Keeper of Night Nobody Special Member Jan 26, 2015 #281 ^ è corretto < utilizza tradurre per fare questo v utilizzerà tradurre per capire quello che sto dicendo
^ è corretto < utilizza tradurre per fare questo v utilizzerà tradurre per capire quello che sto dicendo
Vom i...exist? Forum Mod Member Jan 26, 2015 #282 ^ No, I understood < Doesn't speak ^'s language v Wants to know how I understood
DarkMatterGaming Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 26, 2015 #283 ^ Shhh, I hear a witch... < Is referencing a game (and may have pulled a FA Lysandre on PTCGO) v will know which game I'm referencing
^ Shhh, I hear a witch... < Is referencing a game (and may have pulled a FA Lysandre on PTCGO) v will know which game I'm referencing
NameBlank Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 26, 2015 #284 ^ Oh yeah, Left 4 Dead! < Just googled "Shhh, I hear a witch..." v Suddenly craves Pasta
Uralya *ponders everything* Member Jan 26, 2015 #285 ^ Uses Google for odd reasons < Does in fact want pasta right now v Wants pizza
Machamp The Champion TCG Articles Head Member Jan 26, 2015 #286 ^ I was actually about to go make pizza. >.> < Needs to get a better diet. v Is somehow less healthy than me.
^ I was actually about to go make pizza. >.> < Needs to get a better diet. v Is somehow less healthy than me.
Ice Espeon _____________________________________hi Member Jan 27, 2015 #287 ^ Is possibly correct but who knows. < Is now closing this game as it's now the 27th of January. v Is no one. To discuss this game or other games, you can use the Forum Games General Discussion thread.
^ Is possibly correct but who knows. < Is now closing this game as it's now the 27th of January. v Is no one. To discuss this game or other games, you can use the Forum Games General Discussion thread.