Muddy68 said:CML for Drapion LvX.
AnthonyG said:Hey, would you mind CML for these:
1x Palkia G Lv. X
Team Galactic's Invention G 105 Poke Turn (RH)
Crobat G
Broken Time-Space
CML and LMK if you need anything.
Rodiqio said:Hey can you check my list for dusknoir X or Kingdra LA?
Zangoosed said:CML for your:
Toxicroak G (RH)
Rampardos PT (RH)
Wiseman. said:CML for Drapion LV X please, thanks!
Im sorry, Im Not Trading Internationally ATM.Garchomp said:I have Shaymin (Ground Form)Lv X, I'm interested in your Drapion Lv X
If you want to:
My Shaymin (Land Form) Lv X
Your Drapion Lv X (I assume it is in English)
d master342 said:Want Mightyena PT, Broken Time Space, and Pokemon Rescue. I now have PT and Giratina. ;o
dmaster out.
MooreSpino said:CML for:
2x Leafeon
1x Flareon
1x Vaporeon
1x Glaceon
1x Umbreon
1x Espeon
And Maybe:
Regigigas (Recover Mechanism RH)
Darkrai (Reach over Holo)
googleanne's Research?
MooreSpino said:*shrugs* Beats the heck outta me. But if you see something else, LMK.
Juliacoolo said:CML for drapion and palkia G lv.x
Amt said:Would you be willing to trade Palkia G LV.X for a Claydol GE? :3