Finished Trivia of DNA II (Well done, Storm Blade!)

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RE: Trivia of DNA II

Which Pokemon cuts the cheese, literally?

dmaster out.
RE: Trivia of DNA II

What fully evolved pokemon's basic stage is a wannabe larvitar?
RE: Trivia of DNA II

What Pokemon's name what be an excellent store title for a shop selling Hax? (Hax R' Us)
RE: Trivia of DNA II

What Pokemon's Japanese name seems to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on?
RE: Trivia of DNA II

Which pokemon a put fear in the lives of innocent Japanese civilians for decades, making them shout ,"Oh no, Ononononononono!!"
RE: Trivia of DNA II

blah237 pretty much stole my question. ;__;

What Kaju's Pokémon's name can't you spell without hax!?
RE: Trivia of DNA II

I think I know who's going to win this round.

SoulWind: +1. For accuracy.
Dark Void: +1. For accuracy.
Paddy185: +1. For accuracy.
Darkrai's nightmare: +1. For accuracy.
dmaster: +2. You smelt it, you dealt it.
The aura is with me8: +1. yup
Yoshidude10: +1. And remember, it's not a real Dragon until it has a 4x Ice weakness, or no Ice weakness at all.
Spidy Freakshow: +2 yar, wut? lolz
Blah237: +1. Maybe.
glaceon: +1. For accuracy.
TheDarkLucario: +3. *puts on shades and presses the yeahbutton*
oyeah1988: +2. I don't see the resembla- ...never mind
Chillarmy: +0. You can't pronounce Japanese. Also that's Tyranitar that makes them scream GOJIRA
HypnoticLuxray: +1. didn't someone else post that question earlier
Xdogking: +2. It's like Inception.
Metalizard: +2. Ever seen the Leet Haxorus on Deviantart? Go look for it.
Teal: +1. heh
eevee: +2. Sounds like the kind of Pokemon that would maim, pillage, and a few words I can't repeat here. Also, your comment has pleased my beard.
Hatman: +1. i dunno lol

Scoreboard said:
eevee - 19
dmaster - 17
Xdogking - 16
HypnoticLuxray - 15
the aura is with me8 - 14
Hatman - 14
Teal - 13
Spidy Freakshow - 13
Dark Void - 11
Chillarmy - 8
Blah237 - 8
Darkrai's nightmare - 8
oyeah1988 - 7
Bippa201 - 6
PMJ - 6
bacon - 5
Superpokemon67 - 5
Metalizard - 5
Guy89 - 4
slickmario - 4
Snivylover555 - 4
Yoshidude10 - 4
TheDarkLucario - 4
paddy185 - 4
glaceon - 4
Blue Thunder - 3
batui4 - 3
pokemon99 - 3
SoulWind - 3
Riskbreakers - 2
alexmf2 - 2
Darkvoid57 - 1
LuckyPokeGirl - 1
mpain0 - 1
Hazz - 1
Gale - 1
hipoke - 1

I only had to give out one +0 this round; not bad guys

RE: Trivia of DNA II

What hm looks like a machamp shouldn't have to learn to use but still does?
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