RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Infernape 4 X, Flygon X
Skipped please reply to me or i'll report you. Not to be mean but I also have all your wants besides:
- JPN DAMAGE COUNTERS The kind that are like the old counters but have marked 10 and 50 on them.
- Snorlax Domino's Pizza Half deckbox
- 1x Palkia Sleeves [60 count]
and I could buy a few I have 100$
Jaimonster said:Frodus said:CML for infernape 4 LV X or Luxray GL LV X.
I have tons of TGI stuff, and some other stuff from your wants.
Im sorry, I don't have the Ape 4 Lv X anymore.
SotH said:CML for:
1x Surfing Pikachu
Oh You XP
Do you have any Nidoqueen RR, Crobat G or Gengar SF?
Amt said:Interested in your RH Claydol GE and 2 Unown G.
From your wants I have x1 Nationals '09 pin, tons of TGI inventions and Wash Rotom.
If you had a trade list it would be easier to see what you have, buddy =P, I might not need the TGIs anymore after this one trade...
Medaforcer said:Jaimonster said:Medaforcer said:Jaimonster said:Medaforcer said:Jaimonster said:Medaforcer said:Hello, I am interested in your Uxie Lv. X. Would you be willing to check my list for something you might want?
All I saw was your gengar... Do you have any unlisted stuff?
Yes I do.
Macahmp SF x3 (1RH)
Toxicroak G x3
Gliscor Lv. X
Machamp Lv. X
Luxray GL x2 (1RH)
Flygon RR x2
Flygon SW
Alakazam X with a small scratch
A lot of RH things.
Hmmm, What TGIs do you have? Im also interested on Luxray GL Lv X
TGIs? Well, uh, pretty much four of everything TGI. From Sprays to gains, radars to turns.
Give me an offer, Im looking for all TGIs [minus Sprays] and Cyruses.
Max of every TGI you need
Fan Rotom
CML if you need more things (there's also my unlisted things above)
For your Uxie X
Hmmm, If you had any SP Energy or Rare Candy. Also, do you have a spare Baltoy? Im also looking for Luxray GL and your Zam 4 lv X arent looking that bad either. Offer up and We will see =P
Skipped please reply to me or i'll report you. Not to be mean but I also have all your wants besides:
- JPN DAMAGE COUNTERS The kind that are like the old counters but have marked 10 and 50 on them.
- Snorlax Domino's Pizza Half deckbox
- 1x Palkia Sleeves [60 count]
and I could buy a few I have 100$