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TROPICAL WIND! H: Gengar, Cresselia, Luxray X, Spiritomb, JPN Merch!

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RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

1x Shaymin Sky Forme Lv X [TIN PROMO]
1x Giratina Lv X [TIN PROMO]
heatran x
magmortar x
all your shaymins
snorlax RR common (if you have some how many)

CML for them
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

SotH said:
Ok, thanks. If not I will try to convince my mom to go to the one this week.
Meanwhile keep Arceus on hold for me if you don't mind XD​

No Prob! Will do =D

karimsoliman94 said:
1x Shaymin Sky Forme Lv X [TIN PROMO]
1x Giratina Lv X [TIN PROMO]
heatran x
magmortar x
all your shaymins
snorlax RR common (if you have some how many)

CML for them

Sorry, nothing
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

Cml for your dialga MD AND GE
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

Do you mind if mine is on the 15th? but that is what i need the cards for.
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

karimsoliman94 said:
not even for common snorlax or shaymin

Theres nothing on your list im interested on...

ace11 said:
Cml for your dialga MD AND GE

I am interested on your RH Mespirit LA

richkid50000 said:
Do you mind if mine is on the 15th? but that is what I need the cards for.

I wouldnt mind waiting... but what do you mean by "that is what I need the cards for" part?
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

Meaning i need the trainers for the prerelease. Mine is different we bring our own decks and battle with those.
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

Hey could you CML for your Claydol GE or Azelf LA?
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

richkid50000 said:
Meaning I need the trainers for the prerelease. Mine is different we bring our own decks and battle with those.
When is your PR?

captain.mongoose said:
Hey could you CML for your Claydol GE or Azelf LA?
Nothing, sorry
RE: Jaimonster's Trading *~NOW WITH POKEDOLLS~* Also Uxie Lv X, Flygon X

richkid50000 said:
It is on the 15th.

Ill let ya know what I can do for you after my PR
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G

Updated with SV PR Pulls!
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G

Can you CMl for your Staraptor fb lv.X? Also do you have any unopened SV sleves?
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G

If we can't do the trainers i am also interested in the SV trainers.
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G


RH Electivire FB


Blaziken FB
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G

PokeKid Brandon said:
Can you CMl for your Staraptor fb lv.X? Also do you have any unopened SV sleves?

I do have 2 unopened Garchomp Sleeves... But I dont see much, do you have anything unlisted? Gimme an offer!

richkid50000 said:
If we can't do the trainers I am also interested in the SV trainers.

Do you have anything unlisted? Check my wants!

Brawler said:

RH Electivire FB


Blaziken FB
No thank you, I prefer to trade in bulk [plus Tomorrow is my league meeting... I might get it faster that way]
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G

I have a lot of your trainer wants.
RE: Jaimonster's Trades H: Staraptor FB, Infernape 4, Flygon, Uxie X and Chatot, Absol G

Could you CML for these?
1x Weavile (SW)
Blaziken FB
2x Claydol [2x RH]
1x Unown G
2x Azelf
1x Mespirit
1x Uxie
Garchomp Sleeves

I don't have many of your wants, other than trainers, but maybe you'll see something?
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