Finished Up, Left, Down Game [YPPY]

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^ Isn't awesome because is incorrect
< Needs to stop checking for new posts in PB
v Is NameBlank c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker
^ Apperently doesn't like getting ninja'd
< Just ninja'd a fool
v Is going to teach me what the term 'ninja'd' actually means
^ might be correct. Might.
< doesn't know why he chose a Wobbuffet avatar
v knows why < chose a Wobbuffet avatar
^ Is using a propietary technique he can't reveal
< Is eating the Mayo off of Original Bubs' Egg Salad.
v Is Crack Stuntsman
^Speaks better Spanish than I do.
< Has lived in Spain for a long time, but still doesn't speak Spanish fluently.
v Is a bad bad ninjas.
^ isn't a bad ninja. He ninja's me all the time :p
< Makes bbninjas feel better.
v Has never ninja'd anyone
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