Umm, the front page... WTF?

I remember reading those pieces of text and I thought it had something to do with the expected change announced by WPM in the text (If I remember correctly) where he told the story of his relation with the guys of Nintendo (or the TGC).
Too bad that I missed that prank since now I don't visit the front page and instead come right to the foruns. =P
Leaf_Ranger said:
I remember reading those pieces of text and I thought it had something to do with the expected change announced by WPM in the text (If I remember correctly) where he told the story of his relation with the guys of Nintendo (or the TGC).
Too bad that I missed that prank since now I don't visit the front page and instead come right to the foruns. =P

It's still on the front page, if you wish to see it.

Could this be for one of WPM's movies or short series?
Brave Vesperia said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
I remember reading those pieces of text and I thought it had something to do with the expected change announced by WPM in the text (If I remember correctly) where he told the story of his relation with the guys of Nintendo (or the TGC).
Too bad that I missed that prank since now I don't visit the front page and instead come right to the foruns. =P

It's still on the front page, if you wish to see it.

Could this be for one of WPM's movies or short series?

Thanks for that.
Yup, still there and it is kind of creepy, though I think just one eye would be even creepier.
Welcome to April: PokeBeach Edition 2 - Electric Boogaloo.

Featuring horror, death, murder, and laughter. Emphasis on laughter. Because you can't spell slaughter without laughter!
This is pokebeach reaching its full potential due to the arrival of the fabled programmer. But what is in store for pokebeach in its final form?
Red Eyed Boy MMORPG?
Red Eyed Boy interactive fan fiction?

Or perhaps.....the red eyed child is tied to Pokemon....
Water Pokémon Master said:
You guys aren't as smart as the people who used to come here.

cry me a river from the tears of that red eyed kid

wait...who said it is a person? the spikes remind me of feathers of a bird...

naw its just wpm going into a goth phase nothing to worry about here
I'm surprised Angelo had enough sense to post a thread here, but didn't bother posting the message he saw. That's what has all the clues.
Ya know, compared to the previous years' April Fools, this was tame as heck. Zero's "fake" hacking of the forum from years back was the most memorable.
It's not an April Fools, the banner change has been there intermittently since last week. We didn't do an April Fools this year.

EDIT: Ugh, no one can put together the clues to anything. :p
Where is eron asking for "hintz" when needed?

Anyway, whatever WPM has on the works will be revealed at some point, so just let it be.
Water Pokémon Master said:
The link/banner change only showed 1/500 times, so congrats Angelo for seeing it.

Am I wasting my time refreshing the page now in hopes of finding this message?