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UPDATED 2/26! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!

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RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, and some UNMODIFIED!

konter_j8902 - Could you do Raichu Lv. X and Snorlax Lv. X for these? Or Raichu Lv. X and promocroak?

RT2 Frost Rotom
RT5 Wash Rotom
113/111 Flying Pikachu
148/147 Articuno holo
another SR you need? I added a lot more the other night

SotH said:
I feel bad that I keep disappearing than re-appearing. ^^;
Is pika * still up for grabs?

I'll still be willing to Uxie lv.X for it. LMK. If you wanna do that PM me.​

Sure, PM sent ;)
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, and some UNMODIFIED!

Raichu X

Drapion X
Garchomp C X (pack)
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, and some UNMODIFIED!

emoto4444 - Sigh...I'm NOT going to trade 2 Lv. Xs for your mediocre Lv. X. Please stay out of my thread if you're not going to offer fair trades.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, and some UNMODIFIED!

Could you CML for 148/147 Articuno holo reprint x1, please?
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, and some UNMODIFIED!

eevee - Sorry, I don't really see anything else right now (plus we're already in the middle of a trade)
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

cml for:

Worlds '06 Tropical Tidal Wave TOP32 stamped
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

Do you have any of these in RH?:
DCE x3
Power Spray x2
Collector x1
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

Spardan19 - My primary interests are:

3x Leafeon Lv. X
3x Dialga G Lv. X
2x Flygon Lv. X
5x Gengar Lv. X

Please make an offer?

Rikko145 - I have one RH Collector.
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

CML for the following

UK Pokeball Black Star Promo set (#005-007- Mudkip, Torchic, and Treecko holos, all with silver Pokeball stamp)
Original WOTC Pokemon 2-player playmat (SEALED)
Majestic Dawn pre-release sleeves (Leafeon/Glaceon) x2
Platinum pre-release sleeves (Giratina) x1
Arceus pre-release sleeves (Arceus) x1

1x Gengar (SF)
8x Expert Belts
3x Jirachi (UL)
1-9 Arceus
3x Donphan PRIME
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

Hi, I have from your wants:
1x 1st Ed. W-Stamped Pikachu Promo
You can also CML in case you might want some other cards...

I'm interested in your:
Majestic Dawn pre-release sleeves (Leafeon/Glaceon) x2
Platinum pre-release sleeves (Giratina) x1

RR Nidoqueen (RH)
SF Sableye (RH) x4
Expert Belt (RH)
Leafeon UD RH x1
Eevee UD RH x2 (both numbers)
Vulpix UL RH x2
Professor Oak's Visit RH x8
Minun SV RH
Ponyta 1st Edition

LMK, thanks!
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

80baby - I'm interested in these:

•1x Dailga G Lv.X (NM)
•1x Palkia G Lv.X
•1x Scizor (PRIME)
•1x Charizard EX
•3x Call Energy
•1x JPN Green Shaymin Sleeves (SEALED)
•1x JPN Charizard Sleeves (SEALED)
•1x Pokeball Sleeves (Blueish/Green)(SEALED)

Please make an offer? thanks!

Hikikomori-san - I'm also interested in your Landmin Lv. X, 2 e-gain, and 2 crobat G. Are the Landmin and Pikachu Mint? Please make an offer? thanks!
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

Yes, they're mint! :)
1x Landmin X
1x Pikachu W-Promo Stamped 1st Edition
2x E-gain
2x Crobat G

2x MD PR Sleeves
1x PL PR Sleeves
1x Ponyta 1st Edition

LMK, thanks!

EDIT: I also have a POP9 Pikachu NonHolo I can throw in, and some Grass and Fire HGSS Energies. I'll let you know the exact amount (around at least 5 each?).
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

Hikikomori-san - Sorry, but the sleeves aren't something I'm going to give up easily (especially the MD ones). I'd rather trade from your card wants, if you don't mind. PLMK and thanks :)
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

How about

Original WOTC Pokemon 2-player playmat (SEALED)
Majestic Dawn pre-release sleeves (Leafeon/Glaceon) x2
Platinum pre-release sleeves (Giratina) x1
1x Gengar (SF)

1x PGX
1x Scizor PRIME
1x Charizard EX
2x Call Energy

Feel free to counter
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

please CML for your:
x1 Majestic Dawn pre-release sleeves (Leafeon/Glaceon)
x1 Platinum pre-release sleeves (Giratina)
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

No problem. I saw 80baby's offer, and I must say that I thoroughly got whipped (so to speak). Haha, :D

How about...
1x W-Stamped Pikachu Promo 1st-ed
1x Landmin X
3x HGSS Grass Energy
3x HGSS Fire Energy

SF Sableye (RH) x3
Expert Belt (RH)
Leafeon UD RH x1
Professor Oak's Visit RH x4
Espeon 4 RH x1
Vaporeon POP3
Pachirisu POP6
Minun SV RH x1

or (shot in the dark)

1x MD PR Sleeves (I'm just hoping here)

Counter or accept, thanks!
RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!

I'd like to make an offer.

Shaymin Land form Lv X

Sableye (RH) x4
Dialga G x1 (maybe?)

lmk thanks.
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