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Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

RE: <!TWT!>W: Em, PK, HP Energy; RH Special Energy H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

yanmega prime for 2 garchomp c??
RE: <!TWT!>W: Em, PK, HP Energy; RH Special Energy H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

@TheWiiMan Hmm your list is spartan. Do you have any of my wants Besides the Promo? Do you have Mewtwo?

MGS-58 Tempting. Let me check your list.
EDIT: Nice Mew Primes. What are you looking for for them? I'm interested in getting 2-3 of them.
I've got
x2 Garchomp C
x3 Dialga G LP
x1 Energy Gain
x1 Jirachi UL RH
from your wants, I've also got primes, legends, etc.
RE: <!TWT!>W: Em, PK, HP Energy; RH Special Energy H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

what does spartan mean? and I am getting the mews from somewhere else.
RE: <!TWT!>W: Em, PK, HP Energy; RH Special Energy H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

well not for the mew, how many RH energy do you have??
RE: <!TWT!>W: Absol G X H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

i like the mews too XD. I'd be willing to part with 2 mew primes for prolly an entire sp engine set and more but i'm more interested in doing something just for the garchomp c's currently. I can definately add something smaller though to the yanmega for 2 garchomp c trade though :).
RE: <!TWT!>W: Absol G X H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

You said no to the mew prime, so what are we negotiating over exactly?
RE: <!TWT!>W: Absol G X H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

my yanmega prime for ur 2 garchomp c's? o_O?
RE: <!TWT!>W: Absol G X H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

@TheWiiMan Not really. What's on the list is what I have. There is a bling section.
RE: <!TWT!>W: Absol G X H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

No thanks, I'm not interested in the Pluff. But thanks for the offer.
RE: <!TWT!>W: Absol G X H: Mew Prime <AdrianSkyline>

x2 dark basic energy
x2 Ambipom G
black belt

x4 copycat (non holo)
Cyclone Energy (non holo)