CML for any of these you would be willing to trade:
Don't want 1st edition by the way.
Base set:
#3 Chansey
#13 Poliwrath
#14 Raichu
#15 Venusaur
#74 Item Finder
#1 Clefable H
#5 Kangaskhan H
#11 Snorlax H
#12 Vaporeon H
#21 Kangaskhan
#23 Nidoqueen
#13 Muk H
#15 Zapdos H
#21 Haunter
#24 Kabutops
#29 Raichu
Team Rocket
#1 Dark Alakazam
#3 Dark Blastoise
#5 Dark Dragonite
#6 Dark Dugtrio
#7 Dark Golbat
#10 Dark Machamp
#11 Dark Magneton
#12 Dark Slowbro
#14 Dark Weezing
#15 Here Comes Team Rocket!
#20 Dark Blastoise
#22 Dark Dragonite
#26 Dark Hypno
#27 Dark Machamp
#28 Dark Magneton
#31 Dark Weezing
#83/82 Dark Raichu H
#80 trainer something... dunno
Gym Heroes
#4 Erika's Dragonair
#5 Erika's Vileplume
#8 Lt. Surge's Magneton
#9 Misty's Seadra H Prerelease
#10 Misty's Tentacruel
#11 Rocket's Hitmonchan
#12 Rocket's Moltres
#14 Sabrina's Gengar
#20 Brock's Golem
#27 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz
#29 Misty's Cloyster
#30 Misty's Goldeen
#34 Sabrina's Venomoth
Gym Challenge
#1 Blaine's Arcanine
#8 Giovanni's Persian
#16 Sabrina's Alakazam
#23 Giovanni's Nidoqueen
#25 Koga's Arbok
Base Set 2: (low priority
#3 Chansey
#6 Clefairy
#10 Mewtwo
#14 Pidgeot
#15 Poliwrath
#18 Venusaur
#19 Wigglytuff
#21 Beedrill
#22 Dragonair
#23 Dugtrio
#24 Electabuzz
#31 Venomoth
#32 Victreebel
and commons/uncommon 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 44, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 66, 69, 70, 72, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 98, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114
Off your wants list I have a zoroark toy with alomolola still in original package. See if there is anything else on my list you are interested in.