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Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

i don't have anything in ur DOTW thanks for ur time though :(
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

Please CML for all of your RH Scythers and respond on my thread please!
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

I don't know if I have any scythers for trade.
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

I keep taking a long time to respond to you. You still want the Jirachi correct?
How about:
1x Jirachi RR (RH)
1x Dodrio UD (RH)

1x Absol G
2x Expert Belt (LP)
1x Rescue Energy

LMK or counter offer. Do you have any of my wants unlisted? I have updated my list a little so you can check for other stuff you may want.
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

I can't go to a Pre-Lease... But I would like your:

x1 RH Machamp SF*
x1 Machamp SF IDC
x1 Mew Prime

I have some "Bling" Energy:

1 Fire HF
1 Phy PK
1 Electric HF
1 Dark. Umbreon Energy HGSS

Check my list for your other wants. Thanks :)
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

@ AfroG Sounds good! I'll PM you soon.
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

CML for Magnezone Prime?
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

x1 Fire Holon Phantoms Holo Energy
x1 Psychic Power Keepers Holo Energy
x1 Lightning Holon Phantoms Holo Energy
x1 RH Cyrus's Initiative
x1 RH Power Spray
x2 RH Expert Belt

x1 Machamp SF

@mlouden I have all the scizors I need, thanks!

@GigaDrain I'd do it for Machamp Prime.
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

@GigaDrain One.

x1 Magnezone Prime

x1 Machamp Prime
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

Please SML for 1x each Aplh one and alph two. also as many DCE as you are willing to let go of. Are they mint?
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

x1 Palkia G holo
x1 Dragonite FB RH
x2 RH Rare Candy
x1 Mewtwo Lvl X DP28

x1 Alph Lithograph ONE
x1 Alph Lithograph TWO
x2 2nd Base DCE

RE: <!TWT!> Need PROMOCROAK and UXIE X!! [H]Mew Prime, etc <AdrianSkyline>

@DarkPkmnTrainer Totally not worth it. The full legend costs twice as much.
RE: <!TWT!> [H]New DOTW, Need Mew Prime? Check it out. <AdrianSkyline>

I can do all but the mewtwo for those you listed. Mewtwo is worth about $11. which makes my total about $13 more than yours.
RE: <!TWT!> Need PROMOCROAK and UXIE X!! [H]Mew Prime, etc <AdrianSkyline>

Do you ship to Canada? If so, I am interested in
Your: Garchomp C x1
x1 Jumpluff RH or H

x1 Kyogre Groudon Legend Bottom*
RE: <!TWT!> Need PROMOCROAK and UXIE X!! [H]Mew Prime, etc <AdrianSkyline>

CML for:

Mew Prime

I have a Toxicroak G DP41 for trade and other of your wants.
RE: <!TWT!> Need PROMOCROAK and UXIE X!! [H]Mew Prime, etc <AdrianSkyline>

Offer, with Dollar amounts.
x2 RH Rare Candy 7
x1 RH Dragonite FB 1
x1 Palkia G 3.5
x2 RH Electivire FB 1

x1 Alph One 4
x1 Alph Two 3
x3 Base 2 DCE 6

@jhippie I don't hunt for trade threads, link please. But yes, i ship to canada.

@QuestionMarx Do you have any Emerald Energy?
RE: <!TWT!> Need PROMOCROAK and UXIE X!! [H]Mew Prime, etc <AdrianSkyline>

No, sorry. Those cards are quite hard to come by.