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Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

tiger-lilly said:
Would you do a Kilngklang and a Galvantula for the rh lost world?

How about Lost wordl RH for Klingklang and 19.Emboar
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Hai tiger-lilly, i didn't know you were on pokebeach. :p
I need your Mandibuzz (1 RH)
I have a collector I could trade or you can cml. ^^
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

oooo I really need collector I will do the Mandibuzz for the collector as long as it's in nm condition.
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

tiger-lilly said:
oooo I really need collector I will do the Mandibuzz for the collector as long as it's in nm condition.

mhmm, always in mn condition.
send a pm my way to confirm. ^^
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

x2 Lost World
x1 Serperior Ability RH
for your
1 Yanmega Prime
Uxie Lv X
1 Zebstrika
Emboar Flare Blitz (1 RH or 1 normal)
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

gary182000 said:
x2 Lost World
x1 Serperior Ability RH
for your
1 Yanmega Prime
Uxie Lv X
1 Zebstrika
Emboar Flare Blitz (1 RH or 1 normal)

I am willing to do it for my Uxie lv X pm me if this is ok for you.
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Hey! Its StormbringerGT, thanks for the heads up to this site. I'll have to get my stuff organized and see what I have doubles wise and what I want or need. I'm sure I might have some Umbreons somewhere!
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Interested in:
x4 Dragonite (1 RF)
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

ratajoe said:
tiger-lilly said:
Would you do a Kilngklang and a Galvantula for the rh lost world?

How about Lost wordl RH for Klingklang and 19.Emboar

No sorry ... though I would do klingklang and Galvantula and Liepard though that is stretching it.

safariblade I am interested in your umbreon ud
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

I have a Holo one, a non-holo one, and I should have a Set Theme holo one on the way.
RE: US & Canada ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Would you do a rf dragonight and a regular one for both the foil and non foil ones? I have to check my cards about the foil one though.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Could you CML for your:
2x Gastly TR (RH)
1x Magnemite TR (RH)
1x Magneton TR (RH)
1x Haunter TR (RH)
1x Scyther UD (RH) #65
1x Pupitar UL (RH) (Is it #38 or #39?)
2x Seeker

It's all a bunch of commons and uncommons so I don't value them very high, but I'm still very interested in them.
Let me know if you find anything, thank you. =)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

I am interested in your Flareon CL rh and do you have any other rh eeveelutions (or eevee) your willing to trade?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

tiger-lilly said:
I am interested in your Flareon CL rh and do you have any other rh eeveelutions (or eevee) your willing to trade?
I don't think so. :/ Would you be interested in a Eevee CoL (RH) or are you only looking for eeveelutions?
Let me know.


These are my highest wants in order....
1x Magnemite TR (RH)
2x Gastly TR (RH)
1x Magneton TR (RH)
1x Haunter TR (RH)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

CML for 2x Mandibuzz, and 2x Vullaby, if you have them.

RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Afro-G would you do the eevee for rh 1x Magnemite TR (RH)
mlouden what set is your rh leafeon from?
Shiny Shinx I do have them both but do you have any rh eeveelutions or just the eevees?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Would you do....
1x Flareon CoL (RH)
1x Eevee CoL (RH)

2x Gastly TR (RH)
1x Magneton TR (RH)

Let me know or counter. I would really like to get the other stuff if possible. Is there anything else I could trade you?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

Afro-G yea I am willing to do that and no I did not see anything else I wanted atm.