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Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

Yeah, I have felt that many times. If I traded that Uxie X, it would mean it's not in my deck, giving me trade offs anymore. So like I said, it would have to be big. You aren't interested in Machamp Prime, Absol Prime, or Magnezone Prime? Of these things, I have many.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

nope, I need Uxie X for my current deck, 1-1 Absol G X are just extras for me...lol
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

I bought mine from troll and toad. It sucks but you're never going to get one from a trade thread. They're just too crucial. I consider everything of mine for trade. But just for the right deal.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

Indeed. LMK if you find something you want for the Absols.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

@ScreamRawr I run two in my deck now. So I can spare maybe one for sure. Got any of my RH wants?
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

CML for Uxie X I have some of your wants.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

x1 Em Psychic Energy

x1 RH Energy Gain

Nothing for Uxie X. I like
x2 Warp Energy
x1 RH Sableye SF

LMK anything else you want.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

Crap. Thats so tempting. Anything else you want? I have some nice proxies.
Jirachi perhaps? I have some COL stuff.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

Warp Energy RH

Lucario GL
Murkrow SV (switcheroo) will take non holo as well..
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

@ScreamRawr Lawl. RH power spray.

@TheHybrid Do you have anymore Warp energy? Any more of my wants? I need things.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

I have a RH Plus Power UL, RH Life Herb PL, RH SSU UL, RH Pokemon Communication, RH Premier Ball GE. Porygon Z-G, Porygon Z TR, HGSS Fire Energy (w/Ho-oh obviously) Porygon Z GE (give me time to check for this one), Porygon 2 GE, Porygon GE, Porygon 2 TR, Porygon TR ect, Holo Rainbow Energy (1995-2000) (has two dented edges, not severe however) Holon Mentor Holo, Numel Stamped Crystal Guardians holo and Mudkip stamped Crystal Guardians Holo.. All very playable (The Pokemon Communication and the Life Herb are the only somewhat badly scuffed ones.)

All cards here are NM or M

LMK what you want.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

How many of each do you have of:

RH Super Scoop Up
RH Premier Ball
RH Pokemon Communication
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

VERY interested in your:

12 Emerald Fire Enegies

I have:

1 Drapion X SF
1 Sableye SF [RH]
2 Absol G [1 RH, 1 H]
1 Double Colorless Energy HGSS

Random RH Trainers:
1 Junk Arm
1 Team Rocket's Trickery
1 Research Record
1 Energy Exchanger
1 Pokemon Circulator
2 Interviewer's Questions
1 Lucky Egg
1 Pokemon Reversal
1 Indigo Plateau
1 Pokeball
1 Professor Elm's Training Method

Please CML for more.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

Canada here:

Your Machamp Primes x2


My Shiny Col Ho oh, RH Sableye SF, and SF Warp Energy
