Two Magical Fish

Stop joking. Please, I want to actually get somewhere with this thread.
I believe that certain members currently active in this thread with find the following information to be useful.

That makes me sound like a bad fish, but it's important to take things in good humour sometimes.
Upon studying Andyman's findings, I found THIS:


You still believe that LV is going to be the next mod, don't you HS?
Omg I just figured it out!!!

There is two Magical fish!!!
One is nice (Light Venasuar) and one is evil (sonicmoj)!!!!
zyflair said:
You still believe that LV is going to be the next mod, don't you HS?
Of course I am 100% serious, what do you think I am, some JOKER going around faking images?

Also, read what bacon said, VERY IMPORTANT. :)
Woah, people are actually taking C-m seriously?
And C-m thank you for tell Dawn boy to stop.
The posts were quite annoying.
Why are you still referring to HS's old name? It's kind of hard to remember that, since I've only recently joined.

Haha, HS. You and Scampy are absolutely geniuses.

Can someone besides me, Moneyking63, Spirit of Mew, and Fridge actually take this seriously?
That was exactly what Andyman was doing. We should all accept one another though. But I don't get it, WPM refers to "little" as a clue. I don't think it has anything to do with letters.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
zyflair said:
You still believe that LV is going to be the next mod, don't you HS?
Of course I am 100% serious, what do you think I am, some JOKER going around faking images?

Also, read what bacon said, VERY IMPORTANT. :)

Why so serious, c-m?
I'm thinking it has to do with good members (or people who keep up with the grammar/spelling) get rewards, and bad members are punished or not given privileges.

I'm trying to think of what the magical powers refer to, maybe a special secret forum for good posters, or some sort of ability to have control over bad posters. Good posters get some sort of mod-like powers or can report people.
Well, since we already can report people, I don't see that happening. There's at least 100 good members at least very least. It would surely cause many mini-modding issues.
We should probably start with not referring this to the internet, as it makes things clearer.
I know, I'm trying to think of how good posters can be rewarded. Maybe taking away reports to basic people would be some incentive to keep back on the spam reports. The post seems to hint to people getting powers but I can't think of anything minor enough to not cause problems.
Spirit Of Mew said:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers. Each had their own gift

One accepted all with a warm glow; A person who didn't judge anyone and excepted them without question.
Its opposite exerted anger and rage. Only likes those it felt to be worthy

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed. People who use what they know to selflessly help others are given this magic.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If one remains unfaithfull it becomes bubbles... Bubbles pop. Another meaning to this is that bubbles can be a form of isolation. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others. If the little fish changes the lives of others then it's life gives them their magic.

That's what I came up with.

This is the most detailed, non-biased interpretation so far. Only that I think something's missing. What about the growing to love/hate? That's a really powerful line.