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Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; Other Goodies<AdrianSkyline>

@CarlitosBob I'm really only interested in the RH UD special energy. COL is ok too, but I want them to be from the same set.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

I need some Arceus cards. Here they are : Arceus X 94\99 Arceus X 96\99 Gengar X Salamence X Secret cards Ponyta Bagon. Normal Froslass Heatren Probopass swalot Zapdos G Bronzong not 33 Poison jab Gengar Golom Lopunny Manectinc Raichu Rapidash Raticate Sceptile lick Gastly phybolt Haunter Shelgon Fighting Wormadam Electrike and Kabuto. please Cml I do not have many things listed but you can ask if I have something LMK thanks.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

Sorry absol but you don't have anything I need.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

My: Absol G, DP 43 Probopass G, 2 HGSS Dark Energy,( I have Sableye SF RH, but i would need for you to throw in a regular one)

I Like: Blaziken FB X

CML to even this out
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

@DarkVoid Sorry but I need to clean out my list after these last two states. I'll get back to you.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

CML for your:
x1 Glaceon Lvl. X
x1 Raichu Prime
x2 Magnezone Prime

I do have 1x Absol G LV.X, but it's pending.

LMK, thanks!
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

2-1 Luxray GL X

Uxie X
Blaziken FB (if you have it)
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

so, you don't have Arceus 94/99 anymore? :/
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

CML for your Jumpluff, Vileplume, and Honchkrow SV
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Blissey PL; Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

x1 Glaceon X
x1 Raichu Prime

x1 Absol G X
x1 Mew Prime

@The Hybrid
I PM'd you.

I never did, I have 4 of the promo version though.


x1 Vileplume UD

x3 RH Warp Point DP

Let me know. I also am not certain I still have 'Pluff.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

I suppose I could do that. But, I'll get back to you. Just PM me for now so I can archive it for now...not sure if AGX will be going somewhere else right now.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

CML for Kyogre Groudon Legend bottom and/or Mew Prime? I have some stuff on your wants like a call energy, and absol g (and level x)

For now my offer stands at:

Absol G (RH)

KGL bottom

LMK :)
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

I could swear I had seen it on here. Well, would you do a promo + something for absol G lv X?
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

Please CML for Arceus cards Rachiu, Probopass, Swalot, and Zapodose G. Arceus X 96&94, also Salamence X, and Gengar X. Please LMK thanks. I read the rules, but I do not think i have any of your wants.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

Could you check and see if you still have the Pluff, or Honchkrow SV?
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>


I PM'd you.

How about my:
x1 Mew Prime
x1 KGL Bottom

x1 Call Energy
x1 RH Absol G
x1 Absol G X

I absolutely would. I have many Arceus cards/trainers.

I like these:

x1 Machamp Prime
x1 Power Keepers Grass Energy

Make me an offer?

I will check when I get home. I've only got RH Honchkrow SV and I'm attached to it.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

Please cml for:

x1 Honchkrow SV

Would you also happen to have:
x1 Murkrow SV
x1 Chatot G
x1 Cyrus's Initiative

I also have an RH Sableye I could trade as long as I get a non RH one in return.
RE: <!TWT!>H: Mew Prime; W: Absol G X; Call Energy;<AdrianSkyline>

The Grass energy is my friends so it would have to be two seperate offers sorry.