special item by "chance"
Heatran was just "go here, do this, recieve X"
Cresselia was the same.

I mean, hell, they could have made Cresselia's story much more interesting. Rather than conveniently getting the Lunar Wing or whatever it was called, it should have been an Item it held. Meaning you had to chase it down and catch it to save the little boy - which then leads you to Darkrai, who's lurking in the Haunted Mansion. (screw it being event-only)

Come on Gamefreak, at least try.
Well, the Cresselia quest was a joke as you said. Though Heatran's quest involved some more walking and exploring, if I remember you even had to go back and return to make him/her appear. But ah well, some more background story would've been nice I guess..
Apparantly the new Trio will be roaming around Ishhu
*sarcasm* Its not like any other Trio has been found roaming in their reigon.
I actually really like Roaming pokemon, since it forces you to take advantage of moves or pokemon you wouldn't normally use. Catching the Three Dogs in Gold and Silver was great because most people simply didn't know how to get them. I made a point of paralysing all the roamers I met, so I could send in Block-Cradily and Block-Bronzong and wall them until they were caught - i wouldn't have used them otherwise.
In fact, any new one-off pokemon that involves weird strategies and moves to catch them are welcome in my book, I like the challenge of not being able to just spam Sleep moves and False Swipe.
Yeah true, I dont mind roaming pokemon its just that I am not to sure if any pokemon in this gen will have a similar effect to Wobuffet or Dugtrio, but yeah I did find it fun trying to hunt them down, but I thought they would do something new this time, but oh well I can still hope for a puzzle like feature to find them.
Edit: (I said "but" way too many times)