• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

TROPICAL WIND! H: Gengar, Cresselia, Luxray X, Spiritomb, JPN Merch!

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RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

looking for anything specific for the heatran lvl x

how about the magmortar lv x
RE: dialga (Time Aura)

PokeNoodle said:
Hi, I'd love your Dialga (Time Auro).

Do you still only have 1?

For platinum cards, I can offer your choice of 2 of the following:
Broken Time-Space
Power Spray


Yeah, I only have one...
If you could do...
1x Slaking
1x Manectric

For my...
1x Dialga [Time Aura] RH

LMK, PM me to Finalize =D

karimsoliman94 said:
looking for anything specific for the heatran lvl x

how about the magmortar lv x

Do you have a List of your haves?
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

1x Giratina PLATINUM release Poster [This is a Poster that has the same art as the booster pack, featuring Giratina!]
1x Giratina and the Sky Warrior Movie Posters
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

sorry i dont but anything you lokking for i might have it do you want fire water ...etc
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

CML for Darkrai MD.

RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

stumpy271 said:
CML for Darkrai MD.


I see Shaymin Land Forme Lv X... What else you want from my list for it?

karimsoliman94 said:
sorry I don't but anything you lokking for I might have it do you want fire water ...etc

All my wants are on my List...
Do you have any of those? How about deckable Trainers?

Prof. Shinx said:
1x Giratina PLATINUM release Poster [This is a Poster that has the same art as the booster pack, featuring Giratina!]
1x Giratina and the Sky Warrior Movie Posters

Do you have any platinum stuff? Still Looking at your list...
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

Havn't had the Platnium Pre-Release yet :p
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

i dont have any of your wants and wat do you mean by deckable trainers
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

karimsoliman94 said:
I don't have any of your wants and wat do you mean by deckable trainers

Bebes, googleeanes, Rare Candy, Night Maintenance...
Do you have any of those?

Prof. Shinx said:
Havn't had the Platnium Pre-Release yet :p

Really? Where are you from? Im curious =D
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

Australia, We should be having it in 2? weeks =P
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

CML for your Palkia G lv.X and Drapion lv.X please.
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

glatictics mars and scott and some others anything you want from secret wonders or ex power keepers i might have dont have platinum yet
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM-Palkia G LvX, Drapion LvX, Shaymin LvX, Hitmonchan]

Prof. Shinx said:
Australia, We should be having it in 2? weeks =P

Ah, I see! Well... Hmmm...
Ill tell ya what, If you Pull Dialga G lv X... Ill let ya have Both Posters and a Rare for it!

SotH said:
CML for your Palkia G lv.X and Drapion lv.X please.
Sorry, I dont see anything...

karimsoliman94 said:
glatictics mars and scott and some others anything you want from secret wonders or ex power keepers I might have don't have platinum yet

Im Sorry, Until you have a list I will not be able to see what I want. Im only looking for DP-on.
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM, W: Dialga G Lv X]

hello, can you cml for you Palkai G LV X and Palkia Tin Promo?
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM, W: Dialga G Lv X]

Rodiqio said:
hello, can you cml for you Palkai G LV X and Palkia Tin Promo?

Sorry, I didnt saw anything...
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM, W: Dialga G Lv X]

CML for your

White (Blank) Playing Mat

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM, W: Dialga G Lv X]

the crippler 18 said:
CML for your

White (Blank) Playing Mat

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)

Sorry, Didnt saw anything

bigpokex said:
CML for your 1x Palkia G Lv. X

Im sorry, nothing of interest ATM
RE: Jaimonster's Trading [H: PLATINUM, W: Dialga G Lv X]

CML for:
Infernape PT x2
Ninetails PT
Altaria PT
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