eevee - 17
dmaster - 15
HypnoticLuxray - 14
Xdogking - 14
the aura is with me8 - 13
Hatman - 13
Teal - 12
Spidy Freakshow - 11
Dark Void - 10
Chillarmy - 8
Blah237 - 7
Darkrai's nightmare - 7
Bippa201 - 6
PMJ - 6
bacon - 5
Superpokemon67 - 5
oyeah1988 - 5
Guy89 - 4
slickmario - 4
Snivylover555 - 4
Blue Thunder - 3
batui4 - 3
glaceon - 3
Metalizard - 3
pokemon99 - 3
Yoshidude10 - 3
paddy185 - 3
alexmf2 - 2
SoulWind - 2
Riskbreakers - 2
Darkvoid57 - 1
LuckyPokeGirl - 1
mpain0 - 1
Hazz - 1
Gale - 1
hipoke - 1
TheDarkLucario - 1