Underused Cards

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<3 Flariados
I was thinking of making an article on this, but apparently articles seem to only be on singular Pokemon! :p So, what does everyone think are some underused cards that are actually quite good? Here's a list of mine:

Mismagius DP - Against a pokemon with three energies attached, Psywave does 90damage. C'mon, what more do you want? :p
Bastiodon MT - Anger Revenge is a very good attack, and its poke-body stops sniping decks... And with 130 hp, and the fact that it's a metal type (gets the benefits from the special energies)
Manectric MT - Okay, so it only has 80 hp... Aside from that, Chain Lightning is possibly one of the best attacks in the game, and Lightning Twister could make Manectric effectively replace Blissey in all those energy tanking decks, since it's a more energy-efficient attack.
Ramparados SW - Can do a whole lot of damage with Hasty headbutt. A WHOLE lot.
Sharpedo SW - Rough skin, combined with the attack, plus dark energies attatched to him... Can deal tons and tons of damage.
Breloom SW - Drain Punch is good and Homing Uppercut takes care of Garchomp and many other pokemon with 0 retreat cost. Oh, and any psychic pokemon with their retreats set to 0 by that Stadium card (forget what it was called). And it has 100 HP, which is very good for a Stage 1.
Quagsire SW - Decent damage to defending pokemon plus great bench hitting power. As well as a nice poke-power.
Hypno GE - 60 and sleep for 3 energies is amazing.
Altaria GE - Good damage and great protection from pretty much the only things that could trouble a stage 1 with 80 hp.

Wow, that's a lot. Um, post your opinions and thoguhts about this topic here. Because that's what people do in threads.
Miltank SW-first attack.energyless.can heal up to 60 damage for 2 heads.good for setupping bench
I think that some of them are very powerful and they should be used more often, but some have their drawbacks.

Mismagius: Yes, has the potential to do lots of damage, but you might also be stacking energy on him for only 30 damage =(

Bastiodon: He's pretty good, but kind of slow and weak to Magmortar. Other than that I think he's great though. Lots of HP and good attacks.

Manectric: Definitely a good Pokemon. Does lots of damage and spreads it around.

Rampardos: I like him, except he does damage to himself. But otherwise, his attack is really strong.

Sharpedo: Pretty strong, but has low HP.

Most of the other ones are only ok in my opinion.
I agree with Manetric MT. He is absolutely brilliant.

I also think Drifblim DP should be getting more play than it does. I can't remember exactly what the attack is but it's something like search for 5 supporters for no energy.
i loved using manectric in some old rogue decks

but i think SW Roserade is awfully underused

its first attack is utterly rediculous and it destroys is my current poison deck

20 for 1 and theyre asleep AND poisoned!!!!
Chatot MD!!!!!!! Mimic its a great attack, a colorless copycat attack. plus retreat cost 0!!!!
I think Girafarig MT is a very solid starter...in fact, I'd rather use him than Stantler. You can use Crane Neck to go get a rare candy or two to start off the game.
Drifblim DP:
[C] Wind Wave. 0 Damage. Lets you search your Discard Pile for any combonation of 5 Supporters and Pokemon and shuffle them into your deck
[P][P][P] Explosive Smoke. 60 Damage. Does 10 damage to each benched pokemon.

Not bad. No retreat cost, so a great poke to attack an energy to and shuffle your lost Gardy and Team Galactic's Wager back into your deck and then retreat.
Mismagius and manetric was used before. Mismagius was anti-blissey while manetric works if used properly. But I have to say the most underused card is chatot MD. The winner of nats from where I'm from used that as his starter. With free retreat and bait to activate scramble it worked quite well.
I'm not saying these cards haven't been used at all before, just that they just haven't caused a stir.

And as for chatot... Yeah, it's a good starter. But if you have more cards in your hand than your opponent, it's completely useless.
Ex Dragon18 said:
Most cards are underused for a reason :rolleyes:

And the cards we're mentioning are actually DECENT ones. :p

Sorry if I'm sounding repetitive, but meh. Also, is Magnezone actually used much? Because it's a good card.
Blazing_Monkey said:
Anything not named Gardevoir, Gallade or Empoleon.

I made a deck with Breloom once :]

And some more pokemon That I think should be added to the list:

Tyranitar MT-with two special darkness energies attached, and If you're behind on prizes, You can do 100 damage, AND discard the top three cards from their deck. How's that for a comeback.
Glalie MT-It's like taking paralysis and giving it to the player. Every deck in today's game revolves around getting good trainers. If you get this guy going early, they're at an extreme disadvantage.
Shiftry DP-Every turn, you can screw over your opponent. If they rare candied, you screw them over even more. That and the chance to do up to 90 dmg+darkness.
Arcanine SW-120 dmg. Then play another for another 120. Repeat+Super Scoop ups. 4 turns and you've started something big. Maybe less if you use DREs for a sacrifice of some dmg.

So there. Some of my fav cards, that I'm surprised aren't used as much. :]

Please explain why they aren't. I'm listening xD
Those are good cards, actually.

I'm not quite sure about Arcanine, though. In theory, it sounds good. Do 120 damage, then super scoop up. Unfortunately, he only has 100 hp, so the opponent only has to do 60 damage, and if they don't, you've still gotta get heads on a super scoop up. With that thing on the bench, given all the sniping these days, it spells doom. :p

Shifty DP's a great one. With three darkness energies attached (say, if you're running an all darkness deck) you'd do an average of 100 damage... wow.

...Which brings me to ask a certain question- Why aren't there many all-darkness or all-metal decks? You get HUGE benefits from the special energies, now that they were reprinted that way in Majestic Dawn. Magnezone + Bastiodon could really, really rock. Eh, I can't seem to think of any darkness pokemon right now, though... So yeah, pretty much every metal/darkness pokemon (even Darkrai) is underused. As in, they should be used pretty much all the time, IMO.
You misunderstood my Arcanine thing.

1-play arcanine, do 120
2-Next turn, play another arcanine, switch and do 120
3-Next turn, super scoop up the benched one, play another arcanine, do 120.

which , I guess....IS pretty ricky. but hey. even twice is really good.
Finneon & Lumineon - The Reverse Stream attack isn't great, however its pokepower Lure Ring is a great Finnisher! (Terrible pun I know)
Martainia said:
You misunderstood my Arcanine thing.

1-play arcanine, do 120
2-Next turn, play another arcanine, switch and do 120
3-Next turn, super scoop up the benched one, play another arcanine, do 120.

which , I guess....IS pretty ricky. but hey. even twice is really good.

But the Arcanine is still left to an OHKO by anything that does 60 damage before you can even switch it (less if it's a water type).
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