I didn't really know that this are unpopular opinions, but after the opinions of others I read in the last few weeks, it seems like I'm a majority *g*
First, I don't like Cynthia. Don't know why she is so famous. She is just another champ for me, and a really annoying one. I don't talk about her Garchomp or something, that's all cool. But is she just stalking me? I feel like meet her every five steps. She even followed me to Unova D; Really, no other champ was that ... clingy? At least in my opinion xD
And second, I don't think that the first gen was "so hardcore". I read multiple times that this games were really hard, but, I mean... Back then, I was a Little child and I played through my Red just with my Charizard... After you beat Brock, it isn't that hard anymore for this Pokémon xD And, common, the NPC's never were really clever... I just don't get it ^^