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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: Shakepeare Need RR (H) RR & RH Claydol, Leafeon X, Jumbos 1st Editions

Shakespeare, I have Snorlax Lv. X, Charon's Choice, Fan Rotom for trade. Sorry didn't add those in when you looked, would you trade Flygon Lv. X for Snor. + a Rotom?
RE: Shakepeare Need RR (H) RR & RH Claydol, Leafeon X, Jumbos 1st Editions

Deep Balance said:
Shakespeare, I have Snorlax Lv. X, Charon's Choice, Fan Rotom for trade. Sorry didn't add those in when you looked, would you trade Flygon Lv. X for Snor. + a Rotom?

I just traded for a Snorlax Lv X, sorry.
I don't need a Fan Rotom.
I need your Charon's Choice but I can't do the Flygon LvX for it. I would need a lot more for it.
RE: Shakepeare Need RR (H) RR & RH Claydol, Leafeon X, Jumbos 1st Editions

Yeah. I understand. Alright then, good talking to ya.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

CML for Flyon X. I have charons.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

Juliacoolo said:
CML for Flyon X. I have charons.

The only thing you have is Charon's Choice...I'm going to need more than that. Have any RR Lvx's?
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

I am interested in these:

Flygon Lv. X (main want)
Leafeon Lv. X

I have these:

Charon's Choice *RT6*
Hippowdon Lv. X
Gabite (POP9)
Buneary (POP9)

is there anything else I might be able to interest you in, to obtain those cards? please, cml & lmk
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

I have bunery POP9 and a Alakazam lv X for your Flygon lv X LMk
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

qnetykz said:
I am interested in these:

Flygon Lv. X (main want)
Leafeon Lv. X

I have these:

Charon's Choice *RT6*
Hippowdon Lv. X
Gabite (POP9)
Buneary (POP9)

is there anything else I might be able to interest you in, to obtain those cards? please, cml & lmk

Tempting but I will have to pass. I am going to wait for a better offer.

kashmaster said:
I have bunery POP9 and a Alakazam lv X for your Flygon lv X LMk

Thanks, no. Flygon LvX is worth more than that.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

Ok then thanks for looking, boy flygon is getting over hyped :p
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

kashmaster said:
Ok then thanks for looking, boy flygon is getting over hyped :p

I hear you. It is good, not THAT good. I just hope to get the last 2 LvXs I need plus Charon's Choice for it.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

Lol Good luck getting, knowing how much everyone wants it you probably will :p
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

kashmaster said:
Lol Good luck getting, knowing how much everyone wants it you probably will :p

I will have to agree with wishing good luck on that, because that will take a pure sucker to make that kind of offer...but if you reconsider, please lmk
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

qnetykz said:
kashmaster said:
Lol Good luck getting, knowing how much everyone wants it you probably will :p

I will have to agree with wishing good luck on that, because that will take a pure sucker to make that kind of offer...but if you reconsider, please lmk

I was only half kidding. There always seems to be ONE card that everyone needs. I only want to get as much as I can out of it. It is going for insane prices on ebay now.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

Shakespeare said:
qnetykz said:
kashmaster said:
Lol Good luck getting, knowing how much everyone wants it you probably will :p

I will have to agree with wishing good luck on that, because that will take a pure sucker to make that kind of offer...but if you reconsider, please lmk

I was only half kidding. There always seems to be ONE card that everyone needs. I only want to get as much as I can out of it. It is going for insane prices on ebay now.

maybe the BIN/BO prices, but the auctions are only going around 20-30...I've been keeping a good eye on them
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

Hi I'm interested in your:
Dialga holo
Roserade holo
Mismagius RH
Skuntank RH
Ponita RH
Elekid RH
Machop RH
Machoke RH
Staravia RH
Plus power RH
Super Scoop up RH
Potion RH

I have these from your wants:
Burger King Diamond stamped
Burger King Platinum stamped

And you can CML for more, Oh and "nice scans" by the way.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

Hi Shakespear, I have these from your wants:

Lucario (from Platinum)
Tropius (from Rising Rivals)

2008-2009 - Dratini 9/146 (City Stamped)
2008-2009 - Dragonair 52/146 (State Stamped)
2008-2009 - Heatran 30/146 (Regional Stamped)

POP 9 Cards:
1/17 - Garchomp (Lv 64)
2/17 - Manaphy (Lv 25)
8/17 - Gabite (Lv 33)
9/17 - Lopunny (LV 36)
11/17 - Pichu (Lv 5)

I'm interested in your:
Lugia EX
Ho-oh EX
"shining" Mew δ 1
And Flygon lv.X (Don't really need, have 1 already)
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

I want your Leafeon X. I have Gallade 4 X.
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

vantheman17 said:
Hi I'm interested in your:
Dialga holo
Roserade holo
Mismagius RH
Skuntank RH
Ponita RH
Elekid RH
Machop RH
Machoke RH
Staravia RH
Plus power RH
Super Scoop up RH
Potion RH

I have these from your wants:
Burger King Diamond stamped
Burger King Platinum stamped

And you can CML for more, Oh and "nice scans" by the way.

I can let you have all but the trainers (they are in a deck).
Dialga holo
Roserade holo
Mismagius RH
Skuntank RH
Ponita RH
Elekid RH
Machop RH
Machoke RH
Staravia RH

Burger King Diamond stamped

Burger King Platinum stamped

SotH said:
Hi Shakespear, I have these from your wants:

Lucario (from Platinum)
Tropius (from Rising Rivals)

2008-2009 - Dratini 9/146 (City Stamped)
2008-2009 - Dragonair 52/146 (State Stamped)
2008-2009 - Heatran 30/146 (Regional Stamped)

POP 9 Cards:
1/17 - Garchomp (Lv 64)
2/17 - Manaphy (Lv 25)
8/17 - Gabite (Lv 33)
9/17 - Lopunny (LV 36)
11/17 - Pichu (Lv 5)

I'm interested in your:
Lugia EX
Ho-oh EX
"shining" Mew δ 1
And Flygon lv.X (Don't really need, have 1 already)

The "shining" Mew delta goes in the $30 range. I am reluctant to trade such a rare pull for a bunch of promos but I will.
Lucario (from Platinum)
Tropius (from Rising Rivals)

2008-2009 - Dratini 9/146 (City Stamped)
2008-2009 - Dragonair 52/146 (State Stamped)
2008-2009 - Heatran 30/146 (Regional Stamped)

POP 9 Cards:
1/17 - Garchomp (Lv 64)
2/17 - Manaphy (Lv 25)
8/17 - Gabite (Lv 33)
9/17 - Lopunny (LV 36)
11/17 - Pichu (Lv 5)

"shining" Mew delta

Pi3ce0fmind said:
I want your Leafeon X. I have Gallade 4 X.

Sorry, I have a trade pending for a Gallade 4. Thanks anyways!
RE: Shakepeare (N) RR & POP9(H)Flygon LvX & Leafeon X, Jumbos Old 1st Editions

awsome_umbreon said:
Pikachu World Collection
Luxray GL

I don't have a Luxray GL to trade.
The only things that interests me from your list is:
RR Alakazam 4 LvX 122/127
PT Dialga G LvX 103/111
Pikachu World Collection (factory packing-NEW)