Finished Up, Left, Down Game [YPPY]

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< thinks Zubat - not Golbat or Crobat - really sucks early game
v Will tell me I'm wrong ala Dangan Ronpa
^ Is wrong
< Has no idea who Dangan Ronpa is
v Will tell < who Dangan Ronpa is
^ Dangan Ronpa is a popular video game series.
< Needs to get ready and go to league.
v Wants to come to my Pokémon League and battle with me.
^ Thinks I want to go to his Pokémon League and battle with him.
< Can't go to his Pokémon League and battle with him as the Atlantic Ocean is in the way.
v Does want to go to his Pokémon League and battle with him.
^ Is right. I'm happy for people who are doing well. :D
< Is running out ideas to put here.
v Will help me figure out how to get more free time.
^ Go to school and have holidays.
< Is also running out of ideas to put here.
V Is probably a Vaporeon
^ Is possibly right
< Is possibly a blonde loli
v Is not in possession of a Pokemon avatar either
^ Is in fact not a blonde loli.
< Is in possession of a Pokemon avatar. Ha.
v Will remind me what year it will be in 20 years from tomorrow minus 5 plus 7 away from yesterday.
^ Sorry, don't understad ca- crow
< Though I can understand...
V Will finish the sentence
^ ...that my ship sails in the morning!
< Gee, it sure is boring around here!
v Will give me a kiss, for luck!
^ You now have a license to do anything in a car but drive.
< Doesn't know what to do.
v Is 1% evil, 99% hot gas.
^ Needs to know what to do
< Is 100% blonde loli despite what KoN says
v Knows what Brave Vesperia should do
^ Doesn't act like a loli.
< Thinks Brave should do the chicken dance.
v Is currently showing Brave how to do the chicken dance.
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