RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!
@yoshidude well, I value legend pieces at $5 since they are hard to sell higher, so $41 for $29 in my eyes, but about what I was trying for, yes

I figured if you really "badly" need Jirachi RR, then I should try my best
Charizard AR (pack), 3x Spiritomb LP, 2xCrobat G, Electivire Promo, Leafeon Promo, 2x Communication
and then we can swap your CDL bottom for my KGL bottom, if you like, since that would even out the trade more in your eyes? $41 for about $33, I believe? LMK
@mudkipv3 only TNT is selling Scizor Prime for $12, no one else lol; scizor prime sold around $12 & $13 shipped twice total, whereas gigas tin sold $7 shipped + at least 3 times, I may have missed one with all the scanning. Is there anything you would accept 1x as a throw in like luxury ball, sp radar, twins, junk arm...?
@DtartagOne everything before the "also interested in" in my initial reply, and I could drop at absolute maximum a couple of things like I said before. Your counter offer was way beyond too low.
@Cris could you throw in a seeker or something?