Writing Unfinished Page II (writing contest)

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Zyflair said:
You pm PMJ the following:You are thus giving 10, 7, and 4 points to the people you choose (the higher the place, the more points). The person who has the most points of that round wins and gets their section added to the story.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up to me. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Just to clarify. Under no circumstances, should this end the story. More like ending with a cliffhanger of some sort. correct?
sturtle said:
But what about the next round? Does everyone compete again, or does someone get eliminated? At the end of the 7 paragraphs, are all the points collected, and someone named a winner? I need to know!
No elimination. Contest winner is determined by highest total points from ALL SEVEN rounds.

charidude said:
Just to clarify. Under no circumstances, should this end the story. More like ending with a cliffhanger of some sort. correct?
You don't have to cliffhang. Just don't end the story. Wait, you were in the previous Unfinished Page. I thought you knew how it goes. @_@
I know, but that was a while ago.... (I suffer from short-term, mem... how do you spell memoree again? =p)
Im scared now. Zyflair and Heavenly Spoon? The mods are going to kill us all... Or ban us so we can't PM our stories.:p
It's not the mods you should be worried about, sturtle. It's the Writer's Haven members you should be worried about. We take these events very seriously to maintain our reputation. Well at least I do...

Man, I should have procrastinated a bit more on this. :/ I have nothing really to add in discussion to this bit...
Crystal Hikara said:
It's not the mods you should be worried about, sturtle. It's the Writer's Haven members you should be worried about. We take these events very seriously to maintain our reputation. Well at least I do...
No real scholar would leave a good chance to practice to waste.

We provide no mercy whatsoever. Prepare yourself and face some awesome entries from WE REAL WRITERS \m/
It's Sunday! To everyone who hasn't submitted an entry, consider yourselves threatened. You have approximately 22 hours to PM me an entry or terrible, unspeakable horrors will be brought down upon you and those you care about (unless one of the latter is me, in which case I am spared ;D).
PMJ said:
It's Sunday! To everyone who hasn't submitted an entry, consider yourselves threatened. You have approximately 22 hours to PM me an entry or terrible, unspeakable horrors will be brought down upon you and those you care about (unless one of the latter is me, in which case I am spared ;D).

What kind of horror? The unspeakable kind? That sounds pretty terrible.

Ice Espeon: I pretty sure you can still judge, just make sure you read the rules.

Zyflair:You're are going down to the ground. It is on! So on!

One final comment: If our story wins, can we post that? Say if I won the first round,(Which I will.:p) then can I post: "Yay! I won!" or is that illegal?

Haha, awwwww, the little sturtle thinks he has a chaaaance because he's a judgy-wudgy. Isn't that so cute, Zyflair? I wonder how he'll feel when WE REAL WRITERS own the competition and grind them all to pitiful eraser dust...? |3

...granted, you're still going down too. I hope.
Crystal Hikara said:
...granted, you're still going down too. I hope.
So confident you are. All we have to do is wait for tomorrow afternoon...

Of course, we all know we're only waiting for my win. =D
What's that I smell? Fear. You're both scared of my superior writing skills, and amazing good-looks.

Yeah, that's right. I went there.
Zyflair, is that overconfidence I smell radiating off your body, or the foul stench of defeat to be? |3

Sturtle, what superior writing skills? I'm sure you would have easily shown off to the rest of the Writer's Corner's lurkers if you were so proud of your writing, yet what is that I see? Yeah, nothing. Nothing but an egotistical fool who will probably disqualify himself for selfishly voting for himself. Hate to break it to ya, kid, but you ain't gonna make it, especially with judges like Zenith around. ;D

...of course Zenith will probably tear mine apart as well. Man it is a good thing that the judges won't know who's is who's...
So I don't have a story up. I need to spread my wings as a contest winner first, then prove to all that I am amazing. I am a dark horse. Slowly working my way into the forums, then striking with ferocity.

Who votes for themselves? That's lame. Zyflair will vote for me, because I sent him muffins.As far as you know...

BTW, I don't even see you signed-up. Chickened out? Bawk bawk bawk...
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