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Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

Espeon Prime

Electrode Prime
Electivire HGSS TR

also Interested in Mew Prime and you can CML for that please.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

Dark Pokémon Trainer sure I will do that traide pm me if you still want to do the traide....
the crippller 18 yea I will do the HSSS Electivire and the Electroide prime for espeion prime
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

On your refs you also have one from me for +1. I think it's post #18 or 19 on your ref thread.
Also, do you have any Supreme Victors? Particularly Blaziken FB Lv.X? I have Umbreon Prime.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~


x1 Lugia Leg bottom half
x1 Umbreon Prime
x1 Espeon Prime
x1 Absol g


mew prime
electrode prime
scizor prime
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

Hey, I'm interested in:
1 Mew Prime

x2 Skull Fossil (RF)
1 Combusken (RF)
1 Poochyena (RF)

1 Warp Energy (RF)
1 Haunter (RF)

1 Metagross (1 RF)
1 Snowpoint Temple (RF)

I have some of your wants, mainly the legends, but they're worth more than these. I do have collector's though. How many do you need?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

CML for:

Mew Prime

I have:

1 Lugia Leg bottom half
1 Ho-oh Leg. top half
x1 Umbreon Prime
x1 Absol g
X1 Palmer's Contribution

lmk post on my trade thread/pm me with an offer
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

Moter Rotom thanks for reminding me and I added you also no sorry I don't have any blaziken lv x
Spardan I no longer have any of those primes up for traid atm they are all in a trade deal wating for the address but if I don't get any responce by tomarow I will let you know.
crm103top08 sorry the mew prime is in a trade but the rest are still available and I need x2 collector's
mlouden03 sorry mew prime is in a trade deal atm....
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

would you trade your mew prime for my dialga palkia legend bottom?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

mew prime is curently in a trade I will let you know if the trade dose not go though by tomarow
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

1 Suicune & Entei Legend both top and bottom

2x gyarados sf
1x warp energy
1x lucario gl
1x combee sf
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

FistBumpIt yea I am willing to do that traide pm me if your still willing to do the traide.