Thanks for all the replies guys! Quoted replies to your CML's below. Thanks!
Also, PM me for faster replies! But if you do PM me, please also make a post here.
I didn't really see anything I REALLY want, I'm interested in DCE's and Candies if you have them. Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? Please reply.
Azelf Master:
Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? If so, I want them. For now, I'd like 2 DCE and a Rare Candy for the T-Tar Prime. Please Counter. Thanks!
Please CML for
Pikachu Promo HGSS
Kingdra Prime
Steelix Prime
Thanks a ton!
I have 4 Claydols for trade as well as many techs and trainers!
Really interested in Flygon Lvl X, Need it to complete my current deck.
I will give all three cards mentioned for it. Please counter.
The Crippler 18:
Didn't see anything I want. Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE or perhaps Warp Points?
cml for kingdra prime shaymin ul and blaziken fb x
My Blaziken FB Lvl X is one I value a lot. Not a lot I want. Interested in Garchomp C Lvl. X. Any counter?
I take you just want to see list or do you have any specific wants? Well, anyway the names Battle(That's actually my name) and I am interested in your Kindra Prime, TTar Prime, and Blaziken FB Lv X. I have several unlisted so just ask if you are insterested in something that isn't. LMK.
Definitely Flygon or Gengar Lvl. X. Perhaps straight across one for Blaziken? I know they are both heavyweights. All three you want for those two? Counter please.
Saw this: x2 Claydol (LP) Interested for sure. But what does LP mean? And do you have baltoys? And I might take you up on your 'deal' if it's for real.
Also really need a Flygon Lvl. X. I could be willing to part with some/all of those for Claydol GE or a Flygon Lvl. X or both. Please LMK and counter.
CML for:
Please CML for your entei suicune top and your jumpluff HS. Thanks!
I like Kingdra Primes because I don't have enough for play yet. So I'd give you both for 2 Kingdra Prime. Please Counter.
Im interested in:
Tangrowth SF
Kingdra Prime UL
Exploud SV
Garchomp POP 9
CML for what you want.
Do you have any Claydol/Baltoy GE? Need them. If so, I could be interested. I value high my Explouds and That Garchomp. But LMK soon.
I see Claydol on your list. GE? And if so how many and Baltoy for the Lucario? Really need them. LMK.