US Nationals 2012

They'll enforce the play points. Last year masters was messed up because of a ton of parents signing up for the shirt and then dropping after round 1.
I think they'll enforce the Play! Points. We've known about them since September so no one should have any excuses if they don't have enough. We've had plenty of time to get them. Also, I don't think they'll let people in who have less than 10. That would make some people mad. "If I knew I could get in with 8 P!P I would have went!!!".
Yes, they will enforce it.

Nats is actually on the 29th, not tomorrow.

Double ninja'd T_T
I would leave then but I really want to test as soon as possible and as long as possible.
I'll be leaving tomorrow bright and early. I've narrowed my decks choices down to 2 decks, but I can't decide from there. lol. I guess I'll just sit down at the player meeting and let the runner pick for me from the two deck lists. ;P
tanker said:
I can't believe nats is tommorow, I'm soooo excited. Do you guys think they will enforce the play ponts, I think those players with the 10 play points will get priority to get into the tournament and if there are extra spots left then the players without 10 points will get a chance to play.

Points will be enforced. Certain people who have judged and don't have 10 Play Points should log into TPCI's forum to see if they qualified.

Time for a tip. If you are heading south on I-65 toward Indianapolis, it is exit 117 for Martin Luther King Jr Street, not Exit 114 like Mapquest says. You take a right on that street and follow it down toward the tall buildings. I believe I took a left on Ohio then you would take a right onto Capitol Avenue to get to the convention center. Make sure to bring patience because there is a lot of one ways downtown so getting to your hotel can be frustrating and difficult like it was for me.
Look for a person with a gray shirt and a gold/yellow regs metal in the open gaming room. I'll be there at four thirty Thursday.
i'll be in open gaming all day a pink playmat with armaldo and some other pokemanz on it and i'll be wearing a blue plaid shirt. i'm up for testing games with anyone, so don't be afraid to approach me :p
I'll be there from about 4:30 on and I will be wearing an Australia shirt, knot bracelet, and a DC hat. I would love to play test so unless I am already battling someone else, don't be afraid to ask me for a battle. See y'all tomorrow :)
I'll be there tomorrow, though not sure for how long.
I'm wearing a Hunger Games T-shirt and jeans, and am willing to play with anyone who wants to. :)
Who's psyched everyone! Nationals begins today! I'm probably going to be there, hopefully, around 4:00, just in time for preregistration.

I will be up for play testing today too. I'll be wearing a black Pokemon Worlds 2011 T-Shirt with gray, baggy, short pants. See you all there!:D