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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

CarlosDuranJr said:
Would you be interested in trading my darkrai ex fa for your regular darkrai ex and some other playable stuff? Like catchers or maybe work something out towards a raikou ex. I don't have a link to my trades list since I haven't updated it for 2 sets :/

But I should be able to get 2 packs of player rewards energy col. At least one sealed

I can do something like that.
My Darkai ex
"Something" what you have in mind?

Your Darkrai ex FA.

I can't work the Raikou ex in just for energy though.
I would need some thing like another ex in return...

Zorua said:
Your: 3 Weavile UD

My: 2 Alph Lithograph 4

I don't really need the Alphs that bad.
I think Durant decks are dead now.


Totoro said:
Please CML for Entei EX

Didn't see anything, sorry.

justintam0731 said:
Woul you do this
Zekrom EX FA

Raikou EX

From Ebay

No thanks. Raikou ex goes for more than that...
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Hi there, would you be interested in anything from my thread? I could use these:

1E Rocket's Mewtwo (Gym Challenge)
1E Sabrina #20 (Gym Challenge)
1E Typhlosion #17 (Neo Genesis)
1E Metal Energy (Neo Genesis)
1E Dark Ampharos (Neo Destiny)
RH Golem (Legendary Collection)
RH Graveler (Legendary Collection)
RH Kadabra (Legendary Collection)
RH Kakuna (Legendary Collection)
RH Meowth (Legendary Collection)
RH Seadra (Legendary Collection)
RH Tentacool (Legendary Collection)
RH Energy Retrieval (Legendary Collection)
H3 Ariados (Aquapolis)
H5 Bellossom (Aquapolis)
H14 Kingdra (Aquapolis)
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

silentsword77 said:
Hi there, would you be interested in anything from my thread? I could use these:

1E Rocket's Mewtwo (Gym Challenge)
1E Sabrina #20 (Gym Challenge)
1E Typhlosion #17 (Neo Genesis)
1E Metal Energy (Neo Genesis)
1E Dark Ampharos (Neo Destiny)
RH Golem (Legendary Collection)
RH Graveler (Legendary Collection)
RH Kadabra (Legendary Collection)
RH Kakuna (Legendary Collection)
RH Meowth (Legendary Collection)
RH Seadra (Legendary Collection)
RH Tentacool (Legendary Collection)
RH Energy Retrieval (Legendary Collection)
H3 Ariados (Aquapolis)
H5 Bellossom (Aquapolis)
H14 Kingdra (Aquapolis)

I am at work now. It is hard to check list on my mobile phone.
My biggest wants now are FAs.
Have any on my wants?
I can check your thread later if not.
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

i like
raikou ex de
darkrai ex de
x2 of every pop col energy except lightning (have none) and water have 3
entei ex fa
kyurem ex fa
cml for more?
(have tornadus ex reg)
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Shakespeare said:
I am at work now. It is hard to check list on my mobile phone.
My biggest wants now are FAs.
Have any on my wants?
I can check your thread later if not.

Unfortunately, I only have Zekrom (Grey error), Thundurus, and N, which I don't think you need. Other than that, the only thing that I have on your wants (I believe) is two RH Catcher. Are you interested in those?
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Very interest in your Darkrais. I have reverse Catcher, FA Cobalion, FA Zekrom EX, 3 FA Raikou EX, and a slightly damaged 1st place Victory Medal. Please CML for more.
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

1x Alph Lithograph FOUR ($5)

1x Kyurem EX ND ($5)

RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Something like catchers. It's no fun needing to borrow some to play :/
RE: Dark Explorers Update! (H) STUFF including 1000+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

I have some time to trade today!
Need Shiny Rayquaza!!!
Full Arts and Gold Catchers are always nice too!
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Can you please CML for these, my trade list is in my signature.:
Raikou Entei Suicune - Sealed set of 60
Celebi - Sealed set of 60
Garchomp - Sealed set of 60
Espeon- Umbreon - Sealed set of 60
Arecus - Sealed set of 60
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

PokemonMaster123 said:
Can you please CML for these, my trade list is in my signature.:
Raikou Entei Suicune - Sealed set of 60
Celebi - Sealed set of 60
Garchomp - Sealed set of 60
Espeon- Umbreon - Sealed set of 60
Arecus - Sealed set of 60

About all I see I can use is your FA Rayquaza EX.
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Zekrom Ex FA $20
RH Metal or Psychic Energy $4

2 Hydreigon Dark Trance $20
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

cf11 said:
Zekrom Ex FA $20
RH Metal or Psychic Energy $4

2 Hydreigon Dark Trance $20

I am going to have to pass...The Zekrom FA was a want when I ran a ZTPS deck...
Hydreigon may just be the deck to beat now, sorry.
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Hey man i have a terrakion ex fa and ho-oh ex fa and i saw your mew ex fa wondering if we could work out a deal
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

exdarkrai01 said:
Hey man i have a terrakion ex fa and ho-oh ex fa and i saw your mew ex fa wondering if we could work out a deal

I just pulled another out a tin.
The Ho-Oh is less playable than the Terrakion...

What are you thinking?
I am mobile, it is a pain to check lists on a phone...
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

If you want i could do terrakion and a hydreigon. I also have a
Altaria x2
Not sure how much you value mew at or what all your looking for either
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Interested in Mew EX's (FA Preferred) I have 3x FA Tornadus EX, 1x FA Giratina EX, and a few other staples etc. Interested?
RE: Dragons Exauted Update! (H) STUFF including 800+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants! Please read my rules first!

Boundaries Crossed update.
RE: BC Update! (H) STUFF including 1200+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants!

I noticed that you didn't have any player rewards pokémon collector under the haves, I have 4 I could trade. Also have 2 fa tornadus ex and 2 fa rayquaza ex. I'm interested in reverse (and full arts if applicable) - bianca, energy switch, eviolite, and Skyla.
RE: BC Update! (H) STUFF including 1200+ Codes! (W) FA and collection wants!

CarlosDuranJr said:
I noticed that you didn't have any player rewards pokémon collector under the haves, I have 4 I could trade. Also have 2 fa tornadus ex and 2 fa rayquaza ex. I'm interested in reverse (and full arts if applicable) - bianca, energy switch, eviolite, and Skyla.

Ah, people misunderstand my list. A zero next to something on my haves simply means I don't have any to trade, not necessarily that I need that card! I can one of the FA Tornadus for a deck I am making now. Unfortunately, I am looking the same FA Biancas and Skylas!

Anything else on my Haves interest you for 1 FA Tornadus?