RE: (H)<LvL X><Primes><Various Rare/Holo> (W)Claydols, Flygon Lvl X, Various Techs
I can probably give you one league Claydol for the Lucario.
I can probably give you one league Claydol for the Lucario.
AdrianSkyline said:Thanks for all the replies guys! Quoted replies to your CML's below. Thanks!
Also, PM me for faster replies! But if you do PM me, please also make a post here.
I didn't really see anything I REALLY want, I'm interested in DCE's and Candies if you have them. Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? Please reply.
Azelf Master:cml for Tyranitar Prime.
Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? If so, I want them. For now, I'd like 2 DCE and a Rare Candy for the T-Tar Prime. Please Counter. Thanks!
DarkSoulSP:Really interested in Flygon Lvl X, Need it to complete my current deck.Please CML for
Pikachu Promo HGSS
Kingdra Prime
Steelix Prime
Thanks a ton!
I have 4 Claydols for trade as well as many techs and trainers!![]()
I will give all three cards mentioned for it. Please counter.
The Crippler 18:
Didn't see anything I want. Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE or perhaps Warp Points?
Steelix_Kid:cml for kingdra prime shaymin ul and blaziken fb x
My Blaziken FB Lvl X is one I value a lot. Not a lot I want. Interested in Garchomp C Lvl. X. Any counter?
BigBattle:I take you just want to see list or do you have any specific wants? Well, anyway the names Battle(That's actually my name) and I am interested in your Kindra Prime, TTar Prime, and Blaziken FB Lv X. I have several unlisted so just ask if you are insterested in something that isn't. LMK.
Definitely Flygon or Gengar Lvl. X. Perhaps straight across one for Blaziken? I know they are both heavyweights. All three you want for those two? Counter please.
Saw this: x2 Claydol (LP) Interested for sure. But what does LP mean? And do you have baltoys? And I might take you up on your 'deal' if it's for real.Also really need a Flygon Lvl. X. I could be willing to part with some/all of those for Claydol GE or a Flygon Lvl. X or both. Please LMK and counter.
JakeKaplan95I like Kingdra Primes because I don't have enough for play yet. So I'd give you both for 2 Kingdra Prime. Please Counter.CML for:
Please CML for your entei suicune top and your jumpluff HS. Thanks!
XanderPitz1010Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? Need them. If so, I could be interested. I value high my Explouds and That Garchomp. But LMK soon.Im interested in:
Tangrowth SF
Kingdra Prime UL
Exploud SV
Garchomp POP 9
CML for what you want.
I see Claydol on your list. GE? And if so how many and Baltoy for the Lucario? Really need them. LMK.
.::n00bmuffin::. said:I can probably give you one league Claydol for the Lucario.
pokefan1234 said:CML for:
x1 Kingdra PRIME
x1 Omastar MD
1Pokemon_Master said:Hi, please CLM for
Arceus Lvl X. AR (Omniscient, Promo and Pack Pulled)
Kingdra Prime UL
Absol G Lvl X SV
Blaziken FB Lvl X SV
Chaoguy said:My
1-1 claydol (not promo)
Shaymin UL
Charizard AR
darksoulSP said:Fygon's being offered on ATM. :/
Could I give you a different offer including Claydols, Roseannes, and other staples? It doesn't have to have all 3.![]()
PokemonTradeAccount said:hey, im looking for nidoran (female) RR RH, gastly SF RH, and haunter SF RH. would you happen to have any?
and CML if you do
LP means league promo. It's reverse holo stitch with a pokeball watermark on the body of the card, they give them out as rewards at league. if I offered a 1-1 Claydol line with my LP Claydol and reverse holo Baltoy Supreme Victors (its not the GE one but still works) what would you do for that?AdrianSkyline said:Thanks for all the replies guys! Quoted replies to your CML's below. Thanks!
Also, PM me for faster replies! But if you do PM me, please also make a post here.
I didn't really see anything I REALLY want, I'm interested in DCE's and Candies if you have them. Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? Please reply.
Azelf Master:cml for Tyranitar Prime.
Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? If so, I want them. For now, I'd like 2 DCE and a Rare Candy for the T-Tar Prime. Please Counter. Thanks!
DarkSoulSP:Really interested in Flygon Lvl X, Need it to complete my current deck.Please CML for
Pikachu Promo HGSS
Kingdra Prime
Steelix Prime
Thanks a ton!
I have 4 Claydols for trade as well as many techs and trainers!![]()
I will give all three cards mentioned for it. Please counter.
The Crippler 18:
Didn't see anything I want. Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE or perhaps Warp Points?
Steelix_Kid:cml for kingdra prime shaymin ul and blaziken fb x
My Blaziken FB Lvl X is one I value a lot. Not a lot I want. Interested in Garchomp C Lvl. X. Any counter?
BigBattle:I take you just want to see list or do you have any specific wants? Well, anyway the names Battle(That's actually my name) and I am interested in your Kindra Prime, TTar Prime, and Blaziken FB Lv X. I have several unlisted so just ask if you are insterested in something that isn't. LMK.
Definitely Flygon or Gengar Lvl. X. Perhaps straight across one for Blaziken? I know they are both heavyweights. All three you want for those two? Counter please.
Saw this: x2 Claydol (LP) Interested for sure. But what does LP mean? And do you have baltoys? And I might take you up on your 'deal' if it's for real.Also really need a Flygon Lvl. X. I could be willing to part with some/all of those for Claydol GE or a Flygon Lvl. X or both. Please LMK and counter.
JakeKaplan95I like Kingdra Primes because I don't have enough for play yet. So I'd give you both for 2 Kingdra Prime. Please Counter.CML for:
Please CML for your entei suicune top and your jumpluff HS. Thanks!
XanderPitz1010Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? Need them. If so, I could be interested. I value high my Explouds and That Garchomp. But LMK soon.Im interested in:
Tangrowth SF
Kingdra Prime UL
Exploud SV
Garchomp POP 9
CML for what you want.
I see Claydol on your list. GE? And if so how many and Baltoy for the Lucario? Really need them. LMK.
Alex(charm)ander said:LP means league promo. It's reverse holo stitch with a pokeball watermark on the body of the card, they give them out as rewards at league. if I offered a 1-1 Claydol line with my LP Claydol and reverse holo Baltoy Supreme Victors (its not the GE one but still works) what would you do for that?
Zangoosed said:My:
Claydol GE
Baltoy GE
Jumpluff HGSS
LMK thanks
AdrianSkyline said:How about The Claydol and The Baltoy? It doesn't do me any good without it's basic.
pokefan1234 said:CML for:
x1 Kingdra PRIME
x1 Omastar MD
How about my Omastar MD for your Gengar DP?
1Pokemon_Master said:Hi, please CLM for
Arceus Lvl X. AR (Omniscient, Promo and Pack Pulled)
Kingdra Prime UL
Absol G Lvl X SV
Blaziken FB Lvl X SV
I'm interested in your Gengar SF and your Azelf LA. Do you have any Gengar DP?
Probably not for the Charizard. I don't need the Claydol that badly. Lol
Anything else you like?
darksoulSP said:Fygon's being offered on ATM. :/
Could I give you a different offer including Claydols, Roseannes, and other staples? It doesn't have to have all 3.![]()
I do need enough claydols for two decks right now, so I might take you up on the offer if you have a 2-2 claydol GE (I'd rather get them from one person) Do you have any Gengar DP?
PokemonTradeAccount said:hey, im looking for nidoran (female) RR RH, gastly SF RH, and haunter SF RH. would you happen to have any?
and CML if you do
Not in reverse holo. Sorry! But I like your Flygon Lvl X. Anything you want for it?