Pokemon Unpopular Opinions Thread

One of my favorite pokemon of all time is Beedrill, and I think he is totally amazing in Fire Red.

I don't know how much of an unpopular opinion this is, but I hate Pearl and Diamond. There's just not enough new good pokemon for me, and I hate Sinnoh so much.
Starboard Driger said:
Featherwick said:
I don't know how much of an unpopular opinion this is, but I hate Pearl and Diamond. There's just not enough new good pokemon for me, and I hate Sinnoh so much.

That's a pretty popular opinion.

Then I have a good one, I don't really like gen 1 that much. The only really experience I have with it is Pokemon Yellow and oh god. Pokemon Yellow is not bad, I just hate it because of how it's impossibly hard. Sabrina's Alakazam is simply death. Plain and simple.
I hate the first generation. Hate, hate, hate it. It's slow. It's glitchy beyond belief. It's ridiculously unbalanced. The gameplay has been improved so much that it's just lacking in every single way. It's, for lack of a better word, boring. And it was my first Pokemon game! I just don't let the nostalgia cloud my view, I guess. (Tried replaying it a few years back... Yeah... That didn't make it very far.)

...And I love the fourth generation. Favorite one.
Eeeh, the first games are cool because they are glitchy, ugly and incomplete. It still feels like they have a little bit of mystery going on even though everything about them has been found out a long time ago. They are not my favourite Pokémon games, but they are still cool!
Teal said:
Eeeh, the first games are cool because they are glitchy, ugly and incomplete. It still feels like they have a little bit of mystery going on even though everything about them has been found out a long time ago. They are not my favourite Pokémon games, but they are still cool!

Agreed. That's honestly the only reason I play them anymore, finding new ways to break them. G/S/C too.
Or if I need some really fast Pokemon playing since I have the Dodrio Mode unlocked in the GB Tower in Stadium.
I don't like to play games with outdated mechanics... I end up forgetting that they don't have the Physical/Special split or that there are no abilites in gen 1 and 2... The only gen 1 game I played was Yellow and I only liked because we could get all three starters... So my team was Pikachu, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise... and 2 other I don't remember now lol (probably Pidgeot and Dugtrio)...
I only play Gen 1 for the glitch Pokemon. Everything else is horrible.

I liked a lot about Gen 4, but not the slow-as-hell game and its engine. That forced it automatically to the bottom of my like list.
I have a friend who loves to go back and play the gen 1 games frequently and I can't get why. The graphics are nostalgic, but crap now and the game mechanics feel so limited. Plus, I hate the gap between gen 2 and 3 where I can't transfer my pokemon over. So training gen 1&2 games are pointless.
I tried to replay the first gen games several times, every time I gave up... The reason for that? That ultra crappy super slow walking speed D: it just drives me nuts. Once I actually made it to the bike, so I had the option to chose between walking slower than a dead snail or driving that crazy high speed monster bike... Guess I'm just too spoiled by the newer games... I enjoyed replaying crystal, though :)
Nightingirle said:
I tried to replay the first gen games several times, every time I gave up... The reason for that? That ultra crappy super slow walking speed D: it just drives me nuts. Once I actually made it to the bike, so I had the option to chose between walking slower than a dead snail or driving that crazy high speed monster bike... Guess I'm just too spoiled by the newer games... I enjoyed replaying crystal, though :)

This is the reason I literally only play Gens 1 and 2 on the GB Tower in Stadium. 3x gameplay speed is a blessing; makes them actually playable.
frezgle said:
Nightingirle said:
I tried to replay the first gen games several times, every time I gave up... The reason for that? That ultra crappy super slow walking speed D: it just drives me nuts. Once I actually made it to the bike, so I had the option to chose between walking slower than a dead snail or driving that crazy high speed monster bike... Guess I'm just too spoiled by the newer games... I enjoyed replaying crystal, though :)

This is the reason I literally only play Gens 1 and 2 on the GB Tower in Stadium. 3x gameplay speed is a blessing; makes them actually playable.

You still have those games? I miss them! Especially the little mini games in the first one? I think.
- I love Voltorb and Electrode. Voltorb is always grumpy and Electrode is a troll.
- I like Fairy type and Mewtwo's new form.
- Although I like Mewtwo's new form, I'd rather it was a new clone of Mew because I dont like forms.
- Another thing about forms, I dont mind them if they are not interchangeable. Woormadam and Gastrodon are acceptable to me because I think of them as variations rather than forms.
- I've never played RSE so I dont have much of an opinion on that, but I think the Sinnoh region was the best region so far due to its size. I just dislike the small amount of new Pokemon to distribute.
- While all the games are essentially linear, I feel like the storyline in Black and White really made it obvious.
- I liked the Pokeathalon but disliked every other contest. The Bug Catching contest was cool too, but thats not really the same as the other big contest type gimmicks.
- I was really disappointed in the lack of waterways and obstacles in Black and White. The routes were boring and the sense of adventure was lost.
- I like HM's. They force you to plan ahead when thinking about who to take along with you. Although, I disliked that you needed Waterfall, Rock Climb and Surf in Mt Silver in HGSS. That was way too many required HM's for one trip, especially when you dont have room in your party for an HM slave when you have to fight Red.
- I like that IVs are hidden and I wish that EVs had never been acknowledged by Gamefreak. I think it makes each Pokemon unique and interesting.
- I think the layout of the old Safari Zone was much more challenging than the new ones. The new ones are boring and useless IMO.
- On the topic of Safari Zone, I think its a shame that the Pokemon that used to be rare, such as Chansey or Kangaskan, are no longer hard to find. I think some Pokemon should be rare across all the games in order to make the more of a relic to have. Its much less satisfying to only need to spend 2 minutes searching for any Pokemon.
- I dont think they should make any more Eevee evolutions.
- I dont think all the regions should be thrown into one game, but I do think 2 regions would be okay.
- I dont like the music in BW or BW2.
- I think BW2 were pointless games and I'd rather there be 3rd game rather than two sequels. Even if the 3rd game was a sequel, I think it would be better.
- I absolutely despise version exclusive locations or location differences. I cant stand them. Its another grab at money but its a cheap one at best. The only version exclusives there should be are Pokemon. At least you can trade those across games.
- I felt like too many things were just handed out to you in BW2. Every other person you talked to gave you something for no damn reason. I mean, I like free stuff in games, but it felt overdone.
- This is becoming a complaint thread for BW right now, but I cant stand how they shafted us and gave us a small region just to add a bunch of stuff on the sequels and call it a day. Its like Apple giving you an Ipod that is lacking basic functions like a camcorder or radio and then add it in the next generation as the "improvement" and pretending like they couldnt have done it before. Oh wait, this is what Apple does.

- Anyone else think its really stupid to put the Shift key right about the Enter key? Especially considering Enter is the default key used to submit something. There have been way too many times when I'm trying to capitalize a word and I've accidentally hit Enter, thereby prematurely submitting my post in a chat room or on Facebook or something else making me look like a jackass. Enter should be put in a corner.
DNA said:
Thief said:
On a side note, don't you guys think Simisear looks very feminine? Like he just strikes me as a gay man.

Simisear has just become one of my favorite pokemon. It's so obvious and I never did notice it, I'm a disgrace to my fellow gays. ._. lol

Here's my list:
  • My favorite Generations go: Gen. 3 > Gen. 5 > Gen. 4 > Gen. 1 > Gen. 2 (I haven't included Gen. 6, but it's looking more on the positive side)
  • Contrary to that my favorite starter Pokemon as a whole(I'm not taking their evos into account): Gen. 1 > Gen. 6 > Gen. 3 > Gen. 2 > Gen. 5 > Gen. 4
  • I really like Stunfisk. It has a unique typing and it's generally weird, which I like. I also like it because it has that cheeky smile in it's sprite animation, it's like it's saying "Yeah I know everyone hates me, I love it!"
  • I don't like Gen. 2, mostly because of the designs of the Pokemon and the general design of the game. In other words, I didn't like how the game looked. I also didn't like Heartgold/Soulsilver because the one and only thing I wanted them to do was to make Houndour obtainable during the main game. Not only did they not do that, they made it harder to catch. -_-
  • (Probably the one that will make you hate me)There's only a few Pokemon I hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but one of them is definitely one that a lot of people like and that is Dragonite. I despise this abomination that I'm forced to call a dragon and I would throw a party if it would just vanish. I think most of my hate comes from the fact which is that it evolves from one of my favorite Pokemon: Dragonair. I remembered catching Dratini(which I also love) and training it thinking it was going to evolve into some kickass flying serpentine dragon that eats babies, but nope it evolves into puff puff the moronic dragon. -_______-
Thief said:
On a side note, don't you guys think Simisear looks very feminine? Like he just strikes me as a gay man.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. It would probably look less flaming if it weren't doing some sort of limp-wrist pose.
Thief said:
Bogleech said:
Gay men aren't generally more "feminine," and who cares whether a cartoon monster looks masculine or feminine anyway? You're going by human standards, and they aren't humans. Gardevoir can be male or female, you know, and there's no reason it should be entirely female.
I get what you're saying, but it seems like you're just saying what you think is morally right to say in a situation like this. Jynx is obviously a woman or based off of one, so "human standards" can kind of apply when in fact GF made Jynx in the image of a woman; a black woman at that.
You mean ganguro.
evilpacman said:
- I like that IVs are hidden and I wish that EVs had never been acknowledged by Gamefreak.
It's not like being acknowledge really would've mattered. Fans would've found it in the code anyway, just like they found legendaries such as Arceus before they were officially released. Not only that, but EV's were made for players to find out about. They only exist so players can train their Pokemon's stats, so obviously Game Freak would want players to know about a system made just for more competitive play.
[/quote]- I dont think all the regions should be thrown into one game, but I do think 2 regions would be okay.[/quote]
That's a pretty common opinion, at least from older, more experienced fans. If you thought Kanto was empty in GSC, just imagine 5 more regions. Even worse, imagine the level scaling.
Amphy23 said:
I just love how people write off PMD: Infinity just because it doesn't have the personality quiz.

Yeah, what Blob said are the main reasons I wouldn't buy it full price (it would have totally rocked as a $15 or $20 download), but I do think this is silly. I mean, the personality quiz is cool, and it was heavily advertised, but it really wasn't a big part of the game. Though, I guess it partly fooled people who'd never touch a dungeon-crawler thingy to do so, heh.

I have a few, maybe:
  • This is more of an unpopular opinion when considering mainstream VG reviewers, but I thoroughly love the Ranger series. :X
  • I'm not big on battling in general, but that's more of a general RPG thing. I could probably learn to love it. Maybe. I play the Pokemon games for their world and music more than I do battling.
  • I really, really dig the BW anime:

    Having watched about 200 episodes in a row spanning pretty muh all the arcs these past few months, I feel I've gained a bit of perspective on why a lot of people dropped off the anime after season 8, and I don't think it was just the new dub team: Really, it started on the tailend of season 8 (which was still done by 4Kids), when Ash and co. set out for the Battle Frontier. The Battle Frontier arc and DP stuff are really similar to the Hoenn stuff in structure, except for Team Rocket. TR visited TRHQ after the Hoenn League, and basically decided they wanted to change their image. How do they do that? No, not just a new motto, by incorporating a lot of humor that I'd assume is lost to those outside of Japan. Incessant and unfulfilling rhymes upon rhymes upon rhymes. Really odd stuff in Snowpoint City where Jessie just says the same word for about 20 seconds while moving her giant head. Just, stuff like that. Someone well versed in the non-dubbed anime would probably tell me the new dub team just doesn't do a good job or that the writing in general isn't great, but I still think there's something to this TR stuff. So what does BW do? Bam, let's get rid of this new TR and make them the cool, occasional bad guys that hardly use any humor. Really, for the western audience where most of this humor was being lost (imo), I feel that was a brilliant decision. And then bam, let's just speed up the pace of Ash's gym badges and make anything in between feel worthwhile, either by doing big tournaments, evolutions galore, side character interactions, or general fun stuff like the Bouffalant episode. I really, really dig it, and feel it shouldn't be piled in with DP in what was an odd time for the anime with its odder humor.
scuba steveE said:
DNA said:
Simisear has just become one of my favorite pokemon. It's so obvious and I never did notice it, I'm a disgrace to my fellow gays. ._. lol

Here's my list:
  • My favorite Generations go: Gen. 3 > Gen. 5 > Gen. 4 > Gen. 1 > Gen. 2 (I haven't included Gen. 6, but it's looking more on the positive side)
  • Contrary to that my favorite starter Pokemon as a whole(I'm not taking their evos into account): Gen. 1 > Gen. 6 > Gen. 3 > Gen. 2 > Gen. 5 > Gen. 4
  • I really like Stunfisk. It has a unique typing and it's generally weird, which I like. I also like it because it has that cheeky smile in it's sprite animation, it's like it's saying "Yeah I know everyone hates me, I love it!"
  • I don't like Gen. 2, mostly because of the designs of the Pokemon and the general design of the game. In other words, I didn't like how the game looked. I also didn't like Heartgold/Soulsilver because the one and only thing I wanted them to do was to make Houndour obtainable during the main game. Not only did they not do that, they made it harder to catch. -_-
  • (Probably the one that will make you hate me)There's only a few Pokemon I hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but one of them is definitely one that a lot of people like and that is Dragonite. I despise this abomination that I'm forced to call a dragon and I would throw a party if it would just vanish. I think most of my hate comes from the fact which is that it evolves from one of my favorite Pokemon: Dragonair. I remembered catching Dratini(which I also love) and training it thinking it was going to evolve into some kickass flying serpentine dragon that eats babies, but nope it evolves into puff puff the moronic dragon. -_______-
How dare you defy Dragonite in such a way. If anything Dragonite deserves your respect as the original awesome Dragon. On top of the fact everyone basically disowned D-nite when Kingdra and Salamence came around. The fact Dragonite isn't serpentine or all rough edges-scaly looking (Yes, I mean you Druddigon) is just a further testament that you don't have to look like some city ravaging evil dragon to be awesome. Word.
scuba steveE said:
DNA said:
Simisear has just become one of my favorite pokemon. It's so obvious and I never did notice it, I'm a disgrace to my fellow gays. ._. lol

Here's my list:
  • My favorite Generations go: Gen. 3 > Gen. 5 > Gen. 4 > Gen. 1 > Gen. 2 (I haven't included Gen. 6, but it's looking more on the positive side)
  • Contrary to that my favorite starter Pokemon as a whole(I'm not taking their evos into account): Gen. 1 > Gen. 6 > Gen. 3 > Gen. 2 > Gen. 5 > Gen. 4
  • I really like Stunfisk. It has a unique typing and it's generally weird, which I like. I also like it because it has that cheeky smile in it's sprite animation, it's like it's saying "Yeah I know everyone hates me, I love it!"
  • I don't like Gen. 2, mostly because of the designs of the Pokemon and the general design of the game. In other words, I didn't like how the game looked. I also didn't like Heartgold/Soulsilver because the one and only thing I wanted them to do was to make Houndour obtainable during the main game. Not only did they not do that, they made it harder to catch. -_-
  • (Probably the one that will make you hate me)There's only a few Pokemon I hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but one of them is definitely one that a lot of people like and that is Dragonite. I despise this abomination that I'm forced to call a dragon and I would throw a party if it would just vanish. I think most of my hate comes from the fact which is that it evolves from one of my favorite Pokemon: Dragonair. I remembered catching Dratini(which I also love) and training it thinking it was going to evolve into some kickass flying serpentine dragon that eats babies, but nope it evolves into puff puff the moronic dragon. -_______-

I have to somewhat agree. I like Dragonair's design more than Dragonite's. I think I'd like it better if they weren't related. Dragonair is so elegant and majestic. Then it evolves into a derpy-looking dragon. I love him for being adorable, but it doesn't fit to me.
AdamLambert said:
I have to somewhat agree. I like Dragonair's design more than Dragonite's. I think I'd like it better if they weren't related. Dragonair is so elegant and majestic. Then it evolves into a derpy-looking dragon. I love him for being adorable, but it doesn't fit to me.

I like to think of it as how some people are adorable kids and then super hot teenagers and then they grow up to be dumpy old adults.