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Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white

tiger-lilly said:
Afro-G yea I am willing to do that and no I did not see anything else I wanted atm.
Okay that will work I guess. If you PM me to confirm I can literally have the cards sent out in like 30 minutes, but you have to give me your address soon.:)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

Blissy Prime

CML if you'd like more.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

do you have any extra stantler from ul
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

bumping my thread nothing new to add
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

Hi if you could CML for 2 Yanmega Primes? I have 4 Cinccino RH's and more
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

My Nidoking TR
Your Bouffalant Revenge RH

Please PM me if this is good! :)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

HI! Please CML for, 1x Unown DARK (RH) and 2x Junk Arm RH. Please LMK what you see. Thanks!
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

ChiaPet would you do 2 rh Cinccino and your Krookodile for a Yanmega prime?

Darksoul yea I am good with the trade I will pm ya.

Techdeck101 I am interested in your flareon star as well as glaceon lv x. though atm I only have 1 rh junk arm and not 2 (it's in a friends deck and I can't get access to it atm) is there anything else you need/want.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

Well, I kinda like the Gengar & Houndoom Prime.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

My KGL Bottom for your Cressellia Deoxys Top? PM me if its a deal.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

^ I don't have a cressellia deoxys top (I don't think one exists) I do have a raquazaz and deoxys legend bottom.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

Please CML for your Alph Lithograph.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

would you do x3 DCE for the alph lithograph?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more


Which alph is it? 1,2,3 or 4?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

I could do 1 DCE, as to the fact that that particular alph is 4.99, and DCE is 4.80, which is just .19 cents short of being equal
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

No thanks then since this card is still a secret rare so I still value it a little more.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

Ok, thanks anyway.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

tiger-lilly said:
ChiaPet would you do 2 rh Cinccino and your Krookodile for a Yanmega prime?

Darksoul yea I am good with the trade I will pm ya.

Techdeck101 I am interested in your flareon star as well as glaceon lv x. though atm I only have 1 rh junk arm and not 2 (it's in a friends deck and I can't get access to it atm) is there anything else you need/want.

Hi Tigerlilly

Any chance you could add a Twins Rev holo and Junk Arm Rev. Holo to the deal? I could add another Krookodile if you'd like to?


2 Krookodile
2 RH Cinccino


1 Yanmega Prime
reverse Holo Twins
Reverse Holo Junk Arm?

If that sounds good Pm to confirm? Thanks for considering :)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more

Chia The RH Junk Arm is currently in another deal atm I will let you know if it will go through or not but yes I am ok with the deal unless you see another rh trainer you would like.