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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

CML for Leafeon Lv. X please
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

cml for the leafeon lv.x i can trade stars and stuff for it
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Shakespeare said:
yuyuman345 said:
hey I have a pre release lucario (it has alittle bend on the top left corner but its not that noticible and still playable rest is minbt)
I want the plat ramper and blastoise
I could do 1 for 1
lmk tho

I'm going to need a little more than the pre-release for a holo from platinum. Have any commons or uncommos I need from POP7?

i brlirvr i have a burmy plant (ot at home in italy so i cant check i do live in the us so dont worry about that on vacation)
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

tyranitar77 said:
cml for the leafeon lv.x I can trade stars and stuff for it

I did not see anything on you haves I really need, sorry.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

yuyuman345 said:
Shakespeare said:
yuyuman345 said:
hey I have a pre release lucario (it has alittle bend on the top left corner but its not that noticible and still playable rest is minbt)
I want the plat ramper and blastoise
I could do 1 for 1
lmk tho

I'm going to need a little more than the pre-release for a holo from platinum. Have any commons or uncommos I need from POP7?

I brlirvr I have a burmy plant (ot at home in italy so I cant check I do live in the us so don't worry about that on vacation)

Nevermind then. Sorry, but I can not hold these cards until a card from Italy arrives.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

How about Drapion Lv.X for Honchkrow Lv.X and 2 Honckrow?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
How about Drapion Lv.X for Honchkrow Lv.X and 2 Honckrow?

Which 2 Honckrow? From which set?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
Honchkrow MT.

Ah, there they are! I didn't look hard enough... Ok, you have a deal.. I will PM you my address. You will need to send first. Your Drapion Lv X is English and in mint to near-mint shape?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Stormfront Machamp LvX and a few holos added.
Reverse holos added also...
One of these days I will add rares...
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

CMl for rampardos PT.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Good question. It is in my sig.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Juliacoolo said:
Good question. It is in my sig.

I could trade it even up if you had any of the following 3 from PT:
Giratina (Lv 55)
Palkia G (Lv 78)
Shaymin (Lv 42)

I did not see any of them. If you want it really bad I can trade it for any 2 PT holos.

RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Please CML for these of my deck wants:
3 Bebe's Search
2 Cynthia's Feelings
Rosanne's Research
4 Poke Drawer+
Unown G
2 Claydol
3 Uxie LA
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

Wow! You don't need much, huh? Let me check for those trainers.
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

The Hybrid said:
Please CML for these of my deck wants:
3 Bebe's Search
2 Cynthia's Feelings
Rosanne's Research
4 Poke Drawer+
Unown G
2 Claydol
3 Uxie LA

I have:
2 Bebe's Search
2 Cynthia's Feelings
3 Poke Drawer+
1 Claydol
1 RH Claydol (going to need LvX for this one, sorry)

What do you have I need?
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

You know I just thought, if you're the one who contributes most of the scans, then surely you should have most of my old wants! xD

Well anyway, can you PLEASE check my list for any of my High wants from the older sets. :)

PS: I asked to CML, because you didn't list all your old cards. :) (Which I fully understand. :) )
RE: I SELL![H]Claydol, Leafeon LvX & REVERSE HOLOS Jumbos!

SotS said:
You know I just thought, if you're the one who contributes most of the scans, then surely you should have most of my old wants! xD

Well anyway, can you PLEASE check my list for any of my High wants from the older sets. :)

PS: I asked to CML, because you didn't list all your old cards. :) (Which I fully understand. :) )

Bringing back some old memories there.
I do have a lot of your "classic" wants.
I have your holo Houndoom from Discovery. It is first edition.
The Espeon I kind of have...it would come out of my personal collection...

I will look at your cards marked "big want" and get back to you.

I can trade these to you, or sell, maybe a combo of both?
I will PM you with a list soon.