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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Claydol 3-2 line...for my Dusknoir Lv X?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Please, I really need that Regirock ex from EX Hidden Legends. I have a Shellos Origins Promo, and 2 other Promo cards. There's a Machamp one, and I do have a Bagon one, but I'm not sure if it's a Gencon one. It's a Black Star Promo.

I also have Kids WB collector cards too, only 301 copies made of the 4 I have. (Treecko, Torchic, Wurmple, and Mudkip.)

I really would like that Regirock ex, and if you would check my list or make me an offer, (I wouldn't mind tossing in a little cash, just not TOO much (gimme an offer here) so I'd go broke.)

I'm willing to give you the higher end of the deal for this Regirock ex.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

EspeonROX said:
Please, I really need that Regirock ex from EX Hidden Legends. I have a Shellos Origins Promo, and 2 other Promo cards. There's a Machamp one, and I do have a Bagon one, but I'm not sure if it's a Gencon one. It's a Black Star Promo.

I also have Kids WB collector cards too, only 301 copies made of the 4 I have. (Treecko, Torchic, Wurmple, and Mudkip.)

I really would like that Regirock ex, and if you would check my list or make me an offer, (I wouldn't mind tossing in a little cash, just not TOO much (gimme an offer here) so I'd go broke.)

The Bagon promo I need has Gencon stamped on it. There really is not much there I need. You have any Platinum cards? Is the Dusknoir LvX english?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

No. Dusknoir X is IFDS, Japanese. Bagon isn't stamped. Is there ANYTHING I can trade for the Regirock? I really need it.

I can throw a couple cards in + cash as mentioned before.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Gardy LvX pending going out?

Shellos origins promo and how much cash?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Gardy X...it's not really pending. I don't know why I didn't edit that.

It's your decision, how much do you value Regirock at? I'm not trading a Lv.X for an ex, just so you know. Maybe a few holos and the Shellos, or 2 exs.

I have: Gardy ex d DF *
Milotic ex EM *
Kingdra ex d DF
Altaria ex d DF
Skarmory ex PK

that I'm willing to trade to you. The *s are the ones I value higher.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

EspeonROX said:
Gardy X...it's not really pending. I don't know why I didn't edit that.

It's your decision, how much do you value Regirock at? I'm not trading a Lv.X for an ex, just so you know. Maybe a few holos and the Shellos, or 2 exs.

I have: Gardy ex d DF *
Milotic ex EM *
Kingdra ex d DF
Altaria ex d DF
Skarmory ex PK

that I'm willing to trade to you. The *s are the ones I value higher.

Ok, how about:
Molotic ex EM (near mint)
Kindra ex OR Altaria ex DF (near mint)

Regirock ex HL

Pm if this is ok.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Shakespeare said:
The Hybrid said:

3-2 line?
I told you what I have. 1 Claydol and 2 Baltoy.
I have 2 Claydols from GE, 1 is a reverse holo. Other is just the non-holo rare.
Thats what you posted earlier, did you trade one?
I'd go 3-2 even NH...but if you dont have extra Ill go 2-2...LMK ASAP...
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

The Hybrid said:
Shakespeare said:
The Hybrid said:

3-2 line?
I told you what I have. 1 Claydol and 2 Baltoy.
I have 2 Claydols from GE, 1 is a reverse holo. Other is just the non-holo rare.
Thats what you posted earlier, did you trade one?
I'd go 3-2 even NH...but if you don't have extra Ill go 2-2...LMK ASAP...

Ah, ok. I understand. I do have a RH Claydol. I would not trade it for the Dusknoir LvX, sorry.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

hey i have a pre release lucario (it has alittle bend on the top left corner but its not that noticible and still playable rest is minbt)
i want the plat ramper and blastoise
i could do 1 for 1
lmk tho
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

yuyuman345 said:
hey I have a pre release lucario (it has alittle bend on the top left corner but its not that noticible and still playable rest is minbt)
I want the plat ramper and blastoise
I could do 1 for 1
lmk tho

I'm going to need a little more than the pre-release for a holo from platinum. Have any commons or uncommos I need from POP7?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Hello please cml for:
Blastoise (Lv 60) 1
Delcatty (Lv 53) 1
Rampardos (Lv 54) 1
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Hello can you check my list for your Mamoswine LA?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Saviour_Gundam said:
Hello please cml for:
Blastoise (Lv 60) 1
Delcatty (Lv 53) 1
Rampardos (Lv 54) 1

You have a first edition #1 black star Pikachu promo?
"Ivy Pikachu"?
CML for that!

Anyways, I can trade all three for:
SH6 Vulpix
5/17 Mothim (POP 7 promo)
8/17 Kirlia (POP 7 promo)

Rodiqio said:
Hello can you check my list for your Mamoswine LA?

How about:
RH PT Dustox 25/127 (mint to near mint)
Lucario pre-release (mint to near mint)

Mamoswine LA (mint)
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Mmmm only thing I could use is Leafeon X... but I can't trade Pikachu for that... I was thinking of selling it to be honest
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Saviour_Gundam said:
Mmmm only thing I could use is Leafeon X... but I can't trade Pikachu for that... I was thinking of selling it to be honest

PM me a price for the pikachu.
You have a scan of it?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Alright Shakespeare, sounds like a deal, but could you throw in an Espeon card of your choice?