Wi-Fi Trades UPDATE 9/8/07! Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies,11/12 starters, 1+ of every Tm!

RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies, some starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

Maybe, i gotta see what other people are offering for it and then pick the best trade :F
RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies, some starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

I'll trade for anyone of your starters for a Lv.100 Rayquaza (cloned) or a Lv. 100 Blaziken (cloned) or a Lv. 100 Metagross (cloned)
RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies, some starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

For anyone of my starters? Deal for the Rayquaza

Ill give you Turtwig. Is that OK?
RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies, some starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

do you want a non totched regice for any of the shinys. but if thats not posably then how bout the chimchar for alv breed piplup with ice beam and hydro pump on him aready. you dont have to but coins to get it to learn it. Piplup is untouched.
RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies,11/12 starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

I dont need a piplup because i already chose it as my starter, and i have no use for regice or any of the regis because i already got Regigigas.

Any other pokemon your willing to offer, SPM?
RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies,11/12 starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

well I do have a v-tackle pichu(touched alittle for the sunny park in PBR)
a level 49 seadra
a level 30 pupitar
3 SLOCKOTHS(sorry for caps)
a female ralts
a level 53 beldum
3 pixies
a bolt beam bilssey.
soon a lickitung 2
will get a mudkip so you could have all the starters

also I could breed any of thees pokemon and
tangela. has a nickname because It was my friends
empoleon blissey
RE: Shard79's "My Player" Thread: Shinies,11/12 starters, 1+ of every Tm, Cloned Darkrai

Hm....I'll give a Shiny Rhyperior AND luxio for Cubone.
If their BOTH shiny, sure :)

Let me just clone it real quick then we can trade later :D

UPDATE: Have most starters now, as well as a bunch of more rare pokemon!
Do you have any shiny pokemon but hacked? I dont care if pokemon are hacked or not.....you said that you can get any pokemon shiny hacked....if so, please PM me and we can work out a deal!
True, my shinies currently are legit, but i have a cheat for my AR that makes it so when you run into a wild pokemon, it makes it shiny :D

OK, so, what do you want shinyfied?
well, do you want really good things for the shinies? Like, should i make an offer as if the shiny was legit?
I dont really mind, it depends on what the pokemon is, it doesnt have to be really good as if you were trading for a legit one :F
ok, well, i have a magby from your wants, but i dont have the item sorry.....um....the shiny i want is Shiny Riolu, Shiny Electrike, Shiny Pikachu, Shiny Kyogre (Any Level), Shiny Latias, Shiny Latios, and thats it.....i would prefer a low level for all of them....(I will trade big time for all of these pokemon, you have no idea!)
will you trade any of these
well I do have a v-tackle pichu(touched alittle for the sunny park in PBR)
a level 49 seadra
a level 30 pupitar
3 SLOCKOTHS(sorry for caps)
a female ralts
a level 53 beldum
3 pixies
a bolt beam bilssey.
soon a lickitung 2
will get a mudkip so you could have all the starters
for a shiny