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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Shakespeare said:
Oh shoot!
I was including the Shaymin on my end.
I didn't see you removed it.

You have a deal.
PM me to finalize.

Well, I am having second thoughts. Before I counter-offer, do you have any RH of the cherrim SF's or kakuna RR's or weedle RR's?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Ok, nevermind then.
Maybe next time!
RE: Supending trading until lagging issue is resolved. ALL current trades are being honored, just no new trades for now

Once you are ready to start trading again, please CML for (SF) Gengar (RH).
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

Shakespeare said:
Rikko 145:
I can trade all 4 for your Blaziken FB x 2.

I value the energies about a buck each.
Gardy X will get you about 13
Cresslia X about 25...ect

How many you need?

is that everything that you like? i need a lot. espeacially the tins
RE: Supending trading until lagging issue is resolved. ALL current trades are being honored, just no new trades for now

Hey do you want the delivery confirmation number? If so let me know. Also I couldn't send it first class so I sent it priority mail. They said 2-3 days.
RE: Supending trading until lagging issue is resolved. ALL current trades are being honored, just no new trades for now

@dreamdeamon: or Billy: Really first class and Priority are the same thing. First calss is cheaper but they both would send it with in 3 days. lol.

@Shakespeare: So what about my blaze x for 20 energies shakes??
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

geo15721 said:
is that everything that you like? I need a lot. espeacially the tins

You need what tins?
From your list I see:

Torterra Lv. X x1 $7 each

Mysterious Treasures
Electivire Lv. X x2 $12 each
Lucario Lv. X x1 $7 pack
Time Space Distortion x1 (Offer)

Secret Wonders
Gardevior Lv. X x3 $13 each

Great Encounters
Cresselia Lv. X x3 $25

Majestic Dawn
Glaceon Lv. X x2 $20 each

Legend Awakens
Azelf Lv. X x1 $15 each
Uxie Lv. X x3 (Offers)
Rhyperior Lv. X x3 (1 Tin) $5 tin, $8 pack
Gliscor Lv. X x3 $15 each

Storm Front
Regigigas Lv. X x7 (4 Tin) $3 tin, $9 pack
Machamp Lv. X x2 $12 each
Dusknior Lv. x x1 $20

Shaymin (Sky) Lv. X x3 $15 each
Shaymin (land) Lv. X x3 $25 each
Giratina Lv. X x2 $16 each
Dialga G Lv X x2 (Offer)

Rising Rivals
Snorlax Lv. X x2 (Offer)
Flygon Lv. X x6 (Offer)
Hippowdon Lv. X x1 (Offer)
Infernape 4 Lv. X x1 (Offer)
Gallade 4 Lv. X x1 (Offer)
Alakazam 4 Lv. X x1 (Offer)
Luxray GL Lv. X x2 (Offer)
Floatzel GL Lv. X x2 (Offer)

Supreme Victors
Electivire FB Lv. X x2 (Offer)
Blaziken FB Lv. X x3 (Offer)

I am, of course, most intrested in A Flygon LvX and Luxray GL LvX. I will trade holo energy for any of these LvX cards though...

dreamdemon said:
Hey do you want the delivery confirmation number? If so let me know. Also I couldn't send it first class so I sent it priority mail. They said 2-3 days.

Sorry I could not get back to you in time on that. Priority is such a rip off. First class with Delivery Confirmation is the best way to go. I got your stuff today by the way!

The_Clownsta said:
Once you are ready to start trading again, please CML for (SF) Gengar (RH).

Sorry, I put that in a deck... I have to remove that from my list.

SSBBDaisy said:
@dreamdeamon: or Billy: Really first class and Priority are the same thing. First calss is cheaper but they both would send it with in 3 days. lol.

@Shakespeare: So what about my blaze x for 20 energies shakes?

Hmmm... I just traded for one from dreamdeamon... I really would rather trade for a Luxray GL LvX. You wanted HP energies this time?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL


How many holo energies can I get for Torterra X pack, Lucario X pack, skymin X Pack, Giratina X Pack, Rhyperior X Pack?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL


geo15721 said:

How many holo energies can I get for Torterra X pack, Lucario X pack, skymin X Pack, Giratina X Pack, Rhyperior X Pack?

I can do 7 - 7 - 10 - 10 - 8 for those.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Ya never got back to me on the

Blaze X for some holo energy deal dernit :(

I also have giratina x pack and rhyperior x pack. Give me energies :D yay :D pls :D
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

SSBBDaisy said:
Ya never got back to me on the

Blaze X for some holo energy deal dernit :(

I also have giratina x pack and rhyperior x pack. Give me energies :D yay :D pls :D

I did reply...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

hey i wuold love some (H) energy i got blaz x you want it you got it and i got giratina x too soo what yo say???

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Well how many energies would you do for

Rhyperior Lv.X (Pack)
Giratina Lv.X (Pack)
Blaziken FB lv.X (this is a gewd lv.x) :)
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

pokemaster10 said:
hey I wuold love some (H) energy I got blaz x you want it you got it and I got giratina x too soo what yo say???


Your Giratna X from a pack or promo?

SSBBDaisy said:
Well how many energies would you do for

Rhyperior Lv.X (Pack)
Giratina Lv.X (Pack)
Blaziken FB lv.X (this is a gewd lv.x) :)

I can do 34 for all three.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

Shakespeare said:

I can do 7 - 7 - 10 - 10 - 8 for those.

That's sounds good. How many {L} and {P} do you have?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

my giratna is promo but i have machamp x straptor x 2! blaziken x mismagius x mewtwo x not pro: and more

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

lol you gave dream deamon 20 holo energies for the blaze x. come on shake. If you make it 8 of each again we can have another deal. I also want a few of your extra Emerald water energies and psychic energies. Come on pls. Im giving you 3 xs.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

CML for SF (RH) Gengar.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G

geo15721 said:
That's sounds good. How many {L} and {P} do you have?

I have a lot of Emerald Psychic Energy.
I will make a list of exactly what I have left.

*Edit* This is what I have left...according to my list.
Power Keepers Holo Energy:
Grass Energy 13
Fire Energy 12
Water Energy 23
Lightning Energy 33
Psychic Energy 13
Fighting Energy 19

Halon Phantoms:
Grass Energy 23
Fire Energy 24
Water Energy 19
Lightning Energy 27
Psychic Energy 13
Fighting Energy 60

Grass Energy 1
Fire Energy 4
Psychic Energy 20
Fighting Energy 9

I can trade another 30 holo energy for a Luxray GL LvX.

pokemaster10 said:
my giratna is promo but I have machamp x straptor x 2! blaziken x mismagius x mewtwo x not pro: and more


I do not need promo LvX cards. Mewtwo LvX and Machamp LvX interest me. I can do 10 each.

SSBBDaisy said:
lol you gave dream deamon 20 holo energies for the blaze x. come on shake. If you make it 8 of each again we can have another deal. I also want a few of your extra Emerald water energies and psychic energies. Come on pls. Im giving you 3 xs.

I am offering you 20 for your Blaziken FB Lv X. 7 each for the others.

The_Clownsta said:
CML for SF (RH) Gengar.

Sorry, the RH Gengar went into a deck. I have to remove that from my list.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Please CML for Leafy x, a plain color deckbox, and some cool sleeves.