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Trying to make a VileChamp deck (Vileplume UD, Machamp SF/Prime)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello. I've been asking around for this and my deck shows no improvement. I did some few fixes though, and the deck is just slightly faster than it used to be, but not enough. I'm testing against Scizor variants, which are both speedy and bulky enough, to get a reference before I go to the league and test there. Well, here it goes:

4-4-4 Machamp (2 Prime, 2 SF)
2-2-2 Vileplume (UD)
4 Spiritomb (AR)
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
~27 cards

3 Bebe's Search
3 Seeker
3 Copycat
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Judge
2 Twins
1 Palmer's Contribution
~21 cards

9 Fighting Energy
~12 cards

Total: 60 cards

Strategy: Set up with Spiritomb and, since it won't be living a long life, Vileplume will trainer lock my opponent. Since Machamp comes in two variants, SF and Prime, I have covered both early and late game where each shine in their own way. SF Machamp also kills SP pokemon and Umbreon, which is a big plus. The deck is also designed to not make use of any trainer, so I don't get dead draws.

Problem: It is incredibly slow. I can't get a single donk right, and against Scizor this deck suffers horribly. It's also hard for me to get a single set-up. Wish I could do something about it!

Oh, I can't take out any energies, by the way. They're pretty much fairly distributed, since I can't use the DCE against Scizor and Machamp's Power works only for Fighting Energies, and Twins are a tech in case I'm losing to get a boost.
I'd like to see it. However, I'm gonna make you a question: How can VileGar stand up if no two stage two decks can be fast?

But, that made me think. Maybe I can make Machamp and/or Vileplume work with something else?
It's not a matter of "two stage 2 decks can't work" it's a matter of: How are you going to combine Machamp, a Pokemon that is speedy and uses a lot of trainers.....and Vileplume, a Pokemon which is meant to lock said trainers? This seems like a failed combo IMO, but if it works for you then I'd be interested to see how well it plays.
That's a good point! However the main point of my deck is not to use the speedy Machamp, but rather to use the bulky one (Machamp Prime). I use two of both, since I need to cover early and late game in an efficient way (but maybe leaning to a late game deck would work better, which means -1 Machamp SF +1 Machamp Prime).

But... I have the same doubts as you. Don't blame me, I'm really a beginner regarding deck building, so I just netdecked and tweaked it to fit my needs better.
I read the part about not getting a single donk. In a deck like this, you shouldn't be able to get the donk because you're using Spiritomb to slowly setup Machamp/Vileplume while locking your opponent.

-1 Pokemon Collector

+1 Bebe's Search

To help setup your evolutions, Bebe's Search should be maxed out to help setup Machamp/Vileplume much more quickly. Also, the decklist doesn't need 3 Pokemon Collector considering how much drawpower you have.
Okay, so I believe I'm doing this at least:

-1 Machamp SF
-1 Pokemon Collector

+1 Bebe's Search
+1 Machamp Prime

But, if I don't really need another Collector, I can try to replace it with something else. I wonder what could work...
IMO, you should have at least two Machamp SF (and preferably two) for the SP matchup and Umbreon.
....Ow, that's right, but then if the deck is meant to be slow, two Machamp SF (who are meant to be fast) are going to hurt it. Besides, it hurts when a single Machamp Prime is KO'd.
With Seeker and Champ Buster, you shouldn't let Machamp Prime die.

dmaster out.
That's correct, but faster decks will kill Machamp either way. Remember I'm also forced to use one supporter per turn, and that makes the deck a little bit less flexible and forces me to think my turns better.
if you are trying to get a donk well donks are just the right set up but im not sure but i think sablock is the only lock that was also meant to donk but locks like this aint getting a speed pull
One detail: My deck's goal isn't supposed to be a donk deck. If that was the case, I would have gone for a DonkChamp deck, not a VileChamp one. I'm just concerned about speed, since most decks are speedy enough and in this format slower decks don't do well... Am I right? (And counting I suffer against Scizor variants)
Another bump. I was thinking this deck can't deal well against VileGar decks, neither with Scizor variants. Should I do another strategy...? As I said, I'm really a newbie on deck building, and I believe I would love an original, cheap (I don't have enough cards to get rare ones easily) and competitive deck.
IMO,you should:

-1 copycat
-1 collector
+2 Lucian's assignment

Lucian's assignment for switching energy in between Machamps in case you are about to get KO-ed.
^Why would you use Lucian's? There is already Fighting Tag for energy switching.

Drop 2 Copycat for 2 PONT. You may have that time where you need hand refresh, and copycat won't do enough. You could even use Looker's Investigation, so I would experiment with all three.

That's my two cents. :)
i would consider in adding an unown p instead of rock so its easier to place damage counters for max damage with prime