RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>
@ChiaPet I really only want to trade Uxie X for multiple Mew Primes or Gengar Prime. I didn't get much chance to check your list the other night, so I'll look it over and actually make an offer soon. Thanks for replying though!
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>
@Spardan What do you have of my wants?
@Techdeck101 Hmm.. I don't know. I don't really think I need anything at the moment. Maybe Mew Prime? But unless I get a 2-2 Line of Absol G X in one trade I'm probably not moving the Uxie. Or even until B&W comes out.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>
@Spardan LAWL you actually have that probopass XD but that's not really enough for the Uxie man. I would like your 2-1 Absol G X, if there is anything else on my list you want for it, I'd trade for sure.
@Techdeck Hmm. I don't think so. I'd want 3. But that's probably out of the question.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>
@TheHybrid Sorry dude, I really don't see anything I'd trade it for in addition to that. I am really interested in them though. I'd value them around 14 dollars. If you want anything else on my list I'd be willing to work with you.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>
dang, nothing?... I really need that Uxie Lv X and it seems you really need my 1-1 Absol G Lv X line... wish I had something to push this over the line... : /