Pokemon Unpopular Opinions Thread

Sky Pillar said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Guys...Liking fairy type is the popular opinion. Disliking it is the unpopular opinion.

It's more of a mixed bag, a large amount dislike it and a large amount like it.
useless feature.

Name one person on this fourm besides me that dislikes the fairy type. No one agrees with me that the fairy type is a bad idea, practically 99.9% of Pokebeach supports the fairy type.
Reggie McGigas said:
Name one person on this fourm besides me that dislikes the fairy type. No one agrees with me that the fairy type is a bad idea, practically 99.9% of Pokebeach supports the fairy type.

Outside of PokeBeach, I've heard nothing but complaining about it. Take a look at Pokemon's official Facebook page some time; most of the comments on their new posts are upvoted remarks along the lines of "um why fairy type lol pokeman is ruined".

I personally have warmed up to it because honestly, it's not any weirder than the Dragon or Bug types. I just hope it won't saturate the metagame like Dragon has >_>
Here's what I can think of:

I don't think Volcarona is all that great (design-wise)
I don't see Newtwo, Reshiram, or Maractus as being feminine at all
I honestly don't give a crap about Shinies
Even though the Vanillite line and Mr. Mime look rather goofy, I found the concepts behind them nothing short of genius
Jakovu said:
Here's what I can think of:

I don't think Volcarona is all that great (design-wise)
I don't see Newtwo, Reshiram, or Maractus as being feminine at all
I honestly don't give a crap about Shinies
Even though the Vanillite line and Mr. Mime look rather goofy, I found the concepts behind them nothing short of genius

I can't agree any more with you on #2. Some of these 'unpopular' opinions are cool with me.

Also I dislike Mewtwo's new form, dislike Black Kyurem, like White Kyurem, and dislike Keldeo both forms.

Also, I checked the pokemon facebook page. There were a couple people who disliked the fairy type but got 0-20 likes, and the people telling them to shut up/the people praising fairy got around 25-70 likes.
The reception to the Fairy-type, as far as I have seen from the various places I go to, is about 50-50 like-dislike.
So, much like the opinion on Cynthia, liking or disliking the Fairy-type are both equally unpopular.
DNA said:
The reception to the Fairy-type, as far as I have seen from the various places I go to, is about 50-50 like-dislike.
So, much like the opinion on Cynthia, liking or disliking the Fairy-type are both equally unpopular.

I honestly don't really see WHY people hate Fairy Type.

I think it's about time we got a Fairy Type in Pokemon because I've wanted something like that for a while, after playing RPGs and fairy type classifications running rampant in them, it made me realize Pokemon is missing something pretty core to RPGs. I dunno about any of you, but it being dominant over Dragon (such as myths of faeries or girls taming dragons) makes a lot of sense to me. It's really a ridiculous thing to get upset over, I welcome the changes, especially with all these dragon types running around making the game fairly unbalanced.

If it's a masculinity sort of thing, then that is just something I think people need to get used to because Pokemon isn't a boys-only game. There are tons of female Pokemon players, so I don't see how Fairy-Type ruins your feeling of masculinity.
They just wanted Light-type to be the new type.
Failing that, they all whined about it.
DNA said:
They just wanted Light-type to be the new type.
Failing that, they all whined about it.

Fairy type is pretty much everyone's idea of a Light type, but with a different name.

When I thought of Light-type, I never thought of something related to actual light, it was something more like goodness and sacred, even magical...
So, that's why I'm not against the fairy... It's pretty much what I wanted for a light-type. Like you said, it just has a different name...
Jakovu said:
Here's what I can think of:

I don't think Volcarona is all that great (design-wise)
I don't see Newtwo, Reshiram, or Maractus as being feminine at all
I honestly don't give a crap about Shinies
Even though the Vanillite line and Mr. Mime look rather goofy, I found the concepts behind them nothing short of genius

I'm with you in that Black Kyurem's design is just so poorly executed. The ARMS. Those things are ATROCIOUS! What was the thought process? Kyurem nor Zekrom have arms like that. It's just blech. Powerful, but blech nonetheless. White Kyurem, on the other hand was executed very well.
The two main reasons why I disliked the fairy type

1. I figured Gamefreak was going to blow it by making fairy types only cute and girly, instead of making a realistic (lol) fairy. Not all faries are cuddly and cute, and guess what? It seems like Gamefreak went with the sterotypical fairy.

2. It's way too late to make a fairy type. Why not add hype to Ruby and Saphire by adding it then? Practically 85% of all fairy types not in gen 6 are going to be in gens 1-3. Besides Audino, Togekiss,Meloetta, Munna, Musharuna, and maybe the Lake trio, there aren't any fairy types that will get retyped that are in generations 4 and 5.

Overall, I'll just pass on fairy type.
Reggie McGigas said:
The two main reasons why I disliked the fairy type

1. I figured Gamefreak was going to blow it by making fairy types only cute and girly, instead of making a realistic (lol) fairy. Not all faries are cuddly and cute, and guess what? It seems like Gamefreak went with the sterotypical fairy.

2. It's way too late to make a fairy type. Why not add hype to Ruby and Saphire by adding it then? Practically 85% of all fairy types not in gen 6 are going to be in gens 1-3. Besides Audino, Togekiss,Meloetta, Munna, Musharuna, and maybe the Lake trio, there aren't any fairy types that will get retyped that are in generations 4 and 5.

Overall, I'll just pass on fairy type.

Your arguments kinda fall flat. Here's why:

First off, we only know of a few fairy-types: Gardevoir, Sylveon, Flabébé, Marill, Azumarill, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff.

How do you know we won't be getting some really badass fairy-type Pokémon? Also, I for one don't feel Gardevoir is girly. I mean, yeah, it has a feminine appearance, but that doesn't mean it isn't BADASS.

Secondly, here is a list of what I've seen people suggest as possible fairy-types. I don't agree with all of them. Most, but not all. I'm sure I forgot a few:

Gen 1: Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Clefairy, Clefable, Chansey
Gen 2: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Togetic, Bellossom, Dunsparce, Misdreavus, Snubbull, Granbull, Blissey
Gen 3: Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Azurill, Skitty, Delcatty, Mawile, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Milotic, Castform, Chimecho, Luvdisc
Gen 4: Cherubi, Cherrim, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Chingling, Happiny, Togekiss
Gen 5: Munna, Musharna, Audino, Petilil, Lilligant, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Mincinno, Cincinno

I respect your opinion, but I don't find it to be quite accurate.

Also, what qualifies as girly is an opinion.

But hey, this is all MY opinion, so it may be unpopular!
AdamLambert said:
Reggie McGigas said:
The two main reasons why I disliked the fairy type

1. I figured Gamefreak was going to blow it by making fairy types only cute and girly, instead of making a realistic (lol) fairy. Not all faries are cuddly and cute, and guess what? It seems like Gamefreak went with the sterotypical fairy.

2. It's way too late to make a fairy type. Why not add hype to Ruby and Saphire by adding it then? Practically 85% of all fairy types not in gen 6 are going to be in gens 1-3. Besides Audino, Togekiss,Meloetta, Munna, Musharuna, and maybe the Lake trio, there aren't any fairy types that will get retyped that are in generations 4 and 5.

Overall, I'll just pass on fairy type.

Your arguments kinda fall flat. Here's why:

First off, we only know of a few fairy-types: Gardevoir, Sylveon, Flabébé, Marill, Azumarill, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff.

How do you know we won't be getting some really badass fairy-type Pokémon? Also, I for one don't feel Gardevoir is girly. I mean, yeah, it has a feminine appearance, but that doesn't mean it isn't BADASS.

Secondly, here is a list of what I've seen people suggest as possible fairy-types. I don't agree with all of them. Most, but not all. I'm sure I forgot a few:

Gen 1: Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Clefairy, Clefable, Chansey
Gen 2: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Togetic, Bellossom, Maril, Azumaril, Dunsparce, Misdreavus, Snubbull, Granbull, Blissey
Gen 3: Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Azurill, Skitty, Delcatty, Mawile, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Milotic, Castform, Chimecho, Luvdisc
Gen 4: Cherubi, Cherrim, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Chingling, Happiny, Togekiss
Gen 5: Munna, Musharna, Audino, Petilil, Lilligant, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Mincinno, Cincinno

I respect your opinion, but I don't find it to be quite accurate.

Also, what qualifies as girly is an opinion.

But hey, this is all MY opinion, so it may be unpopular!

First of all, Gardevoir is bad---? I respect your opinion, but that does not make sense (to me)

I really do not know who Gamefreak is going to type and retype, but it SEEMS that it will go in the sterotypical direction. Retyping Maril when it has little to no fairy qualities except for being cuddly and cute....yeah. I'm not saying I don't want an awesome fairy type pokemon, I just think GAMEFREAK won't give us one.

Also, you just proved my point somewhat correct when you made that list.

You frogot Maril and Azumaril. Add those in, and we have
Gens 1-3 = 32
Gens 4-5 = 16

That means Gens 1-3 have two times the # of retyped pokes then Gens 4-5 if this is true (which it probally is as your list makes sense)

Overall, this is all speculation, and this is the unpopular opinion thread, not the fairy haters VS the fairy lovers thread, so let's keep these posts on track.
Alraunes are not cute and cuddly.
They're seductive beasts that eat people.

unpopular opinion: Flabebe's evolution is going to be cool and as terrifying as Froslass, as Flababe is likely based on a plant succubus aswell.
My face when some guy tells a mod to get back on topic:


While I'm at it I guess I can supply my own popular opinion:

I dislike people that will just an entire generation, or part thereof, based on only bits and pieces of revealed information. This happens whenever any new generation is progressively being revealed - there will always be those people that will just flat-out decide everything for themselves then and there. It's like they don't know what a value judgment is or how to make it.
DNA said:
My face when some guy tells a mod to get back on topic:


While I'm at it I guess I can supply my own popular opinion:

I dislike people that will just an entire generation, or part thereof, based on only bits and pieces of revealed information. This happens whenever any new generation is progressively being revealed - there will always be those people that will just flat-out decide everything for themselves then and there. It's like they don't know what a value judgment is or how to make it.

I agree. I never understood why other's would judge a whole generation by the starters and other information revealed before the game is even near release. With all the information we've gotten over the last six months, we still don't know very much about the game in general aside from speculation.

Anyhow, I don't like the Lucario-line nor the Zoroark-line
Reggie McGigas said:
AdamLambert said:
Your arguments kinda fall flat. Here's why:

First off, we only know of a few fairy-types: Gardevoir, Sylveon, Flabébé, Marill, Azumarill, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff.

How do you know we won't be getting some really badass fairy-type Pokémon? Also, I for one don't feel Gardevoir is girly. I mean, yeah, it has a feminine appearance, but that doesn't mean it isn't BADASS.

Secondly, here is a list of what I've seen people suggest as possible fairy-types. I don't agree with all of them. Most, but not all. I'm sure I forgot a few:

Gen 1: Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Clefairy, Clefable, Chansey
Gen 2: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Togetic, Bellossom, Maril, Azumaril, Dunsparce, Misdreavus, Snubbull, Granbull, Blissey
Gen 3: Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Azurill, Skitty, Delcatty, Mawile, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Milotic, Castform, Chimecho, Luvdisc
Gen 4: Cherubi, Cherrim, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Chingling, Happiny, Togekiss
Gen 5: Munna, Musharna, Audino, Petilil, Lilligant, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Mincinno, Cincinno

I respect your opinion, but I don't find it to be quite accurate.

Also, what qualifies as girly is an opinion.

But hey, this is all MY opinion, so it may be unpopular!

First of all, Gardevoir is bad---? I respect your opinion, but that does not make sense (to me)

I really do not know who Gamefreak is going to type and retype, but it SEEMS that it will go in the sterotypical direction. Retyping Maril when it has little to no fairy qualities except for being cuddly and cute....yeah. I'm not saying I don't want an awesome fairy type pokemon, I just think GAMEFREAK won't give us one.

Also, you just proved my point somewhat correct when you made that list.

You frogot Maril and Azumaril. Add those in, and we have
Gens 1-3 = 32
Gens 4-5 = 16

That means Gens 1-3 have two times the # of retyped pokes then Gens 4-5 if this is true (which it probally is as your list makes sense)

Overall, this is all speculation, and this is the unpopular opinion thread, not the fairy haters VS the fairy lovers thread, so let's keep these posts on track.

Oops, hehe. Forgot Marill and Azumarill. :p

Um. I'm pretty sure I'm on topic. My goal was not to turn this into a fairy-haters vs fairy-lovers thread. I responded my thoughts on your opinion. If all we did in this thread was state our 'unpopular opinions' and no one was allowed to give feedback, this wouldn't really have a point, would it? There'd be no discussion.

Yes, Gens 1-3 have twice as many possible fairy-types as Gens 4-5, but you're comparing three Gens to two.

And I think this counts as an unpopular opinion: I like the elemental monkeys.
jdivinity said:
DNA said:
My face when some guy tells a mod to get back on topic:


While I'm at it I guess I can supply my own popular opinion:

I dislike people that will just an entire generation, or part thereof, based on only bits and pieces of revealed information. This happens whenever any new generation is progressively being revealed - there will always be those people that will just flat-out decide everything for themselves then and there. It's like they don't know what a value judgment is or how to make it.

I agree. I never understood why other's would judge a whole generation by the starters and other information revealed before the game is even near release. With all the information we've gotten over the last six months, we still don't know very much about the game in general aside from speculation.

Anyhow, I don't like the Lucario-line nor the Zoroark-line

From what I feel too, we haven't even gotten to see the bare minimum of what X/Y can do - and it already looks amazing.