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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

If you ever have the time, I could use these. I will have some Expedition/Skyridge holos soon, maybe you can check my list for other things you might be interested in.

Neo Genesis

1st Ed. Typhlosion #17/111

Neo Revelation

1st Ed. Ampharos #1/64
1st Ed. Porygon2 #12/64
1st Ed. Raikou #13/64

Neo Destiny

1st Ed. Dark Donphan #3/105
1st Ed. Dark Scizor #9/105
1st Ed. Light Dragonite #14/105
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

I am interested in your Kyurem x3 and (all are unlimited)
Neo Genesis

1. Ampharos
2. Azumarill
4. Feraligatr
6. Heracross
14. Slowking
16. Togetic
18. Typhlosion
19. Metal Energy
23. Magby
25. Sneasel
69. Onix
84. Ecogym
85. Energy Charge

Neo Discovery
17. Yanma
18. Beedrill
21. Forretress
24. Houndour
25. Kabutops
31. Tyranitar
34. Ursaring
36. Yanma
40. Igglypuff

Neo Revelation
2. Blissey
6. Entei
8. Houndoom
9. Jumpluff
12. Porygon2
17. Entei
21. Raichu
24. Sneasel
26. Sudowoodo
65. Shining Gyarados

I have
4th printing Base set card
Beedrill x2
Dugtrio x2
Pidgeotto x2
Arcanine x3
Charmeleon x2
Dewgong x2
Farfetch’d x6
Growlithe x6
Haunter x7
Ivysaur x4
Jynx x4
Kadabra x13
Kakuna x3
Machoke x2
Poliwhirl x2
Raticate x2
Seel x3
Wartortle x3
Abra x14
Bulbasaur x8
Caterpie x13
Charmander x7
Diglett x4
Doduo x6
Drowzee x3
Gastly x12
Koffing x4
Machop x7
Magnemite x5
Metapod x8
Nidoran x6
Onix x4
Pidgey x2
Pikachu x5
Poliwag x5
Ponyta x6
Rattata x5
Sandshrew x11
Squirtle x6
Starmie x12
Staryu x12
Tangela x11
Voltorb x4
Vulpix x9
Weedle x13
Computer Search
Devolution Spray
Imposter Professor Oak x2
Pokemon Breeder
Pokemon Trader x3
Scoop Up
Defender x3
Energy Retrieval x4
Full Heal x3
Maintenance x3
Pokemon Flute x2
Pokedex x2
Professor Oak x4
Revive x2
Super Potion x5
Bill x10
Energy Removal
Gust of Wind x7
Potion x7
Switch x6
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

Shaymin Lv.X said:
I'm interested in 1 of your Kyurems.
I have Ho-oh legend,Groudon & Kyogre Legend,houndoom prime and Victini FA (Only for the RH Kyurem)

I could be tempted to trade the RH Kyurem but the thing on your list that stands out on the most is the First Place Victory Cup.

silentsword77 said:
If you ever have the time, I could use these. I will have some Expedition/Skyridge holos soon, maybe you can check my list for other things you might be interested in.

Neo Genesis

1st Ed. Typhlosion #17/111

Neo Revelation

1st Ed. Ampharos #1/64
1st Ed. Porygon2 #12/64
1st Ed. Raikou #13/64

Neo Destiny

1st Ed. Dark Donphan #3/105
1st Ed. Dark Scizor #9/105
1st Ed. Light Dragonite #14/105

The things that stand out the most from your list are:
2 Black & White FA Zekrom
2 Emerging Powers FA Tornadus

You willing to trade playable cards for collection wants?

Storm Blade said:
I am interested in your Kyurem x3 and (all are unlimited)
Neo Genesis

1. Ampharos
2. Azumarill
4. Feraligatr
6. Heracross
14. Slowking
16. Togetic
18. Typhlosion
19. Metal Energy
23. Magby
25. Sneasel
69. Onix
84. Ecogym
85. Energy Charge

Neo Discovery
17. Yanma
18. Beedrill
21. Forretress
24. Houndour
25. Kabutops
31. Tyranitar
34. Ursaring
36. Yanma
40. Igglypuff

Neo Revelation
2. Blissey
6. Entei
8. Houndoom
9. Jumpluff
12. Porygon2
17. Entei
21. Raichu
24. Sneasel
26. Sudowoodo
65. Shining Gyarados

I have
4th printing Base set card
Beedrill x2
Dugtrio x2
Pidgeotto x2
Arcanine x3
Charmeleon x2
Dewgong x2
Farfetch’d x6
Growlithe x6
Haunter x7
Ivysaur x4
Jynx x4
Kadabra x13
Kakuna x3
Machoke x2
Poliwhirl x2
Raticate x2
Seel x3
Wartortle x3
Abra x14
Bulbasaur x8
Caterpie x13
Charmander x7
Diglett x4
Doduo x6
Drowzee x3
Gastly x12
Koffing x4
Machop x7
Magnemite x5
Metapod x8
Nidoran x6
Onix x4
Pidgey x2
Pikachu x5
Poliwag x5
Ponyta x6
Rattata x5
Sandshrew x11
Squirtle x6
Starmie x12
Staryu x12
Tangela x11
Voltorb x4
Vulpix x9
Weedle x13
Computer Search
Devolution Spray
Imposter Professor Oak x2
Pokemon Breeder
Pokemon Trader x3
Scoop Up
Defender x3
Energy Retrieval x4
Full Heal x3
Maintenance x3
Pokemon Flute x2
Pokedex x2
Professor Oak x4
Revive x2
Super Potion x5
Bill x10
Energy Removal
Gust of Wind x7
Potion x7
Switch x6

Are you sure all those Base Set cards are 4th printing? I ask because I have never seen someone that had THAT many of them.
I really didn't see anything for the Kyurems, sorry.
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

I bought a lot of bulk off of Ebay (4000+). I pulled out all of the bulk that had ©1995, 96, 98 Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK. ©1999-2000 Wizards so I could trade you them.
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

x1 gothitelle
x1 cobalion
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

Storm Blade said:
I bought a lot of bulk off of Ebay (4000+). I pulled out all of the bulk that had ©1995, 96, 98 Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK. ©1999-2000 Wizards so I could trade you them.

SWEET, That are the ones! "Bulk" scares me... How many of those can you honestly say are mint? I am a collector and very picky about those. I will PM you are list of those I am interested in most.
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

I have an extra

Skitty (Kraze Club) - BIG TIME WANT!
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

Dturd915 said:
x1 gothitelle
x1 cobalion

I'm going to have to pass on that...sorry.

omahanime said:
I have an extra

Skitty (Kraze Club) - BIG TIME WANT!

You are my new best friend. Want do you need?
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

Shakespeare said:
The things that stand out the most from your list are:
2 Black & White FA Zekrom
2 Emerging Powers FA Tornadus

You willing to trade playable cards for collection wants?

Yes, I don't mind. The ones I am most interested in are the Raikou, Light Dragonite, Typhlosion, and Dark Scizor. Might there be anything else you want from my list? I really want to finish off my 1st ed. Neo holo sets :) I'm currently about to get these (all absolute Mint condition, never touched)

Expedition Dragonite 9/165
Expedition Meganium 18/165
Expedition Clefable 7/165
Skyridge Articuno H3/H32
Skyridge Arcanine H2/H32
Skyridge Raichu H25/H32
Skyridge Golem 148/144 (Crystal)

I have a few hundred Gem Mint straight-from-pack-to-sleeve EX series Holos and RH if you are interested in those, I got them in bulk along with some EX's I bought. I also have some of the WotC era cards listed with 0 on your spreadsheet which I assume means you have only one of it, which is for your collection. And also a random 1st ed. Shining Magikarp, if you want collection items at all. I'm afraid I don't have tons of playable stuff at the moment, but if there are specific higher-end playable items (FAs, etc.) that you are interested in, I can certainly trade for/buy them to trade for the Neo cards. Just let me know if there are specific FA's you're looking for, etc. Thanks!
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

I have:

2x Gothitelle 47/98 holo only
Pokemon Catcher 95/98 reverse holo only

Interested in a bunch of WOTC unlimited edition cards.
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

are any of your setless promo lightning from base set?
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

I need:
1x Flareon UF Holo
1x Flareon UF RH
1x Jolteon UF Holo
1x Jolteon UF RH
1x Vaporeon UF Holo
1x Vaporeon UF RH
3x Eevee UF NH
3x Eevee UF RH
1x Pikachu EM RH
2x Pikachu EM NH
2x Pichu EM NH
2x Raichu EM Holo
2x Raichu Aqua vs Magma NH
2x Pikachu Aqua vs Magma NH
1x Flareon SS Holo
1x Jolteon SS Holo
1x Espeon I-74 SS NH
3x Espeon e-less SS NH
2x Pichu SS NH
2x Eevee I-25 SS NH
2x Eevee e-less SS NH
2x Pikachu SS NH
1x Jolteon Skyridge NH
1x Raichu Skyridge NH
2x Eevee Skyridge NH
1x Umbreon Aquapolis NH
3x Eevee Aquapolis NH
1x Dark Espeon NeoDestiny Holo
1x Dark Espeon 1st-ed NeoDestiny Holo
1x Espeon NeoRevelations Holo
1x Umbreon NeoRevelations Holo
1x Umbreon 1st-ed NeoRevelations Holo
2x Eevee 1st-ed NeoRevelations NH
3x Pichu 1st-ed NeoGenesis Holo
1x Flareon 1st-ed Jungle Holo
1x Jolteon 1st-ed Jungle Holo

What do you have left from the above list?

I have from your Wants:
1x Pachirisu COL Holo
1x Gothitelle EP Holo

Maybe CML for more (if you have the time of course)? I'd only ask you of this because what I need from you is quite the extensive list :-\

RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

silentsword77 said:
Yes, I don't mind. The ones I am most interested in are the Raikou, Light Dragonite, Typhlosion, and Dark Scizor. Might there be anything else you want from my list? I really want to finish off my 1st ed. Neo holo sets :) I'm currently about to get these (all absolute Mint condition, never touched)

Expedition Dragonite 9/165
Expedition Meganium 18/165
Expedition Clefable 7/165
Skyridge Articuno H3/H32
Skyridge Arcanine H2/H32
Skyridge Raichu H25/H32
Skyridge Golem 148/144 (Crystal)

I have a few hundred Gem Mint straight-from-pack-to-sleeve EX series Holos and RH if you are interested in those, I got them in bulk along with some EX's I bought. I also have some of the WotC era cards listed with 0 on your spreadsheet which I assume means you have only one of it, which is for your collection. And also a random 1st ed. Shining Magikarp, if you want collection items at all. I'm afraid I don't have tons of playable stuff at the moment, but if there are specific higher-end playable items (FAs, etc.) that you are interested in, I can certainly trade for/buy them to trade for the Neo cards. Just let me know if there are specific FA's you're looking for, etc. Thanks!

You are very acute. Yes, a zero on my spreadsheet simply means I have none available to trade. I really don't have much use for ex holos...unless it is a good deal that is. They simply are not playable and they tend to sit in a box a long time until a collector needs one.

I am digging out the stuff you had listed, keeping your big wants in mind. I will PM an offer in a few!

NarcoticHobo said:
I have:

2x Gothitelle 47/98 holo only
Pokemon Catcher 95/98 reverse holo only

Interested in a bunch of WOTC unlimited edition cards.

I need just one Gothitelle and the RH Cacther.
I value the 2 at about 15 in trade.
What unlimted cards you want the most?
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

i have 1 shaymin ul, i am interested in 1 blissey prime w/1 chansey, 2 chandelure(not RH), 4 Dodrio retreat aid w/ 4 Doduo. NOT RH

lmk if we can work something out.
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

jgreen said:
are any of your setless promo lightning from base set?

Not sure understand what you are asking.
Setless energy have no set symbols or numbers.
They come in theme decks. I am looking for one with the date at the bottom 2006. I'm not even 100% sure it exists!
Lightning energy from base set is numbered 100/102.

Hikikomori-san said:
I need:
1x Flareon UF Holo
1x Flareon UF RH
1x Jolteon UF Holo
1x Jolteon UF RH
1x Vaporeon UF Holo
1x Vaporeon UF RH
3x Eevee UF NH
3x Eevee UF RH
1x Pikachu EM RH
2x Pikachu EM NH
2x Pichu EM NH
2x Raichu EM Holo
2x Raichu Aqua vs Magma NH
2x Pikachu Aqua vs Magma NH
1x Flareon SS Holo
1x Jolteon SS Holo
1x Espeon I-74 SS NH
3x Espeon e-less SS NH
2x Pichu SS NH
2x Eevee I-25 SS NH
2x Eevee e-less SS NH
2x Pikachu SS NH
1x Jolteon Skyridge NH
1x Raichu Skyridge NH
2x Eevee Skyridge NH
1x Umbreon Aquapolis NH
3x Eevee Aquapolis NH
1x Dark Espeon NeoDestiny Holo
1x Dark Espeon 1st-ed NeoDestiny Holo
1x Espeon NeoRevelations Holo
1x Umbreon NeoRevelations Holo
1x Umbreon 1st-ed NeoRevelations Holo
2x Eevee 1st-ed NeoRevelations NH
3x Pichu 1st-ed NeoGenesis Holo
1x Flareon 1st-ed Jungle Holo
1x Jolteon 1st-ed Jungle Holo

What do you have left from the above list?

I have from your Wants:
1x Pachirisu COL Holo
1x Gothitelle EP Holo

Maybe CML for more (if you have the time of course)? I'd only ask you of this because what I need from you is quite the extensive list :-\


Everything I have available is listed.
The Pachirishu I value about 15 and the Gothitelle about 5.
I guess I need to know what I have you need the most for those 2.
I will check your list in a few...

i have 1 shaymin ul, i am interested in 1 blissey prime w/1 chansey, 2 chandelure(not RH), 4 Dodrio retreat aid w/ 4 Doduo. NOT RH

lmk if we can work something out.

The Shaymin has been going for about 15 but and I can use one more...
I don't know if I can do 6 rares though...
I like the idea of a free retreat cost deck!
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

i also have a pokemon collector off your wants so i'll offer this-
1 Shaymin UL
1 Pokemon Collector
2 Chandelure(non-RH)
1 Blissey Prime w/ Chansey HGSS
4 Dodrio(retreat aid) w/ 4 Doduo(same set)

lmk or counter please :)
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

Nevermind, thanks Hihikomori-san! I'll wait for an offer. :)
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

@ silentsword77: Actually, he already replied in Post# 3453.

Back on topic:
Yeah, it's not my intention to use up your time to CML, it's just that I need a lot. I also have...
4x Water Energy COL
1x Grass Energy COL
1x Cobalion FA unlisted

I value the COL Energy at $2.5 each and Cobalion FA at $10. That's really all I have from your list so you don't have to CML >.<

These are my largest Wants:
1x Flareon UF Holo
1x Flareon UF RH
1x Jolteon UF Holo
1x Jolteon UF RH
1x Vaporeon UF Holo
1x Vaporeon UF RH
3x Eevee UF RH
1x Pikachu EM RH
2x Raichu EM Holo
1x Flareon SS Holo
1x Jolteon SS Holo
1x Dark Espeon NeoDestiny Holo
1x Dark Espeon 1st-ed NeoDestiny Holo
1x Umbreon 1st-ed NeoRevelations Holo
3x Pichu 1st-ed NeoGenesis Holo

Essentially, it's the "shinys" I'm going for. Do you have any set values for the above? Or shall I shoot an offer?
RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

Pachirisu CoL x2
Shaymin UL
KGL Bottom

Mew Prime x2
Vanilluxe x4
Vanillite x4
Vanillish x4
Victini (ability, non FA) x2

RE: Noble Victories Update! (H) Tons of stuff! I have CODES (W) UL Shaymin, CoL Pachirisu, Please read my rules first!

i also have a pokemon collector off your wants so i'll offer this-
1 Shaymin UL
1 Pokemon Collector
2 Chandelure(non-RH)
1 Blissey Prime w/ Chansey HGSS
4 Dodrio(retreat aid) w/ 4 Doduo(same set)

lmk or counter please :)

I am kicking your offer around...

silentsword77 said:
Nevermind, thanks Hihikomori-san! I'll wait for an offer. :)

How soon are you getting these e reader holos? The Shining Golem I might be able to use.
We really should not negotiate with cards you do not have in hand though.